Feel the Heat: A Contemporary Romance Anthology

“I figure we’ve got about forty-eight hours, give or take, before we have to be at the airport for our flight home. How ‘bout we go back to our suite and order room service for dinner. Make the most of the time we have.”

Waiting for Carly’s answer killed him. The zipper on his pants dug into the swollen flesh of his cock. The pain took the edge off his arousal or he’d have come in his pants with the images of what they were going to do running through his head. How would she react when he showed her what he was like in the bedroom? Right now she was turned on, her nipples poked against her top, and she’d been squirming in her seat since they sat down.

Her eyes were dilated and if she licked those plump red lips one more time he’d yank her across the table and lick them himself. She was aroused but would she take him up on his offer? He couldn’t wait any longer. He’d take the choice out of her hands. Putting his glass back on the table, he came to his feet.

“Come on. I’m through waiting.”


Saxon plucked the drink from her hand, slapped the almost-empty glass down next to his before he wrapped his hand around her arm and hauled her to her feet. He took money from his pocket and dropped it on the table. There was too much but someone would get a generous tip because he didn’t plan on hanging around to count out the right amount or wait for change. Carly sputtered a protest, a miniscule little squeak that told him all he needed to know about her willingness to go with him.

Leaving the bar, he led her through the middle courtyard of the hotel to the elevator. She fought to keep up with his long strides and by the time his finger stabbed the up button her breathing was labored. Due to arousal or their sprint across the paved area? He couldn’t be sure, but his own breathing was shallow and rasped in his ears. Heated blood pumped through his veins and filled his cock. If she felt a tenth of the lust he did, it would be enough.

The doors swished open and he pushed Carly in ahead of him. He pressed the button for their floor. When the doors closed, he spun around and pinned her to the back wall. Wedging his leg between hers, he ground his thigh on her crotch. Heat scorched his skin through the layers of clothing. She was on fire. He pressed harder, eliciting a moan of pleasure from her beautiful mouth. The invitation was clear and he took it.

Slamming his mouth to hers, he sucked her bottom lip between his teeth and bit into the tender flesh. Her gasp of surprise allowed him access to the dark warmth his tongue sought to claim. All the months of holding back, waiting to take her, exploded into the kiss. He dominated, ravished and took without apology. Every corner, every recess became his. Her flavor was like a drug, the more he tasted the more he wanted.

His cock pulsed and he pumped his hips, pushing the throbbing organ against her supple belly. With the fingers of one hand tangled in her hair, he held her midnight tresses tight to keep her mouth under his. His other hand molded itself to her breast, her nipple prodding his palm. Drawing his hand back, he dragged his fingers over the mound until they caught on the bud. Using the padded tips, he tugged and pinched until the peak turned rock hard.

She moaned into his mouth and thrust her tongue against his while grinding her pussy on his thigh. He raised his leg, forcing her onto her toes, and felt her body quiver with her building orgasm. The ding of the elevator barely registered but the gasp of the elderly couple waiting when the doors opened did.

Saxon jerked away and Carly slid down onto the soles of her feet and kept going. His arm shot out and wrapped around her waist. Holding her to his side, he walked them out onto their floor. On wobbly legs, she tottered beside him. Quickening his steps, he marched them down the hall. His blood boiled, every vein filled to overflowing and his cock had never been so stiff. They’d never make the bed. He’d take her the second they got inside the room.

Keycard out, Saxon swiped it through the reader and elbowed the door open. They stumbled inside. He turned them around, used their combined weight to slam the door shut and trap Carly between the solid timber and his hard body. Her soft curves cupped his rigid angles, molding to him like she was custom made to fit. Small hands slid up his back and gripped his shoulders as she thrust her pelvis into his. His testicles drew up under his body and pre-cum leaked from the tip of his cock.

Evelyn Adams, Christine Bell, Rhian Cahill, Mari Carr, Margo Bond Collins, Jennifer Dawson, Cathryn Fox, Allison Gatta, Molly McLain, Cari Quinn's books