Feel the Heat: A Contemporary Romance Anthology

Finally, after a suitcase removal, a kiss that had my foot popping—on purpose—and a slow roll into the airport, I walked away from Bradley fucking Resslen. Holy crap. It had been some weekend.

I relived the memories in exquisite detail as I got my ticket, as I waited in a horrendous security line, and as I waited for the plane. Normally an annoyed traveler, today I felt serene. And sublime.

I dug into the front pocket of my suitcase before boarding, looking for my e-reader. My hand nudged a little box.

Frowning, I took it out. And then a smile curled my lips.

Shaking slightly, I opened the black velvet box with the insignia of the pearl store and beheld the necklace I had picked out. A note fluttered to the ground. I bent to retrieve it, then read: “Thank you for a truly remarkable time. I look forward to marrying you on the spot where we first met. – Bradley”

My face flamed and my stomach somersaulted. My foot started tapping, and this time I just let it happen. I did a little jig and threw my hand up for a high five. The guy waiting in line behind me was a good sport and slapped my palm.

“He’s the best, seriously,” I told the man. “Delusional, because talking about marriage after two days is a little nuts, but he’s seriously the freaking best.”

“Not delusional,” the man said. “Sometimes you just know.”

I smiled and clutched the little velvet box.

The man was right. Sometimes you did just know.

The End

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Cherished by the SEAL

by Zoe York

Author’s Note

Cherished by the SEAL is a standalone story connected to the ASSIGNMENT: Caribbean Nights series. You can read more about that world at www.navysealromance.com.

The first book that I wrote in that series is Ruined by the SEAL. You’ll see a glimpse of Mick and Cara in this book.

I love the Caribbean. There’s nothing more romantic than walking through a resort once the sun goes down, surrounded by fragrant flowers and the sounds of the ocean. Maybe live music off in the distance. For this reason, I’ve visited this part of the world in two series so far, and can’t wait to come back. If you want to stay in touch and hear about any future releases—beach reads, military romance, and more!—please join my VIP Reader Mailing List here: www.smarturl.it/ZoeYorkNewsletter.

~ Zoe York www.zoeyork.com


Logan adjusted the flower pinned to his lapel for the tenth time and paced outside Tori’s hotel suite.

As the dude of honor, he was left waiting in the hallway as her sisters got her into her wedding dress. Some things weren’t for best friends to do when one best friend had a dick—especially when that dick secretly wanted the bride-to-be.

He left out a frustrated breath because that was a thought he was not allowed to dwell on today.

It was Tori’s wedding day, and she was over-the-moon, ridiculously happy with Stephen. He was everything Logan’s best friend wanted in a man: stable, smart, and safe.

Everything that Logan wasn’t.

Hell, he’d barely made it to the wedding because his SEAL team had gotten stuck in the middle of a jungle for an extra seventy-two hours.

Not a big deal to him. That was his job. But for Tori? He’d have been gutted if she’d felt like he couldn’t be trusted to be there for her on the most important day of her life.

Since she accidentally pinged him in the head with a dodgeball in grade three, Victoria Fletcher had been Logan Dwyer’s best friend in the entire world. And as soon as whatever drop-dead-sexy lingerie she was wearing was safely hidden under a dozen layers of lace, he was going to be by her side until the second she said “I do” and he had to officially accept that he was no longer the most important man in her life.

Since he’d spent the last six years on the SEAL teams, flitting in and out of her life, often without any notice…well, he probably hadn’t worn that label in her mind since college.

But in his mind, and his heart, Tori would forever be his girl.

He turned around and glared at himself in the mirror across from the elevators. His damn flower looked just fine. It was his attitude that needed serious re-adjustment.

Behind him, the elevator began to work with a muted sound of gears, and a ding on a floor above or below. Logan never turned off his heightened sense of awareness. He listened again. Below, definitely. And as soon as the elevator started up, it slowed again, so before the doors opened on Tori’s floor, Logan was already turned around and facing the lift.

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