Feel the Heat: A Contemporary Romance Anthology

His tip bumped my opening. I held my breath, on edge, weirdly anxious. With a sigh, he pushed forward and filled me to the brim.

“Oh heavens,” I said as my eyes fluttered shut. “Oh…goodness. Good gracious. Shit.” My nerve endings sang as I stretched around him. My fingers turned into claws as I held on for dear life against the waves of pleasure.

He pushed my hands above my head again and started moving, slowly. Too slowly. Torturous.

I tried to rock to get more friction as I moved my head from side to side against the deep, pleasurable assault on my senses. My body was trapped under his, though. Held prisoner within the exquisite sensation.

I rolled my hips, finding a little movement. It was nothing but a tease, almost like he was keeping me still on purpose.

A long, pained moan ripped from my throat. The buildup was unbearable. I needed more, more, more.

I pushed at his shoulder, taking charge. He resisted until I practically bucked him off. With a devilish grin he rolled onto his back. His hands skimmed up my legs as I crawled on top of him. Grabbing his cock by the base, I navigated over his tip and then sat down. Hard.

“Oh shi—” Brad squeezed his eyes shut. His fingers gripped my thighs.

I jerked my hips over him, feeling him slide in and then back out. I circled my hips and bucked my body before sitting again, hitting every good spot I could. And then I bent forward, low over him, rubbing my nipples against his hard chest.

“Yes,” he said. It was nothing more than an awe-filled sigh.

I curled my fingers around his wrists and held his hands above his head. He was a good sport and let me pretend I was strong enough to keep them there. Lips on lips, skin flush, I ground my hips into his, breathing heavily. His breath mingled with mine.

“Oh Brad,” I moaned, winding up now. Feeling so damn good it should be illegal. “Yes.”

He tore his hands out from under mine and slapped them to my butt.

“OH! Brad, hmmm…” He lifted me up and then slammed me back down, driving pleasure into me. The giant bed was rocking hard now. Everything in me tightened. Coiled. On the edge. Waiting for—

Another hard slam.

I blasted apart as an orgasm rocked me. Pleasure sizzled through my body, penetrating my bones. I convulsed as wave after wave of bliss washed over me. And then I melted over his chest.

I was incapable of speech. I couldn’t even utter a “Wow.”

He didn’t speak either. Just wrapped his arms around me as his frantic breathing started to slow. His heart pounded in his chest, its frenzied pace matching mine.

I wondered if he was just as awe-struck as I was, or if he had the world’s best sex all the time.

Because holy shit, the man was a legend.

With a worryingly soft warmth unfurling deep within me, something I’d told myself to stay away from lest something go wrong and I turned insane like last time, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

“Good morning.”

I fluttered my eyes open in the dim light as the bed compressed beside me. Brad sat in boxers and nothing else, his gorgeous body on display.

I needed to remember to take a picture. That was screensaver-worthy, right there.

“Are you hungry?” he asked. He trailed his fingertips over my temple, clearing hair away from my face.

Pleasant tingles infused my soreness. The man was large and we hadn’t gone easy on each other. It was a great problem to have, but still, my lady stuff was aching.

“Probably.” I stretched and yawned. And then realized the room was dark because the heavy shades had been drawn to block out the light.

With a flash of alarm I sat up. Clutching the sheet to my chest to hide my nakedness, I looked out at the sunshiny glow in the main room. “What time is it?”

“Seven thirty. What did you have planned for today?”

I glanced at the ground for my clothes. “Lots of lectures and seminars. I think the first one is at nine, but I need to check.”

“I was going to order breakfast. We never got around to dinner—you must be starving.”

I shrugged, because I didn’t usually eat in the mornings. I’d long ago decided sleep was better than breakfast. “Can you hand me my shirt?”

“Here.” He crossed to a closet and extracted a white, fluffy robe.

I hesitated when he tried to hand it to me. “You’re probably busy. I can just head out.”

His brow furrowed. He shook his head. “I’d rather you stayed, if you’re willing.”

Frowning, because this wasn’t usually how one-night stands went, I cautiously took the robe.

“What’s the matter?” he asked, sitting down beside me again.

“Just that…you were already up and half dressed. That usually means get out. But now you’re hanging around… Mixed signals, man. I’m not sure where I stand.”

“Your honesty is refreshing.” He laughed. “I had a few emails to get to, and an early call.”

Evelyn Adams, Christine Bell, Rhian Cahill, Mari Carr, Margo Bond Collins, Jennifer Dawson, Cathryn Fox, Allison Gatta, Molly McLain, Cari Quinn's books