Feel the Heat: A Contemporary Romance Anthology

“Just what a soul needs, isn’t it?” The woman held out an oversized gold key. “We put you in our biggest room. You’re our only guest, so you’ll have privacy. Don’t you worry. We’ll take care of you.”

“Thank you.” Hayley took the key and reached down to grab her suitcase, but Claire waved her off. “Leave your bag. We’ll take it up.” Claire made shooing motions. “Go on up. Enjoy the refreshments and the view.”

Hayley climbed the three flights of stairs, and used the old-fashioned key to open the door. Wow. Her “room” encompassed the entire third floor. Hayley closed the door behind her and wandered around the simple, yet lovely suite.

To the left, there was a teeny kitchenette with a mini-fridge, microwave, and coffee pot. Next to the single counter was the dining area. A small round table and two chairs sat on top of a yellow rag carpet. On the table, cheese, crackers, and fruit were arranged on a plain white plate. A bottle of merlot chilled in a bucket, or she could choose the tea service for one that included packets of peach-flavored black tea. On the other side of the kitchen was the bathroom. She glanced inside, delighted to discover a glass stand-up shower and a huge jetted tub. A long marble counter held two sinks and a basketful of complimentary lotions, shampoos, and conditioners. She was surprised to see the items included her favorite brands and scents.

She turned and wandered to the right, pausing to take it all in. The large sitting area had a couch, two wingbacks—sky-blue in color—and the same kind of oblong table she’d noticed in the lobby. Two yellow throws draped the couch, which faced two huge French doors that opened onto a deck. She crossed to the windows, peered outside, and smiled. The deck overlooked the quiet, surging ocean. In its rectangular space, she saw a comfy chaise lounge and a single table perfect for a glass of wine and a book.

Sighing in contentment, she moved from the windows and looked at the one section of the room she’d saved for last. The distressed pale yellow dresser sat in its own nook. On the far wall, huge bookshelves stuffed with books marched nearly the entire length. Her gaze bounced to the nightstand that matched the color and design of the dresser. On it sat a slender lamp shaped like an opening flower.

Finally, Hayley allowed her gaze to rest on the four-poster bed. It was made from deep, rich wood, the same color and texture as the coffee table. Gauzy butter yellow curtains drifted from the ceiling and surrounded the bed—a blushing bride hiding behind her veil. The material offered thin protection from prying eyes. Hayley inhaled a deep breath, dipped inside, and found herself in a plush heaven of thick comforters, endless pillows, and the promise of sleep most divine.

Fifteen minutes passed, then half an hour. She realized she felt more at peace in this bed, at this resort, on this island than she’d felt in a very long time. Giddy with the prospect of napping, she scooted off, got rid of all her clothes, cracked open the French doors, and then jumped back on the soft bedding, rolling on it and, God help her, giggling.

Soon, she lay on her bed, luxuriating in the warm breeze blowing in through the open windows.


Her eyes drifted shut.

She relaxed deeply into the thick comforter, breathed deeply, and fell asleep.

When Hayley awoke, she raised her arms above her head and stretched, feeling refreshed and light-hearted. At some point, she had snuggled under the top comforter; she felt warm in the cocoon of covers. The afternoon had given way to deep evening. She sat up in bed. A cool breeze fluttered the curtains as it breezed inside and it seemed to swirl around her.

She felt as though she’d been transported into a surreal dream. Even before the murder, when nightmares had not been her sleep companions, she had never rested so well. Her joy faded. Here she was, alive and unharmed. Would guilt always have its sharp claws embedded in her conscience?

Shaking off her thoughts and the thick blanket, she slid out of bed, her gaze landing on a pair of white cotton slippers. Were those there before she took the nap? She glanced at the end of the bed and saw a matching robe. She should have been scared, after all, someone had entered her room while she was sleeping, but along with the slippers, candles had been distributed throughout the room and on the deck. They were all lit and cast a lovely, romantic glow.

Evelyn Adams, Christine Bell, Rhian Cahill, Mari Carr, Margo Bond Collins, Jennifer Dawson, Cathryn Fox, Allison Gatta, Molly McLain, Cari Quinn's books