Feel the Heat: A Contemporary Romance Anthology

She collapsed against him, her arms around his neck as she slowly smoothed her fingers through his hair. He curled his arm around her hips to keep her from slipping to the floor in a heap.

Well, maybe that was more for him. Dehydration from tequila and a long hot shower with phenomenal sex probably wasn’t the best idea, but who the hell cared? “Jesus, you feel amazing,” he said against her breast. He sipped some of the moisture that beaded up on her skin.

She pressed a kiss to his temple then pulled his face away from her chest, cradling his cheeks. “We’re going to need a shower to recover from our shower.”

He brought her hand to his mouth, seeing the proof of just how long they’d been in there. “We’re all pruny. We should probably try and get up.”

Harper laughed. “I’m not sure my legs actually work at the moment.”

He stood with her, grabbing onto the alcove when black spots danced around his head. “I need a gallon of water and something hugely greasy.”

“Oh, yeah. Hey, you liked those pub fries over at Rhianna’s?”

“Yeah.” He carefully set her down and pulled her back over to the middle of the shower. They quickly soaped up and did the whole hair treatment before stumbling out to the bathroom to fight over the sink for a thorough tooth brushing.

They bumped around each other to dry off, their touches softer and less harried now that they had their shower of magical sex out of their system. Not wanting to deal with his hair, he tied on a bandanna, shoved a pair of shades on his face, and stepped into another pair of board shorts.

When he turned around, Harper was fastening a long gold necklace with glass and metal dangles that hung between her magnificent breasts. She shrugged into a bikini top and the purple triangles with cutouts cupped said perfect breasts, making his mouth water.

She had her arms up above her head, tying her hair into one of her crazy intricate braids. If it was at all possible, she looked even more like a mermaid. When she snapped a rubber band around the ends of her braid, he crossed the room and lifted her up, kissing her soundly.

“You are not getting me naked again,” she said and squirmed. “I’m starving, dammit.”

He tucked his arms under her butt and lifted her breasts to his eye level. “I’m not sure I should let you out of the house with this whole ensemble on.”

She stiffened. “Let me?”

“Way too delectable. How the hell am I going to concentrate? Or better yet, when some punk kid drools over you, how am I not going to kill him?”

“So I should take it off for the safety of others?”


She relaxed into his arms, playing with the ends of his hair. “Good save. But I’m still wearing it.”

He nosed along the triangle and watched her nipple peak. “Jesus, you are so goddamn beautiful it hurts to look at you sometimes.”

She cupped the back of his head as he flicked his tongue along the little cutout, then moved over to her nipple and sucked her through the material. He lowered her to the floor and palmed her ass before stepping back. She was wearing tiny white shorts that showcased her tan legs. “Yeah, I’m so going to have to kill someone today.”

Harper grabbed her sunglasses off the bed. “Now you know how I feel twenty-four seven.”

Deacon tugged his faded white Led Zeppelin shirt over his head. “Whatever.”

She walked by and whacked him on the ass. “C’mon, big guy. Feed me before I expire.”


Ride the Wave

Harper jumped on Deacon’s shoulders halfway to Rhianna’s. She was worn out, dammit. After a ridiculous piggyback ride that left her sandier and sweatier than when they landed on the ground this morning, she was happy to see the beachfront shack.

The morning rain had mostly burned off, but had lasted long enough that the beach wasn’t teeming with people today. In fact, when they schlepped into the bar, only three people were inside.

“We are out of tequila!” DJ called from the bar.

Harper laughed and held a hand over her middle. “No more tequila.”

Deacon dropped onto a bar stool beside her, his arms and shoulders pushing her over a bit. They shoved at each other until she slid her arm through his and leaned against him.

“You guys are disgusting.”

Harper grinned at DJ. “Honeymoon. We’re allowed.”

“Oh, is that what yesterday’s dance floor fuck-a-thon was?”

Harper turned her head into Deacon’s biceps. “God, were we that bad?”

DJ nodded with a serious look on her face. “Of course not.”

“Shut up.”

“Nah, you two are adorable. If he wasn’t taken, I would have kidnapped, I mean…taken him home last night.” DJ set two glasses in front of them and nodded to Deacon. “You are the most adorable drunk boy I’ve ever seen.”

Deacon groaned.

Harper grinned. “He really is. He doesn’t get sloppy often. Takes a lot to get him drunk.”

A light flush stained Deacon’s cheeks. “All right, enough about last night.”

Evelyn Adams, Christine Bell, Rhian Cahill, Mari Carr, Margo Bond Collins, Jennifer Dawson, Cathryn Fox, Allison Gatta, Molly McLain, Cari Quinn's books