Feel the Heat: A Contemporary Romance Anthology

“Baby. We have this amazing house waiting for us. Just one flight away, I promise.”

He could feel her heart racing. Her breaths all but a pant as she finally eased the tension of both arms and legs until she slid down to stand on her two feet again. She coasted her hand down his chest and belly, then cupped his erection.

“I had such plans.”

The nip of her nails through denim made him hiss. “Jesus.”

“I prefer when you moan my name. Tonight I’ll make sure it’s the only word you can say.”

He tipped his head back as her grip finally loosened and her body heat left him, along with her touch. Whatever had gotten into her, he was hoping for a double time repeat once they got to Galveston.

She untied her apron and dumped it into a white box that held place cards and discarded menus. She turned to him, holding out her hand. “I am so very ready to go on our honeymoon.”



The hiss of hydraulics and gentle bounce of the plane landing brought Harper around. She didn’t even remember falling asleep. She’d sat down next to Deacon, still revved from their little interlude at the Bishop holiday party job.

In fact she’d had definite plans to lure him into the bathroom for an official punch on her mile high club card. But she’d blinked out for the entire three hour ride.

“Hey there.”

Deacon looked down at her, his eyes soft and sweet as always. “You were out for the count, champ.”

“Yeah. I don’t even remember falling asleep.” She frowned and looked around at the passengers gathering their belongings. “I didn’t snore, did I?”

His eyes twinkled. “No, of course not.”

She hunched her shoulders. “Oh man, I did.”

He laughed. “Just a purr.”


He leaned into her, his kiss gentle. “You’ve been running on four hours of sleep a night for weeks. I’m glad you got some sleep. I have plans for you, wife.”

She sighed at the way he said wife, the intent in his green eyes, and the light tease of his fingers coasting along her jaw—all things she’d missed so much lately. Her belly flipped as his hair fell forward curtaining out the world. The fresh scent she always associated with him replaced the stale cabin air in the little pocket he’d formed. “You do, huh?”

“All of them include no clothing.” He brushed his mouth over hers. “None.”

She let herself fall into him. No rushing, no quick kisses as they passed each other in the morning. Her getting up to work, him coming home from the studio. They had all the time in the world for each other. For a solid week, he was hers and she was his.

He broke away when he was bumped by another passenger. The flight attendant was barking out information about Houston, the airport, the weather. She sighed. “I guess we need to get out of here.”

“Looks like.” With one more kiss, he stood and grabbed their carryons from the overhead compartment. He filled the aisle, halting the forward progression of the people behind him to let her go first.

It really was nice to have her own personal fullback—or was it tight end? She peered up at him and he smiled down at her.


“Nothing.” She looped her carryon bag over her neck and moved down the aisle. When his hand landed on her ass with a smack, she laughed and hastened her stride.

True to his word, Deacon had kept their wardrobe to a minimum. All they had to wear fit in his travel duffel. They were good at traveling light. She had Galveston and the beach to look forward to, clothing was definitely going to be optional.

She didn’t even get cranky as they shuffled down the ramp like cattle. And wonder of wonders the rental car gods were with them too. Deacon had them packed and on the road in no time.

Acres of lights swirled with on-ramps and off-ramps as they left the rental garage and followed signs to the highway. She held Deacon’s hand while lights whisked past her window. Her eyelids kept drooping, but she had an endless fascination with runways. She didn’t want to miss a moment in the symphony that only the tower could command. Once they hit the monotony of the highway, her eyelids won the battle.

She blinked awake feeling groggy and confused when Deacon smoothed her hair out of her face through the open door. God, she never slept this freaking much.

“Hey there, sleeping beauty.”

She rolled her eyes. “I can’t believe you let me sleep again.”

His face was in stark shadow from the night and the dome light of the car. All angles and amused half-smile. “I didn’t let you do anything, Lawless. You were out like a damn light.”


“Don’t be. You’ve been working your tail off for weeks, babe. You needed the rest.”

“I know, but it’s our honeymoon.”

“Not like we could do anything in the car.”

She arched a brow.

He laughed and scooped her out of the seat. “We’ll save that for inside.”

She slipped her arm around his neck. “You’re no fun.”

Evelyn Adams, Christine Bell, Rhian Cahill, Mari Carr, Margo Bond Collins, Jennifer Dawson, Cathryn Fox, Allison Gatta, Molly McLain, Cari Quinn's books