Feel the Heat: A Contemporary Romance Anthology

“What are you saying?” One eyebrow lifted and amusement flashed in her eyes. A challenge? Perhaps she didn’t think him civilized enough to control his baser instincts.

He put another step between them and cleared his throat. She wanted civilized, then he’d give her civilized. He might end up with the biggest case of blue balls ever, but he’d do just about anything to keep her smiling. “Nothing. You wanna dance, we’ll dance.”

She narrowed her eyes for a frozen moment, then closed them and sighed. “Great.” Only her tone didn’t sound great at all. In fact, she sounded pissed off again.

What in the ever-loving fuck?

“Come on.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him along the boardwalk. “We’re going to be late and they’re going to think we stood them up.”

And that was more important than attending to their marital needs?

Instead of digging in his heels, Dan blew out a breath and followed his wife as best he could, despite the tightness in his shorts. When they finally did get around to making love again, he wasn’t gonna last two minutes, because this hot and cold shit she was doing was driving him friggin’ insane.

Still, he’d vowed to make her happy and if she wanted to go dancing with people they didn’t know, then he’d choke back his own needs in order to fulfill hers.

They finally arrived at the club several minutes later. At just after nine o’clock, the place was packed. Bodies bounced all around them, popping to the beat sound of reggae hip-hop, and he cringed. This wasn’t his scene at all, but the big grin on Maddie’s face when she eyed the crush of people on the dance floor told him it was hers. At least for tonight.

“Let’s get a drink and see if the others are here.” She tugged him toward the bar, glowing like a rainbow from lights placed behind the myriad of colored bottles on the rails. Maddie ordered a Corona for him and something blue and fruity for herself.

“Holy shit, is that one of the couples?” He took a pull from his beer and angled his chin toward the duo practically humping right there on the outskirts of the dance floor.

“Yeah, it is.” Maddie tipped her head to the side, her mouth gaping as she took in the nearly horizontal, bump and grind move the guy—Tanner, was it?—was putting down on his very scantily clad girlfriend. “Wow, that’s kinda hot.”

Not nearly as hot as they’d be if they were back in their suite doing the same exact thing. Naked.

“And there’s Armando. Damn.” She turned into him, as if hiding from the instructor. Interesting. Maybe she wasn’t into the asshole after all.

Pleased, Dan smirked over the top of his beer bottle as Armando raised a hand in greeting and began a trek toward them.

“He’s probably gonna ask you to dance, babe.” He bent and spoke against her ear. “What are you gonna tell him?”

“He wouldn’t do that. He knows I’m married.”

Dan gave a wry laugh and lowered his hand to her ass. He gave her a light squeeze and nuzzled his nose into her hair. “I’m pretty sure that ring on your finger is just a technicality to guys like him.”

Burying her face in his shirt, she groaned. “Of course I’ll tell him no. The only man I’m dancing with tonight is my sexy husband.”

Damn straight. But... “You know I don’t really dance.” He kissed the top of her head. “Dance with the surf god. I might even enjoy watching you.”

Maddie reared back, her pointy little chin pulled in tight against the smooth column of her throat. “Really?”

He shrugged. He’d surprised them both with that response, but considering it further, there was something vaguely appealing about imagining Maddie and another man throwing it down on the dance floor. Even if that man happened to be friggin’ Armando. Now if they got out of hand like the younger couple, he might feel otherwise. But Maddie would never cross that line, so there was nothing to worry about.

“I don’t want to cramp your style, babe. Go do your thing. Just keep your panties on, okay?”

That mysterious gleam flashed in Maddie’s eyes again, but before he could question her, Armando appeared beside them.

“Bella and Dan!” Somehow the instructor looked even more built with a shirt on. Not that Dan was the slightest bit intimidated, even when the guy grabbed Maddie’s hand and twirled her right out of his arms. Her dress lifted, showing off more of her pale, creamy thighs and an almost indecent expanse of mile-long legs. Despite the dimly lit club, Dan could still see blatant interest shadow the instructor’s face. “Eres muy hermosa, bella.”

Evelyn Adams, Christine Bell, Rhian Cahill, Mari Carr, Margo Bond Collins, Jennifer Dawson, Cathryn Fox, Allison Gatta, Molly McLain, Cari Quinn's books