Feel the Heat: A Contemporary Romance Anthology

"I'm all better now. It really was barely a burn. I can walk around and--"

Frank held up a hand to silence her and she stopped short, though she had to fight not to narrow her eyes at him.

"I understand. It's not your feet that concern me. I just want you to be able to take this time to relax and enjoy yourself. So, after meeting with the other board members this morning, we've determined that it might be a better idea for you to sit back this morning instead of giving the keynote speech."

Her mouth dropped open for just a second, but then she glared around, trying to see if anyone had heard what he'd said. Or, rather, if they'd notice her groveling for him to reconsider.

No such luck, though. It felt like every eye in the room was trained on her, waiting for her to drop the ball or freak out again. And with Frank sitting there like the em-effing-buddha, all serene and dignified, it was hardly the time to beg.

So she did the only thing she could do.

She tried for her own dreamy smile and shuffled the cards in front of her before stuffing them into her bag. "That's very thoughtful of you."

Barbara's gaze caught hers and she noticed the slightest shake of the other woman's head before she turned to face Frank again. "Thank you."

"Thank you, dear. I knew you'd understand."


Without another word, he placed his hands on his knees and heaved himself from the chair, waddling his way over to the executive table as everyone in the room looked on.

Felicia glanced at the piece of toast in front of her, but her stomach heaved just considering it. She poked it with one finger before leaning back in her seat and closing her eyes.

This was okay. It wasn't a sign. It wasn't some clue that she was the next to be sacked.

Barbara got things wrong all the time. In fact, wasn't Barbara the one who claimed that alien abductions happened all the time and when people least suspected them? Who would take stock in the claims of a woman like that?

Felicia opened her eyes and watched as Ken Thomas--now known as Dragon Rider--took to the podium and tapped the tiny microphone.

"Good morning," he began, but as he went on, his words all seemed to blurr together. She noted words that were in her own speech--something here about unity, something there about innovation, but aside from that, she had nothing.

She'd been replaced.

Barbara glanced at her from across the room again and Felicia scooted from her chair as quickly and quietly as she could, then backed out into the resort hallway.

She had to find a bathroom. Someplace to clear her mind, to think things through and get right with herself.

She sprinted down the hall until she found a water fountain and stopped short. She took a quick look around, then leaned her hip on the little lever and splashed her face with some of the cool, crisp water.

"Get it together, Felicia," she whispered. "This doesn't mean anything. You just have to...have to..."

She sighed, then splashed her face with water. "If you can't beat them, join them. You just have to beat them at their own game. Chill out. You just have to--"

"Talking to yourself?" A familiar voice sounded from behind her and she turned to find Doctor Patterson staring down at her. This time, though, she didn't have to imagine what he'd look like underneath his lab coat and professional-looking slacks. Today, he was dressed in bright red swim trunks and nothing else, leaving every line of his perfectly contoured abs open for her to ogle.

She trained her vision on his cool blue eyes, then swallowed hard. He was smiling a toothy, white smile she hadn't seen the day before. The lines of concern on his forehead had been replaced with clear amusement.

He was laughing at her.

"I wasn't--" she started, but he cut her off.

"You were. It's okay. Perfectly sane, in fact."

Something warm dripped on her cheek and suddenly she was all too aware of how her face must look. The lines of her mascara were probably running down her cheeks, making her look like a discount rodeo clown.

Quickly, she swiped her cheek with the back of her hand. "Glad to hear it."

"I'm glad you read the pamphlet, too."


"The pep talks, the cold water. It all helps. Though, if you're not busy, maybe you'd like to try those stress tests--"

"No offense, but you don't seem to be dressed for work."

He glanced down at himself, then smiled. "No, I guess you're right. I'm going to meet a friend who does surf instruction on the island."

"That sounds fun."

"It's a nice way to relax, for sure." He placed the emphasis "relax" and she had to fight not to roll her eyes at him.

"You know, some people just like to work."

"And some people work until it kills them," he shot back. "Besides, since I'm off the clock, I might mention that your hair would probably look great if you let it down every once in awhile."

"I let my hair down."

Evelyn Adams, Christine Bell, Rhian Cahill, Mari Carr, Margo Bond Collins, Jennifer Dawson, Cathryn Fox, Allison Gatta, Molly McLain, Cari Quinn's books