Feel the Heat: A Contemporary Romance Anthology

Quinn climbed to his feet and pulled her up with him. “How about a swim?” When she caught the tenderness in his eyes, it had her wondering if it was it possible that he’d want to continue with this relationship when they returned home. Then again, what if this weekend was it, and when they returned home they’d both go back to their lives?

Her stomach tightened because she had no idea how she could go back to dating nice, kind men, who had no idea what she wanted in a relationship. She pushed that disheartening thought aside and decided now was not the time to dwell on it. Now was the time to enjoy Quinn, and this island, and forget about reality for awhile.

“I’d love to,” she said, hoping her voice didn’t sound as shaky as her insides.

The rest of the day and night was spent in each other’s arms, and they woke to a glorious Sunday where they played in the surf and made love beneath the sun. Before she realized it, Sunday night was upon them, and it was time to head back to reality.

After their last lovemaking session a little over an hour ago, Quinn had instructed her to go to her room to pack. Dressed in a pantsuit not at all unlike the one she’d arrived in, and leaving the clothes behind that Quinn had purchased for her, her heart felt heavy as she sealed her suitcase. She swallowed the knot in her throat, her gut warning that this could very well be the last she was going to see of Quinn, considering he hadn’t made mention of seeing her or continuing with their relationship when they left this idyllic island behind.

A knock came on her door and she hurried to it, but disappointment settled in her stomach when she found Michael there to collect her.

“Mr. Montgomery is ready to escort you back home.”

She followed him to the plane, and took her seat in the back as Quinn, who was once again dressed in his flight suit, flew her back home. She sat quietly, and while she tried to catch his attention, he kept his eyes forward and his focus on the controls. A long time later they landed, and she tried not to appear as apprehensive as she felt when he opened her door to help her from the plane. His crew came to greet him and tend to the plane. He spoke to them as she stood there waiting for instructions, waiting to see what came next but her heart fell into her stomach when he asked, “Do you have a ride?”

“I left my car in underground parking.”

“Very well.” He gave a curt nod. “Have a safe drive home, Ms. Andrews.”

Swallowing against the tightness in her throat, and hating that things were ending this way, she made her way to her car. Blurry eyed, she drove the short trip home, and once inside her condo, she collapsed on her bed, exhaustion and heartache pulling at her as she fell into a fitful sleep.

Before she realized it, her alarm went off, and after hitting the snooze button, she climbed from her bed in need of coffee. As she walked to her closet to pull on her robe, she wondered what she’d wear to work, suddenly hating her entire wardrobe, hating that she had to make the choice each and every morning. Moving numbly and trying not to think of Quinn, she walked to the kitchen in desperate need of coffee, but the knock on her door startled her.

She hurried to it, hoping to find Quinn on the other side, but terrified that she wouldn’t. She pulled it open and found a courier standing there, a beautifully wrapped gift box in his hand.

“Please sign here,” he said, looking rather bored.

Pulse leaping, she scribbled her name down, and rushed to her kitchen table, shaking the light box as she went. She tore off paper, then removed the lid, setting aside the note as the beautiful dress inside gained her full attention.


She pulled the silk from the box and held it to her, the material so soft and luxurious against her body. The dress was professional enough for work—which touched her deeply, because it showed how much he truly cared for her and the image she needed to maintain as a lawyer––yet it was still sexy and sophisticated and would showcase her curves in a classy, stylish way.

She searched the box, pulling out the tissue paper until she came upon a push-up bra, but no panties to be found. A moan of excitement bubbled in her throat and her pussy quivered in erotic delight as she thought about going to work sans panties, with no one it the world knowing but her and Quinn.

As she thought about all the things he did to her, for her, during their whirlwind weekend, she ripped open the note. As she read it, her heart leapt with joy, knowing she was the luckiest woman in the world to have such an attentive and wonderful Dom like Quinn caring for her.

Emotions rose in her and heat settled deep between her legs but there was nothing she could do to contain her squeal of delight rising from her throat when she read the note a second time.

“You are to wear this to work, and nothing else. I will be by to see you at some point during the day, and if I discover that you’ve strayed from my instructions…you will be punished.”

The End

Want more? Check out Yours to Teach and Yours to Keep.

About the Author

Evelyn Adams, Christine Bell, Rhian Cahill, Mari Carr, Margo Bond Collins, Jennifer Dawson, Cathryn Fox, Allison Gatta, Molly McLain, Cari Quinn's books