February (Calendar Girl #2)

“Encore plus, bébé.” More, baby. I learned that one early on in our physical relationship.

Before I could take him there, he rolled me back over on my side. God, the man was a maniac in the sack. His stamina was unparalleled. His hips pounded into mine crushing my clit in the process. Before I knew it, I was back on the edge of heaven again. Both our bodies were slick with sweat. The set lamps only added to the heat.

“What did you say to me in French?” I asked before biting down on his lip and sucking it into mine.

“I said your sex is so hot and that I could love you all night. I think I will, ma jolie.” And that was all she wrote. He proceeded to pound into me. Words were no longer needed. The clicker was gone, somewhere near us, but I’d dropped it when my second orgasm spiked. Then my Frenchie pressed a hand in between our bodies and swirled a finger around the fiery knot between my thighs that throbbed for his attention. I clung to him as he played with me, fingers digging into his back, scratching down with the force of his thrusts. I wrapped my legs tightly around him and held on. He lifted up onto his forearms, pulled his dick almost completely out of me and rammed home. My teeth rattled and my toes curled as the orgasm tore through my body like a tornado did a house.




I cried out, my screams echoing and merging with his own as he found his release.


He had turned us back onto our sides mid-orgasm, and the last thing I remembered was a final click and a flash of light. Then I passed out.


I woke alone, my naked body covered by a couple of robes. Classical music was playing through the speakers in the warehouse loft. Still sluggish, I propped myself up and looked around. Alec was on the other side of the room. He was wearing his jeans and nothing else. Yum. The muscles of his back flexed and rippled along with his paint strokes. I don’t know how long I was out, but it must have been a long time because he’d finished most of a picture of Aiden. One of the ones where he’d had his hand wrapped around his cock, his body bowed forward, teeth clenched and head thrust back. I slipped on one of the robes and tested out my ankle. Not too bad. I slowly walked over to Alec but didn’t make my presence known. He didn’t hear me either, the music loud enough to cover my movements. He was lost in his own world anyway.

Quietly, I sat in a chair a good twenty feet away and just watched him paint. He was fastidious in his art. Perfect in his strokes. It was magical to watch. He painted the image quickly with precise movements. It seemed as if each stroke was paired with the sound of the piano keys touching down in the music. Musical art. Absolutely beautiful. The view, the man, the painting all coalesced into an ethereal experience, one I’d surely never forget nor see again in this lifetime.

After a long while, I couldn’t wait any longer to touch him. On quiet feet, I took the robe off and left it hanging over the back of the chair. On quiet feet, I padded to where he stood, in a trance staring at his art. The image seemed complete to me, but I did not have an artist’s eye. I didn’t have an eye for anything but sexy men, concert tees, and motorcycles.

When I reached him I lightly wound my arms around his form placing my hands over his pecs and my lips to the space between his shoulder blades. He smelled divine. Like the woods, sex, sweat, and paint. Alec’s chest moved with the force of his inhale at my touch. He was in a contemplative headspace, and I was breaking that, but he didn’t seem to care.

I think Alec liked my hands on him. No, I know he did. “You’re beauty and light.” I kissed along his shoulder blades then slid my hands down along each ridge and valley of his abdomen. Christ, the man was cut. For an artist, he had the body of someone who spent countless hours in the gym staying fit, but I hadn’t seen him work anything but me this week.

“Non. I am hidden in the dark, only lit when my art is on display. It is you who brings the light to surface. You are seeing your beauty reflected in me, the way my body calls to yours and yours to mine.”

Audrey Carlan's books