Fast Burn (Body Armor #4)

She sent him a mocking smile. “Be glad that I don’t, because if you read the text again, you’ll see that he also ordered me to trust no one.” She swept out a hand. “But I trust everyone here today, you most of all.”

Her statement proved a balm, helping him to calm his anger. Suddenly he felt like an ass for his reaction over Becky. “If you mean that, then—”

She interrupted to say, “In return, you have to trust me to know what I’m doing.” Caution crept into her expression. “That is, unless you’re so mad about that business with your mother that our relationship is ready to crash and burn.”

Oh no, he wouldn’t leave her safety to anyone else. “You’re stuck with me for now.”

She scowled. “How long is ‘for now’?”

Did she have to challenge him at every turn? Running a hand over his face, Brand knew he needed reinforcements, so he turned to the group.

“No,” Sahara hissed, already guessing what he’d do.

As if he hadn’t heard her protest, he called out, “Sahara got another text.”

Heads lifted, frowns fell into place and as one, the small group started toward them.

Sahara shot him an accusing frown. “That was a dirty trick.”

Brand cocked a brow. “You want to complain to me when you’ve been sneaking behind my back with my mother?”

“Well...” She relented. “Not if you put it like that.”

“There’s no other way to put it.” She briefly closed her eyes, and Brand didn’t know if it was from remorse or pain in her head. He’d feel a lot better about things if she would have agreed to go to the hospital. “We’ll talk about it later.”

“Thanks for nothing.”

Now she was pissed? Well, misery loved company, Brand told himself. Eventually, they’d work it all out.

When Leese and the others reached them, Brand stepped back and watched the confusion, fury and insistence unfold.

Odds were, the guys wouldn’t be able to curb her recklessness—but the women might.

He was counting on it.


HOURS LATER, A little sunburned but in better control of his temper, Brand let them into the suite. They’d gotten home without incident, but then, they’d formed a small caravan, with Justice and Fallon in the lead, Sahara and him in the middle, and Leese and Catalina in the rear. Everyone had been alert, wary of another attack, especially on the country roads.

Once they’d reached the highway, they’d all relaxed a bit while still remaining vigilant.

The others had followed them right up to the parking lot of the Body Armor agency, then waited until he and Sahara got in the door.

For her part, Sahara was subdued, which in itself was alarming since subdued wasn’t a word normally used to describe her. He couldn’t tell if she was angry, worried or if maybe her head hurt.

She’d been through so much in such a short time, and still didn’t crumble. Under the circumstances, losing some of her sparkle was understandable.

“I’m going to take a shower,” she said on her way past him.

Brand gently caught her elbow. She paused, but didn’t face him.

“Hey. Are you okay?” He drew her around, and with two fingers lifted her chin so she had no choice but to meet his gaze. “Does your head hurt?”

She gave a brief, restrained smile. “Not really.”

He coasted his fingertips along her delicate jaw. “Is there anything I can get you?”

For a second, she looked devastated, then she stepped against him, her arms around him and her head on his chest. Voice muffled against him, she asked, “Are you still mad at me?”

Never would Brand believe that it was his anger alone that had her so submissive. In most instances, Sahara would just fight back, not retreat. “My relationship with my mother is complicated.”

“That’s a nonanswer.” She leaned back to see him again. “And like I already told you, my relationship with Scott is also complicated. Lately it seems my entire life is complicated. What if I wanted you to stay out of it?”

It struck him that her feelings were hurt. “You feel like I’ve cut you out?”

Disgusted, she shoved away and gave him her back, her arms hugged around her. “How can you cut me out when you’ve never let me in?”

“Now wait a minute.” She was twisting everything around. “We’re talking about you, not me.”

“Always, I know.” She looked over her shoulder. “I had to twist your arm to take me along to meet your parents and Becky.”

He wanted to say he’d hesitated because he’d known she would interfere. But as she turned, the look on her face stopped him. “We’ve been a little busy, if you’ll recall. I couldn’t see confusing things even more.”

As if she’d hoped for something different, she briefly closed her eyes, then opened them again and forced a small smile. “Yes, it has been chaotic.”

“Exactly.” He started to close the space between them. Suddenly it felt like more than just a few feet.

Sahara stepped back, and that stopped him—just as she’d intended. After a deep breath, she said, “I’m not sure I can change.”

He didn’t understand her or this uncertain mood, but he knew one thing for sure. “You don’t need to change.”

“But we’ll keep butting heads if I don’t.” She bit her bottom lip. “I don’t know what to do.”

For Brand, it felt like he was fighting for something very important, so he hoped he got the words right. And fuck the distance. He took two big steps to reach her and drew her against him. Hugging her, he whispered, “You don’t need to do anything, babe. We’re in a relationship, and sometimes that requires adjustment.”

Her hands fisted in his shirt. “I’m not sure I like the idea of constantly having to adjust.”

“Why not?” Her hair and skin smelled of the sunshine and fresh outdoors. They’d gone from him being annoyed to her being distant—and yet he felt lust stirring. He couldn’t be near Sahara without wanting her. With a grin, he said, “I’ve sure as hell had to adjust.”

“You? Why would you have to?” Again she pushed back to see him. “You’re perfect as you are.”

A rueful laugh took him by surprise. “Perfect? God, Sahara, I’m so far from perfect, half the time I don’t even know what I’m doing.”

“You always know what you’re doing.”

He shook his head.

“And I used to, until lately.”

“Until me?” Damn, he hated that idea. Brand cupped her face and bent his knees to look right into her eyes. “Let’s agree that we’ve both blundered a little, okay? I know it’s an uncomfortable feeling, but I’m not giving you up.”

“You’re not?”

“Hell, no.” Set on convincing her, he took her mouth in a firm kiss. Sahara sank against him, returning the kiss with urgency. As he eased up, he whispered, “It’s been a long day, so how about we draw some guidelines and going forward, we’ll both do our best to stick to them.”

Her eyes searched his. “And if we don’t?”

She meant if she didn’t, so Brand kissed her again. “Then we’ll each try harder to understand.”

Very slowly, a smile curled her mouth. “In that case, would you like to shower with me?”


SAHARA AWOKE BEFORE BRAND. She sighed as she nuzzled against the side of his broad, warm chest. Her right hand rested over a hair-dusted pec and, careful not to wake him, she let her fingers tease through the crisp hair.

He smelled incredible, a scent unique to Brand.

Even in sleep he held her close, his strong arm around her. Brand slept on his back, the covers down around his waist. She was on her side, tucked against him, one leg over his, the inside of her knee against his groin.

They were both naked.

Last night had been beyond amazing. Sahara didn’t know if it was the excitement of the day or their personal conflict, but Brand had been especially attentive, leaving no part of her untouched. He’d been in a take-charge mood, a little dominant, and she’d loved every second of it. He had a way of issuing sensual orders that stole her breath and heightened her anticipation. Even before he’d thrust into her, she’d been on the verge of release, but he’d held back, content to watch her climax...then he’d made that happen two more times before he finally let himself go.