Fallen Crest Forever (Fallen Crest High #7)

His hand moved from his neck to the side of his face. He held it there a second before letting it fall. Then he lifted his arms. “Congratulations, Sam. Come here.”

I stepped into his hug, but I was tense. He was tense. Logan was pissed, and I needed to get to Mason’s side.

I hugged him, though. “Thank you, Nate.”

He squeezed me once more before letting me go. “Logan’s just hurt. You know that.”

I nodded. “Doesn’t make it hurt less.”

I started for the door, but Nate said my name again, and I looked over.

“You know we’re going to have an epic party now, don’t you?” He gave me a half-grin.

I felt myself smile, but my stomach twisted back up. “First things first.”

“Right.” He pointed to the door. “Go be with your man. Oh, hey—”

I paused once more.

“He doesn’t lie about you,” Nate said. “You’re something in his life that he is beyond proud of. He never wants to make you feel that he isn’t. That’s why he said it.”

My smile grew sad, but I still felt a flutter in my chest.

“I know.” Then I left.

Mason was shaking hands with two men when I got there.

His coaches were next to them, and I overheard one of the men saying, “There are a lot of ways we could’ve spun your story, but we’re not idiots. All of us, or most of us, have covered Steven Quinn. The guy’s a prick. Finding out he hired someone to attack and harass you? Not shocking to us. Trust me. I think you’ll be shocked at the reception you’ll get after our articles come out. I wouldn’t be surprised if the article retracts and issues an apology.”

The guy who’d been speaking clasped a hand on Mason’s head coach’s arm. “It’s been real, Hank. Thanks for the heads-up.”

He and the second guy took off.

Mason said to his coach, “You knew?”

“Taylor called me as soon as Logan told her. You’re going to be family one day, Mason. And the truth was on your side this time. You and your brother might do asinine things, but this time you didn’t. You really were just protecting your loved ones.”

Broozer glanced over, saw me, and nodded in my direction. “And I hear congratulations are in order. Congratulations, Samantha. I know Taylor’s really grown fond of you.”

He held his hand out, and I shook it, feeling dazed.

He patted Mason on the shoulder. “I can’t say anything official to you, but if you still want a career in the NFL, I’m pretty sure it’ll be there waiting.”

Mason let out a breath. “Thank you.” He looked to his other coach. “Thank you both.”

“This is part of our job. We don’t like to let our kids hang out to dry. We’ll protect you as much as we can, every goddamn time.”

They left, and Mason turned to me. His eyes were haunted, and he seemed to brace himself. “I couldn’t lie. Not about you. I can never lie about you.”

But I knew a time he had lied about me. He’d sent another girl to take the assault that should’ve been for me. He was protecting me then, like he was protecting me now.

I nodded. “I know. We can talk about it later.”

I rested a hand on the side of his face, and he leaned into it, his eyes closing for a moment.

My throat grew thick. “How are you?”

He pulled me in for a hug and held me so tightly. He buried his face in my neck. “Better. I’m so much better.”

I hugged him back, just as tight, and we stayed like that for a long time.

“So, how pissed is Logan?” Mason asked.

We’d gone back to our spot, and we were once again submerged in the pool underneath the butterfly statue. Mason treaded water in front of me while I sat on the edge, dipping my legs.

“He was hurt that you did the press conference without us, but Nate took up for you, and Logan got over it.” I looked away, feeling a knot in my chest. “Then you announced our engagement. He left after that.”

He cursed under his breath and narrowed his eyes at me. “Why aren’t you mad?”

“Nate reminded me that you said it because you’re proud of me, and that you probably couldn’t lie about me.” I wasn’t mad, but I was hurt. That was what I was.

“Oh.” He was moving his arms under the water in small circles, and he looked down at them now. “But you’re hurt, aren’t you?”

My shoulders sagged. Why did I even try to keep something from him? He looked back up to me, and I let him see the truth.


“I’m sorry.”

I lifted a shoulder, holding it pressed against my cheek. “It is what it is. We can’t go backwards now.”

“Meaning?” He swam closer to me, his hands resting on my legs.

“I am hurt.”

His hands dropped from my legs, and he flinched, but he kept looking at me. He didn’t drop his gaze.

“That was our news to announce together, and you said you were going to ask again.” He had to know the truth.

His voice grew hoarse. “That’s what you want? You still want me to ask again?”

I nodded. “With the ring, and I want it to be romantic again.”

He watched me, studying, and I saw a lingering question lurking in his depths.

“You’ll be ready this time?”

Was I ready? I had to look down. My insides trembled.

“I’m scared.”

He looked back down to the water.

I saw how his shoulders went rigid, and just like that, I knew my fears were garbage. That’s all they were. Just excess trash I needed to expunge. I slid into the water, and Mason’s head lifted in surprise as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He was going to give me space. I knew it instinctively, and I didn’t want it right now. So I went to him before he could move away. I could feel him right between my legs, where he always belonged, and I wrapped my arm around his shoulder. He caught me, holding me in place, and I drew my fingers through his hair. Our faces were inches apart.

“You can’t lie about me? I can’t lie to you.” I brushed my lips over his. “I don’t know how it might happen, but I’m scared. I couldn’t handle losing you.”

“Sam,” Mason whispered, raising one of his hands to cup the side of my face. His thumb rubbed over my cheek. “You might’ve seen your mother at her worst, but you also watched David. He stayed. He held on because he loved you. She left him, but he never left her.”

“But he did. One time.”

Mason cursed again, his lips falling to my shoulder. He lightly nipped me there, tightening his hold around my back. “I’m sorry. I forgot the time she . . .”

Killed her babies.

He couldn’t say it. Neither could I.

I rested my head on his shoulder and hugged him. I didn’t know what the future would hold. I was sure there’d be challenges, but I was sure there’d be good times as well. There was a layer of strength and belief in us, but underneath it, I couldn’t deny there was a layer of fear.

I felt tears forming, and before they shed, I whispered, “Let’s get married now.”

“What?” He pulled back to gaze down at me.

Those tears fell. “Let’s do it now. Before—”