Fall Into Temptation (Blue Moon Book #2)

Gia took a deep breath and looked in the mirror. She’d taken a little extra time with her makeup. Okay, a lot of extra time.

Earlier in the week at Carter and Summer’s, she hadn’t even gotten the words out before Phoebe and her father were volunteering to take the kids overnight so Gia could go out on her first official date with Beckett. Without the kids to fight for the bathroom she’d actually had an uninterrupted half hour for a shower and makeup.

This wasn’t just a “swipe on some mascara” occasion. This was a date. With the man she loved. This was big.

It called for a sexy sweep of eyeliner and some color to her cheeks. Even some eyebrow grooming. She left her hair down — for now — in its usual long loose curls and pursed her lips in the mirror. Hair up or down?

She grabbed her phone and took a picture in the mirror. Summer would know. With her city style, the woman always knew exactly the right look.


To Gia’s relief, Summer responded immediately.

Definitely down. You look incredible! I’ll be surprised if you make it to dinner.

Gia felt her color rise. They’d better make it to dinner. She was starving. But afterward … With the kids designing make-your-own-pizzas and watching movies at her dad’s, Gia was going to enjoy a sleepover of her own. She glanced over her shoulder at the overnight bag she’d packed. And took a deep shaky breath.

This was a big step, both publically and personally. In Blue Moon, a public declaration of any kind was huge. And in her world, with two little people watching her every move, officially claiming a boyfriend was a change that would affect them all.

They’d told the kids in the late autumn evening chill while they played with Carter’s pigs. Aurora had very seriously asked if Bucket would also date her. Evan had remained quiet, unreadable.

She really hoped Beckett was ready for this.

She checked the clock on her phone. She still had fifteen minutes before he picked her up. Good lord. What was she going to do for fifteen minutes? Wear a hole in her bedroom rug?

Her phone signaled. Startled, she fumbled and dropped it on to the rug. She picked it up and answered, grateful for the distraction.


Her younger sister’s face filled the screen. “Tell me about your date,” she ordered, with the slightest hint of Carolinas in her voice.

“Okay, now I know you’re not a member of the Blue Moon Gossip Group so how did you know I have a date?”

Evangelina Merrill, her strawberry blonde hair shoved into a knot on top of her head, gave her a coy smile over her librarian-style glasses. “I have my sources. Including Dad, who when I called, had some familiar looking munchkins in the background.”

The wave of guilt tumbled over her. “How were they? Did Dad look overwhelmed? Were they having dinner?”

Eva held up her hands. “Chill out, G. You’re entitled to a night out, especially if the mystery man is hot and not in a band. What’s with the helicopter moming?”

Gia flopped back onto the bed. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m tied up in knots about a date with a man I’ve been sleeping with for two weeks and I feel guilty anytime I pawn childcare responsibilities off on someone else.”

Eva rolled her eyes. “Ugh. I worry every time we talk you’re going to start espousing the merits of homeschooling your kids.”

“Hey, what’s wrong with homeschooling?”

“Nothing. For parents who didn’t have your history and math grades. You’d be ensuring that Evan and Aurora never see college if you were in charge of their education.”

“Thanks, jerk,” Gia pouted.

“Listen, at some point you’re going to have to understand that having more people involved in your kids’ lives is good for them. Socialization and all that.”

“Thank you Ms. Psychology Today.” Eva had pursued psychology as a minor in college and wasn’t shy about dusting off those textbooks whenever she spotted crazy.


“Was there a reason you called, Eva?”

Her sister’s mouth spread into a grin. “Besides checking in with my sister to make sure she’s not turning into a raw milk-swilling hippie? Pretty much to just get the jump on the date details before Emma.”

“You always were the sneaky sister,” Gia laughed.

“I’ve had to hear all about her seeing him first when he showed up on your video chat with a dishwasher. So tell me, is this guy as gorgeous as Emma says?”

Gia closed her eyes. “So gorgeous. Remember how we used to all fight over the shirtless guy in the gum commercial in high school?”

Eva smiled slyly. “Oh, yeah. He was quite the eye candy.”

“Beckett makes him look like a pre-pubescent troll.”


“You have no idea,” Gia sighed. “And not only that, but he’s smart, and kind, and steady, and loyal, and —”

“Great in bed?” Eva asked.

“Are you taking notes?”

“Maybe. You were saying?”

Lucy Scorey's books