Fall Into Temptation (Blue Moon Book #2)

Beckett knew he was grinning like an idiot. He had been all weekend long. And he hadn’t seen Gianna since they parted Saturday morning with rug burned knees and sore, well-used bodies.

He’d still been grinning like a fool Sunday, when he’d checked in on the farm. His brothers had accused him of glowing like Summer. Their concern grew when he agreed to check out a house with his mother later that week.

He played it off as being refreshed from vacation until they were only mildly suspicious and escaped the brewery after helping set up the rest of the equipment before they could interrogate him further.

After this weekend, he was certain of two things. One, he was nowhere near done with Gianna Decker. And, two, he didn’t want to drag her through the unflinching Blue Moon spotlight, which also included his family. Until he and Gianna figured out what they were and where they were going, it was no one else’s business.

“My weekend was good. Quiet. Got some work done.” He felt his lips curving into a smile again. People were going to think he had developed a drug habit on vacation if he couldn’t regain control of his facial muscles. “So what’s on the agenda for this week,” he asked gruffly.

Ellery was still eyeing him like he had started casually shaving his head. Temporarily putting aside her suspicions, she began to run through the schedule.

“And then today I squeezed Gia into your schedule before lunch. She wants to talk about a legal guardianship.”

Beckett caught himself before he appeared too interested. But the flicker in Ellery’s coffee brown eyes told him he hadn’t been careful enough. He wiped the smile off his face and frowned intently. “Okay, that’s fine. I’m going to go catch up on some emails before Mrs. Eustace comes in at nine.”

He was already reaching for his cellphone and didn’t see Ellery’s smirk.

He fired off a quick text to Gianna.

I see I have a beautiful redhead on my calendar today.

Her response was immediate. Hope you don’t mind. It’s not an excuse to see you. Or, at least, not just an excuse to see you.

My door is always open. Literally. I never lock the back door. Anytime you want to sneak on over here I’d be happy to see you. Naked or clothed.

Gianna responded with a winkie face that had him grinning like a damn clown. He needed to pull it together and soon before the entire town thought he lost his mind.

He counted down the seconds to 11:30 and was already halfway out of his chair when he saw her glide across the porch outside his window. Beckett had to force himself to sit back down and not hurdle his desk in his hurry to see her.

He waited until he heard Gianna and Ellery chit-chatting before casually exiting his office.

She wore cement colored capris with a dizzying pattern. Whatever strappy tank top she wore was hidden under a fitted, zipped jacket. Her hair was up in a sloppy knot on top of her head. She smiled at him like he was the sun and she was an exotic bloom.

“Good morning.” Her voice was a little husky and full of energy.

“Morning,” he answered.

They both stood there grinning at each other until Ellery cleared her throat. “Can I get you something to drink, Gia?” she offered.

“Oh, uh, sure. Coffee?”

“No problem,” Ellery smiled. “I’ll bring it in. Sugar?”

Gianna couldn’t seem to take her eyes off of Beckett and he liked it. “Yes, please.”

Beckett waited until Ellery headed for the kitchen before pulling Gia into his office. “Kiss me quick before she comes back,” he ordered.

Gia melted against him, her lips finding his in a spicy sizzle of heat.

He pulled back and studied her face. “I thought about you all weekend,” he told her.

She smiled, slow and sweet, and took a chair in front of his desk. “You may have crossed my mind a time or seven thousand, too.”

“We didn’t really get to talk … after.” Beckett rounded his desk and sat down.

Ellery bustled in with a mug. “Here you go,” she said, setting it down in front of Gia. “Anything else I can get you?”

“I think we’re good,” Beckett said. “But do you have the draft —”

“Of the motion? It’s in your email.”

Beckett glanced at his computer screen. “Perfect. And how about the —”

“Summary on Yeskovik vs. Yeskovik is done, but I found another more obscure case. Same custody issue, same outcome. So I’m adding that to the summary this afternoon.”

“Great. I also need to have the Yukon inspected and an oil change can you —”

“You’re on Ernest’s schedule for Thursday at 1:30. He said half-price since you helped his mom with the family trust.”

“You’re the best, El.”

She waved pistol fingers at them on her way out and shut the doors behind her.

“Where can I get one of those?” Gia demanded the second the doors were closed.

“Ellery? Hands off. She’s mine. I can’t live without her.”

“I can see why,” Gianna sighed. “She’d make life so much easier.”

Beckett grinned at her.


“Nothing. I just like having you here. In my office. Alone.”

Lucy Scorey's books