Fall Into Temptation (Blue Moon Book #2)

A celebration was definitely in order. It was determined that both Gia and Beckett had chilled bottles of champagne in their refrigerators so the party would proceed to Beckett’s house. While Summer and Carter were waylaid by congratulations from the crowd, Gia hurried home to get the kids and the champagne.

She had texted Evan after her class, before the meeting, during the meeting, and then immediately after the meeting. At which point he had replied, Stop smothering. We’re fine.

That had her cracking a smile. They may not have shared blood, but he definitely got his dry wit from her.

When she opened the front door, Gia found both her kids alive and well and engaged in a heated argument.

Aurora was in the middle of explaining exactly why her bedtime was too early for a kindergartner while Evan was passionately suggesting she take it up with her mom because he wasn’t “falling for her cute crap.”

Her heart still full, she wrapped them both up for a hug before demanding to know why Aurora had ignored her bedtime.

“Well, Mom, I was jus’ telling Van that it’s not fair that I hafta go to bed at eight,” her daughter said earnestly.

“I tried to make her go,” Evan said, giving a shrug of his skinny shoulder.

Gia released them to inspect the house. “Well, I see the roof is still attached. The walls are still standing.” She sniffed the air. “I don’t smell any gas leaks.”

Evan and Aurora waited, watching her for her reaction.

She crossed her arms and let them sweat a little bit. “Evan, good job tonight. Aurora, we’ll talk about a later bedtime at another time. For now, I need you guys to get your shoes on.”

Evan looked down at his pajamas. “But, we’re dressed for bed.”

“We’re running over to Beckett’s for a few minutes.”

“Yay! Bucket!” Aurora charged up the stairs in her little pink elephant pajamas on a quest for shoes.

Her brother was not as easily convinced. “Why are we going to Beckett’s?”

“The Pierces are celebrating some good news and they invited us over.”

“Summer and Joey, too?” He tried to look disinterested.

“Yep. Both of them.”

“I guess we can go. For a little bit.” He started up the stairs and paused. “Are you mad that Roar didn’t go to bed?”

Gia shook her head. “You did a great job tonight — as long as you did your homework.” She gave him the evil eye until Evan nodded. “Good. You being so responsible really helps me out.”

“It’s not your job, you know.”

“What’s not my job?”

“Taking care of me. You don’t have to.”

“Of course I do, Evan. It’s illegal to let your kids live in cardboard boxes and fend for themselves. Trust me. I looked it up.”

Evan shook his head and pretended he wasn’t smiling. “You’re so weird.”

“Where do you think you get it, kid?” she called after him as he hustled up the stairs.

Evan changed out of his pajamas into jeans and a button down, confirming to Gia that he was suffering from a massive crush on both Summer and Joey. She hoped he wouldn’t be too devastated by Summer and Carter’s announcement.

Guilt drove her to let him have a soda — a decision she knew she’d regret — for the toast. Aurora toasted Summer with apple juice and bounced from Pierce brother to Pierce brother showing off the “efelants” on her pjs.

Beckett’s living room was overflowing with happiness and people. Gia ducked out into the hallway to catch her breath. It was a beautiful, overwhelming thing to see so many people so happy.

Summer stepped out of the kitchen, flushed and happy. She raised a finger to her lips and beckoned to Beckett’s rarely used parlor off the stairs.

Gia followed her in and Summer grabbed her hands.

“I just wanted to thank you for being here, Gia,” she said in a rush.

“Thank you for inviting us to be part of the celebration,” Gia said, squeezing Summer’s hands.

“I have an ulterior motive.” Summer’s cornflower eyes were wide.

“And what’s that?”

“I am scared to death,” she confessed. “I don’t know anything about parenting. I didn’t think it was possible, let alone probable. What am I going to do with twins?”

Gia put her hands on Summer’s shoulders and took a deep steadying breath. “Deep inhale,” she ordered. Summer took a gasping breath.

“Summer, you’ve had less than a day to digest this amazing news. You have nothing to worry about. You and Carter are good people. The best. You are responsible, healthy, fun, kind, generous, smart people. Your babies are the luckiest unplanned kids in the world.”

“See? This is why I need you. You’re going to be my new best friend, okay?” Summer said, her eyes still huge. “I need you to show me how to be a mom.”

Gia did laugh then. “I will be here to help in whatever way I can, but you’ve got this. You’re going to be amazing.”

“At best I hope to be mediocre to average and not emotionally scarring,” Summer said. “And with your help, I think I can get there. You’re an incredible mom. You have all this stuff figured out already. You can help me catch up.”

Gia was at a loss for words.

Lucy Scorey's books