Fall Into Temptation (Blue Moon Book #2)

Unimpressed, Joey crossed her arms. “Lame.”

“And then we kissed again and it was super hot and he ended up kicking me out of the house after dinner and I forgot my shoes because I’ve never had the bejeezus kissed out of me like that before. And I was married to a musician.”

Joey watched her thoughtfully for a moment. “I like her,” she finally said to Summer.

“Me, too,” Summer agreed. “So tell us more about this super hot —”

“Well, this just makes my whole day,” Franklin announced, swooping in from behind the bar in his green Villa Harvest polo. His salt and pepper hair was neatly combed and his smile was wide. “I heard there were three beautiful women here for lunch.”

“Hi, Dad,” Gia said, standing to greet him with the Merrill double kiss. “Looks like you’ve got a nice late lunch crowd in here today.”

Franklin nodded, looking around the dining room. “Business is good,” he said with satisfaction. “How’s the studio?”

“It’s going great. I think you were right about making the move here,” Gia said.

“Always listen to your father,” he advised with a wink. “Now, if you lovely ladies will excuse me, I need to get back in the kitchen.”

Summer and Joey waved him off. “Your dad reminds me of a giant teddy bear. I just want to hug him all the time,” Summer said, watching Franklin hurry out of the dining room.

“He’s great,” Gia agreed.

“Yeah, yeah. He’s adorable. Now back to the super hot kiss,” Joey said. “I believe you said something about bejeezus?”

Gia stalled and the blush returned to her cheeks.

“Come on,” Summer said cajolingly. “We’re practically family. Franklin is almost the stepfather of the man I live with, who happens to be the brother of the Pierce you made out with. And Joey here has had the pleasure of kissing your Pierce and doing many other exciting things with Jax.”

“See? We’re practically related,” Joey nodded.

Gia glanced over her shoulder to make sure her father hadn’t returned. “Fine, but don’t even think that we’re going to gloss over that whole ‘Joey made out with two Pierce brothers’ thing,” Gia said, pointing a finger at the brunette.

“Deal,” Joey agreed. “Now spill.”

Their meals arrived and the conversation paused until the server left.

“So, was Beckett super sweet and proper?” Summer wondered, spooning up some minestrone. “He seems like he would be romantic.”

“No proper, very little romance, and so much heat I was worried about spontaneous combustion,” Gia said, diving into her salad.

“Was it all mouths or did his hands go roaming?” Joey demanded over a bite of her chicken parm sandwich.

“Roaming. Do you two always talk like this?”

“It’s her fault,” Summer said, pointing her spoon at Joey. “My first actual conversation with her, she asks how the sex with Carter is.”

“And how is it?” Gia smiled, happy to be on the asking end.

Summer’s eyes rolled heavenward. “If you could combine amazing, incredible, and earth-moving into one word, it still wouldn’t do Carter and his skills justice.”

Gia fanned herself with her napkin. “Wow.”

“So your musician ex can’t compete with that?” Joey asked.

Gia shook her head. “Nope. But he was great at disappearing when things got sticky.” She winced at the flippant comment. “That’s not fair of me. Paul’s a great guy and I knew what I was getting into when I married him.”

“How great of a guy is he that he lets you move his two kids away from him?” Joey countered.

“He just doesn’t like to be tied down. Didn’t even try to talk me out of leaving,” Gia said, digging into her pasta.

“He didn’t put up a fight for his family,” Summer sighed. “That’s just sad. And it makes me sad for him. He doesn’t know what he’s missing out on.”

“Exactly,” Gia agreed.

“But you’re here now, starting your own business, raising your kids in a great town, and — in your spare time — making out with the mayor in his house,” Joey reminded her.

“And in his shed,” Gia joked. “But you’re right. This is where I’m meant to raise my family. I think we’re all going to be happy here.”

“I think so, too,” Summer said, patting her hand again.

“Speaking of families,” Joey interjected. “What’s the story with Evan’s mom?”

Gia saw Joey jolt in her chair.

“Ouch! You didn’t have to kick me,” she said to Summer, rubbing her shin under the table. “Gia is perfectly capable of forming the words ‘none of your damn business.’”

“So dragging details of my near-tryst out of me is fine, but asking about my ex-husband’s ex-wife is crossing the line?” Gia was amused.

“I see your point,” Summer conceded. “My apologies to you both.”

“You’re not forgiven. I need this leg for stuff,” Joey sulked.

“Would it make you feel better if I told you about Evan’s mom?” Gia offered.

Lucy Scorey's books