Fall Into Temptation (Blue Moon Book #2)

Jax looked like he wanted to argue, but Carter walked over to Summer and wrapped his arms around her waist. He lifted her off the ground and spun her in a little circle.

Gia felt her heart give a little thump when she saw the happiness in Summer’s eyes.

What would it feel like to be loved like that? she wondered.

“Gentlemen, we’re being kicked out and sent back to the kitchen,” Carter announced, putting Summer back on her feet.

Grumbling, Beckett and Jax allowed themselves to be herded toward the door. Again, Gia felt the weight of Beckett’s gaze on her, but he passed her without a word.

“Has anyone told you that you look like an angel?” Jax asked Gia with a sexy grin.

Gia blinked.

“She’s not falling for that crap, Jackson,” Joey warned him sharply.

“Guess I’ll have to win the old-fashioned way,” Jax said, stepping in on Joey. “With my physical prowess.”

He smoldered and Gia was surprised that instead of singeing, Joey fixed him with an icy glare. A woman immune to the Pierce brother charm? Was that physically possible, she wondered.

“Good luck with that. You’re looking a little rusty,” Joey told Jax coolly.

“Maybe you could help warm me up?” Jax ventured another half step closer before Joey slapped a hand to his chest.

“You’re not getting out of the dishes. Go!”

Jax ambled out of the room, but not before sending Joey a look that telegraphed exactly what he was thinking.

“That’s better,” Summer said once the men left. She twirled around the empty space. “I’m so excited about everything! It feels like all my dreams are coming true.”

Gia couldn’t help but smile at Summer’s enthusiasm.

She gave them the quick tour pointing out the highlights of where her desk would be and the conference area as well as a small kitchen.

“Jax is Mr. Tech Geek and he’s hooking me up with video conferencing stuff so I’ll be able to video chat with contributors and advertisers and interviewees all over the country.” She hugged herself. “What do you guys think?”

Joey paced the length of the huge room. “I think it’s awesome. How far along are you with the launch?”

“I’m launching my own digital magazine,” Summer explained to Gia.

“I follow your blog,” Gia admitted with a grin. “It took me a minute to realize you were that Summer Lentz. This is really exciting to see everything happening from this side.”

“I’m over the moon,” Summer said with a laugh. “I’m planning to launch in January. You know, the whole new year, new you thing. I’ve got advertisers lined up, and a couple of the features already in the works. I’m trying to focus on topics like wellness, food for your body and your soul, travel, community, and gardening.”

“I think it’s wonderful. It’s just what the world needs, a magazine that helps you build a better life,” Gia nodded.

Summer grinned at her. “Exactly. I’m amazed at how it’s all coming together. Just a few months ago I was determined to slave away in my cubicle for another two or three years before making the leap. And now here I am.”

“Things sure have moved fast,” Joey commented.

“You’re not kidding,” Summer agreed. “That’s why I’m trying to slow things down and take my time. I fell for Carter so hard and so fast I sometimes worry that our foundation of hot sex and overwhelming events might be a little shaky. I want us to proceed down the right path at the right pace. We’re in it for the long haul. We’ve got time to do things right.”

Gia hid her grimace. It was the exact opposite approach she had taken and her foundation had indeed proved to be too shaky.

“That’s a wise life philosophy,” she told Summer.

“Or she’s just feeding her control freak tendencies,” Joey said, smiling into her wine glass.

“I could say something about the pot and the kettle,” Summer said, lifting her chin.

“You’re calling me a control freak?” Joey’s eyebrows rose.

“Everyone knows that you and Jax are meant to be together, but you’re determined to keep pushing him away until he meets your exacting standards.” Summer crossed her arms.

“My ‘exacting standards’ require an apology for leaving town without a word to me eight years ago,” Joey shot back.

“He never apologized?” Summer gasped.

Joey shook her head and took another sip of wine. “Nope.”

“Team Joey,” Gia announced.

Summer nodded. “Totally Team Joey.”

“Can we please talk about something else?” Joey grumbled.

“How about what’s up with Beckett and my father?” Gia offered.

Joey and Summer exchanged a long look.

“What’s that mean? Gia demanded. “I’m new here. I don’t know what long, meaningful looks mean.”

“It means that we’re not sure what’s going on there,” Summer explained. “Beckett seems to have a problem with Phoebe and Franklin dating —”

Lucy Scorey's books