Fall Back Skyward (Fall Back #1)

I dig my keys out of my purse, open the car and hop on the driver’s seat, grinning wide.

I love that Cole never hides his feelings for me.

“YOU GUYS NEED TO TONE that shit down,” I say without looking at Simon and Megs, opting to speak instead of sign for Megs benefit.

Simon is an only child. His mom is a lawyer and his dad works in consulting for a public relations firm. Both his parents are hardly ever home, so he spends most of his time in Spinners Cafe, Megs’ house and my place. He and I had plans to shoot some zombies on my Playstation. We did for a while. Then Megs called to ask if she could come over and Simon’s concentration went to hell.

They have been making out on the two-seater in my room for the past thirty minutes, while I’ve been obsessively hopping between the window and my bed, waiting for Nor to come home from the center. My hand is starting to cramp from checking my phone for her text message so many times.

I glance up from the latest thriller novel that I bought last week to the couple writhing on the couch to my right and I feel my eyes burn.


Simon’s hand is two seconds away from pulling down Megs panties, given the way her skirt is bunched up on her ass.

I grab the bookmark on the bed and mark the page before shutting the book. “That is it. Get out of my room.”

Simon’s head pops up above Megs’ chest. He pulls his hands from her body long enough to sign, “Leave the room if we are bothering you.”

“Get your ass off my couch, Asshole. If I wanted to watch porn, I would watch my own collection.”

He flips me off, sinks his fingers into Megs’ hair and kisses her neck.

Where the hell is Nor? I need to get out of this hell. I can’t stop thinking about her. My heart speeds up when I think of her and my hands tremble, dying to touch her.

My phone vibrates. I pull it out of my pocket and click on the little envelope on my screen.

Nor: Just finished. On the way home.


Me: Hurry.

My fingers poise above the screen. Would I look too desperate if I told her I missed her?


Me: Hurry. I’ve missed you.

Nor: Should I come over?

Me: Yes.

We’ve been spending more time in my house lately. It’s safer that way.

I press send and grin at my phone. Shit. I’m completely obsessed with this girl. No wonder Josh can’t seem to stop teasing me.

I toss my phone on the bed and spend the next few minutes peeling Simon and Megs from my couch and tossing them out of my room.

It’s fifteen minutes to midday by the time I park my car in my usual spot outside my house. I grab my purse, hop out of the car and run up the path leading to my house. I’m meeting Cole soon, and knowing him, he’ll be striding out his front door and leaping over the fence to get to me. I’ve gotten used to his intensity so I’m always ready for him.

With one last glance at Cole’s house, I enter mine. More than a feeling by Boston blares from upstairs, shaking the floor boards beneath my feet. The sound of the cello joins Boston, it’s sorrowful, yet alluring melody filling the space. I follow the throbbing beats to Elise’s room before I stop, and duck my head through the door. Elise is sitting on top of her bed, holding a pencil in each hand, playing a pretend drum while rocking her head vigorously back and forth, while Elon’s eyes are closed, a soft smile on her face.

“Turn down the music, guys.” When they don’t seem like they heard me, I cross the room and turn down the volume. As much as I love to see them like this, we still have to think of our mother.

“Hey!” Elise yells, her hands frozen mid-play.

“Too loud. I love you, girls. But if you don’t stop I’ll be forced to take you over my knee.”

Elise snorts loudly and Elon rolls her eyes, shaking her head.

“Have you eaten lunch yet? And mom?”

They nod.

“Mom said she wanted to get some rest.” Elon says, biting her lip and staring at Elise. “Maybe we should do this tomorrow.”

Elise shrugs and hops down from the bed. I leave the room, and after taking my cell phone from my purse, I toss it on my bed and go back downstairs. After grabbing a quick bite of the pizza one of my sisters must have ordered, I settle on the bench in front of the Bosendorfer in living room and quick shoot a text to Cole to let him know I’ll be at his house in ten minutes.

My mom started teaching me how to play the piano at the age of three. We would play frequently, especially when Dad wasn’t home because he hated it and said the sound got on his nerves. Now, I play whenever I get a chance. Music is one of those things that helped me through the tough times.

Autumn Grey's books