FEAR YOU (Broken Love Series BOOK TWO)

“What are you doing here?”

He shrugged carelessly and looked away before meeting my eyes once again. “I wish I knew,” he finally answered and scratched at the stubble on his chin. I loved the light spattering of facial hair on him. It was a glimpse of the man he would one day become. A shiver worked its way through my body at the thought of an even more powerful Keiran.

“You obviously came for something or else you’re just a creeper.”

He snapped back his hood and narrowed his eyes, anger gleaming from his stormy gray orbs.

“Are you going to let me in?” he asked impatiently.

“I wasn’t planning to,” I answered back sweetly and twirled my hair around my finger for further insult.

He nodded once, and when a smirk appeared, my hand dropped apprehensively. “Baby, I’m getting in there one way or another. So you can either let me walk through the front door like a good girl, or I can make a lot of noise climbing through the window. Then I’ll watch you explain to Auntie dearest why I’m in your bedroom at three in the morning… especially if you were caught in a rather compromising position.” The smile that lit up his face was charming and playful, but the message in his eyes was anything but.

“I could call the cops.”

“And what will you do when I’m out again and standing on your front doorstep? Are you prepared to pay the consequences?”

“Stop trying to mind fuck me,” I spat.

“It’s not your mind I’m interested in fucking.”

“At last… the real reason you decided to look like an idiot in the middle of the night. Goodnight, Keiran.” I gripped and slammed the window shut before he could say anything more. Already, I felt myself caving under the powerful spell of his possession.

I slipped back inside my covers, closed my eyes, and pretended the complicated, emotionally wrecked boy standing outside in the dark didn’t occupy all my attention. We both knew what would happen if I let him inside. It was likely the same potent pull that always tugged at my heartstrings that led him here.

The sound of my phone chiming broke the silence. I knew it was him without having to look. Unfortunately, curiosity won the brutal fight over my resolve, and I checked the message:

Remember it was your choice.

Just as I read the last word, a hard noise sounded from outside my window. I was out of bed and down the stairs in no time, all the while praying my aunt didn’t wake up. A feeling akin to rage bubbled up inside me and took over my train of thought.

He was trying to get in.

What if he changed his mind and wanted to retaliate?

To hurt my aunt.

I foolishly believed in the justice system, thinking that finally Keiran would finally be the one caught in a corner with no way out.

The door opened wide under the force of my anger, and I was met with the smug face of Keiran on the doorstep before I could step outside.

“I—you were—”

“I told you I would get you to let me in.”

“Keiran, you have to leave. My aunt is asleep upstairs and if you think I will let you anywhere near her after what you tried to do…”

“Do you really believe if I actually wanted to kill your aunt that she wouldn’t be dead?” He forced his way past me without waiting for an answer and shut the door.

B.B. Reid's books