FEAR YOU (Broken Love Series BOOK TWO)

The time we spent staring at each other was immeasurable. I could still faintly hear Mrs. Risdell’s shrill voice raising hell as she was being escorted away.

When it seemed none of us would back down, I decided to amp up the intensity. How quickly she forgot… I knew every button to push and when to push them.

I braced my forearms on the car, feeling my murderous instincts take over and letting the tormentor she grew up with manifest before her eyes. I waited for the recognition, the apprehension—the fear. I wanted a fucking reaction, and she didn’t keep me waiting long.

The bitch smirked.


I left school and went straight home to pack an overnight bag. Tonight would be another night spent at the hospital. I’d barely slept in my own my bed since returning home. It was a small sacrifice to pay for my brother almost losing his life because of me. I would travel from school and back until any and everything that was a threat was dead.

The house was quiet when I stepped inside, but I knew my uncle was home. His truck was parked outside, so I figured he’d locked himself in his office, using work as an excuse to avoid us as usual whenever he was home.

I didn’t bother to announce my presence and made my way up to my room two steps at a time. I wanted this to be a quick in and out.

When I pushed open my bedroom door, I almost lost my shit.

“What are you doing?”

He continued to look through my shit unfazed. “Looking for reasons why my son is lying in a hospital bed dying.”

“You mean other than the fact your parenting skills suck?”

I tossed my book bag on the floor, crossed the room to my closet, and forced my jaw to relax. I wasn’t worried about his snooping. After Monroe found the locket and gun, I made sure to move everything to a more secure place.

“Are you heading to the hospital?” he asked.

I pulled down my duffle and began filling it with clothing. “Yeah.”

Socks, jeans, shirts, and boxers filled the bag by the handful.

“I just left myself. He’s worn out so he’ll be asleep for the rest of the night.”

“I know.” I left the closet and moved around the room packing whatever I thought I would need. I managed to avoid eye contact though I felt his eyes track me around the room, appearing too comfortable for someone who had just been caught trespassing.

When everything I needed was packed, I picked up my bag and looked at my uncle expectantly. He took the hint and stood up from his seat at my desk.

“We need to talk before you go.”

“I’m sure it can wait for another time.”

“No, son. It can’t. I want you in my office in less than five minutes,” he ordered before leaving my bedroom.

I waited a beat before making my way downstairs. I had every intention of walking through the front doors but found myself making a hard left instead.

I might as well get this over with.

When I reached his office, I didn’t bother knocking and pushed the door open. I found him sitting behind his desk, waiting.

His expression changed from curious to expectant as he watched and waited for me to say something first.

With a single lift of my brow, he sighed and gave in.

“I think it’s time for us to have a talk about your mother.”

I couldn’t help it. My mask slipped and my face fell.

“I’m not interested.”

“Don’t feed me that bullshit, boy. You’re going to want to know this, and I need to say it, so sit.”

I looked around the immaculate room, taking in the dark browns and burgundies. Leather and wood encased almost every inch of the office, and thanks to the housekeeper he hired once a week, it was kept clean, fresh, and dust free despite his lengthy absences.

When my gaze finally met his once again, I took in the darkening irises and suppressed a smile.

Fine. I’ll humor you.

I took a seat in front of the desk, and he relaxed back against the large leather chair.

B.B. Reid's books