FEAR YOU (Broken Love Series BOOK TWO)

“We have a problem,” Detective Wilson spoke up.

“What could it possibly be?” Across the parking lot, I noticed Sheldon and Willow staring at us unwaveringly. “You could have called me or—”

“He was released.”

Time standing still. Thick, heavy, air. Reeling mind. World crashing. I couldn’t figure out which was harder to deal with.

“…I’m coming for you, Lake… Are you ready for me?”

Had it really only been a week since I spoke with him?

I swallowed hard to find my voice. “What do you mean he was released? How could he have been released? We didn’t even go to trial!”

Breathe, Lake. Breathe.

“Miss Monroe, we are as baffled as you are. I assure you this wasn’t our call.”

“Then there has to be some kind of mistake. Can’t you just arrest him again? What am I supposed to do?” I rambled, and screamed and fussed, never letting the detectives get a word into the conversation. Frankly, they’d said enough. “He knows I turned him in. Do you understand that?” I pulled my jacket closer to me to fight the frigid November air and looked around.

“Yes, that’s our biggest concern at this point. Apparently, from your reaction, he hasn’t tried to make contact with you.”

“No, I—” I stopped when the detectives cast nervous looks at each other. “When was he released?”

“Three days ago.”

“Three days ago!” I spoke with him four days ago. “Why am I just finding out? You said if I testified, I would be safe. My aunt doesn’t know anything about this. She’s in just as much danger.” My fingers clutched at the strands of my hair and dug in, but I never felt any of it. “I never should have—oh, God.”

“We can have you and your aunt placed under witness protection. You will be under surveillance. He isn’t allowed to approach you under any circumstances…”

The detective’s words drowned out as I felt a chill run down my back. It could have been the wind, but I knew better. I discreetly looked around, feigning anger, which wasn’t hard to do. I didn’t see anything suspicious, but I knew he was there…

“It’s too late,” I whispered, feeling the impending doom of his arrival wash over me.

I just fucking know it.

“We can still keep you safe.”

“But not forever. So this isn’t going to trial?”

“He was only released on bail, but he will still be tried.”

“That isn’t enough!” I shrieked. “He kidnapped two people and murdered them!”

“Lake, this was above our pay grade, but I want you to know we aren’t letting this go. The son of a bitch isn’t going to walk away.”

“I—I need to talk to my aunt. Excuse me.” I started to walk away when Detective Daniels called my name. I almost didn’t hear him because my mind was racing, and the prickling feeling of being watched wouldn’t go away. Where are you? I discreetly looked around again but didn’t see any sign of Keiran. “Yes?”

“We know you and Masters had some sort of relationship.” I sucked in a breath and stared blankly at the detective. “We don’t want you to make a grave mistake.”

“What mistake could that be?”

“Trusting him. Letting him get close. Guys like him know exactly how to entrap a girl like you. You weren’t made for someone like Masters to corrupt and beguile. Don’t let that happen.”

“If he comes near you or threatens you in any way, call us,” Detective Wilson said. “Immediately. Your life may very well depend on it.” They headed back in the direction they came.


B.B. Reid's books