FEAR YOU (Broken Love Series BOOK TWO)

“Big fucking mistake showing your face,” he threatened even as he clutched his arm. Blood gushed from the wound.

“I believe I was invited.” Arthur smiled and looked past Mario. “I have to say, Keiran, your work is a little sloppy, but with a little training, you’ll be one of my best. Good job.”

Mario looked back at me with accusation in his eyes. “You set me up!”

“You should thank me. I did you a favor.” I threw his words from earlier back in his face with a smirk.

“Speaking of favors… you held up your end, so I’ll hold up mine. Mario’s blood type is O negative. Kill him and his lungs are yours. I have a surgeon waiting on standby as we speak.

Shit. This was not part of the plan. I was planning for at least one death today, but it couldn’t be by my hands. If I refused, Arthur would become suspicious. I wracked my brain until I found the best excuse.

“We don’t know if it’s compatible. Keenan’s body could reject the lungs.”

“I don’t give a shit about your brother. I only said I would get you a lung. Take it or leave it.” There was no way in hell I was putting a piece of this scumbag inside my brother and using his lungs only for them to fail and kill him anyway.

Fuck pretending.

“I am not going to help kill my brother.”

Arthur’s expression became clouded as we stared each other down.

“Maybe with the proper motivation, you’ll see things my way.” He turned to one of his men and said, “Bring her in.”

My heart fell to stomach. I knew without seeing who her was. She was unconscious and flung over the shoulder of the man who brought her in. When she was dropped carelessly on the gym floor and started to stir, I started forward but was held back by every gun pointing at me.

Mario’s outrageous laughter was the only sound in the building. “Did you think it was going to be that easy, kid?”

The butt of a gun slammed into the back of his skull knocking him unconscious as he continued to bleed out.

“I needed a little reassurance that this wasn’t a setup, but, after all, you did say I could have her.” He peered down at Lake, a lustful grin spreading wide. “She will make an excellent addition to my stable.”

I took one last look at Monroe whose eyes were open but had not found me.

“Do you remember what I told you, Arthur?” I watched the confidence fade from his eyes. “If you touched her again, I would kill you… even if I had to die with you.” The gun I used to kill my mother was in my hand before any of them could react.

I would have to die today. I should have died a long time ago.

“No!” I heard her scream just as both gym doors burst open and a collection of “Freeze” and “Put your weapons down” echoed.

I knew what her intentions were the moment she jumped to her feet and ran over to me.

“Lake, no!” I screamed.

She threw up her arms around me as if to protect me, and I only had a split second to realize that one of Arthur’s men still had his aim on her head.

I moved, but it was too late. The bullet hit.

“I’m sorry, baby,” I whispered.

Her expression had turned from fear to shock before her body dropped to the floor.


May 27th

Dear Diary,

They took him away today…

Willow says I’m free.

Freedom means possibilities of happiness.

So why does freedom feel so empty?

Is it wrong to miss him? Is it sick? Is it twisted?

I think it’s all of those things and more.

It’s painful.

Chapter Thirty-One


“Seeing you like this is hard. You don’t look the same. You don’t feel the same… and I have a feeling when you wake up, you won’t be the same.”

I touched the hand lying casually on the bedsheet.

“Is that true?”

The silence was louder than the shrillest scream.

“I only wished I could have saved you. I realize now there are more people who have hurt you than people you have hurt.”

B.B. Reid's books