FEAR YOU (Broken Love Series BOOK TWO)

“Why didn’t you tell me about this?”

There are many reasons why I didn’t tell her about Keiran being accused of murder. Fortunately, my aunt wasn’t one to keep up with the news. She preferred fantasy to facts, and it was the main reason I was able to keep this a secret for this long. However, a gruesome murder of underage kids, one being an ex-police officer’s son, was bound to come to light. I was just surprised she went this long without hearing about it.

“I didn’t think you’d care,” I lamely answered.

“Didn’t think I—” She took a deep breath before her voice exploded in anger. “For crying out loud, he came over and had pancakes!”

“Aunt Carissa,” I began but was cut off.

“Just tell me, Lake… are you in any danger?”

“Why would you ask that?” My face and voice remained impassive despite the pandemonium erupting inside my head.

“Because I really thought you were dating him. I can’t say I’m comfortable with you seeing this boy if you are.”

“No, I’m not seeing him. We were hardly even friends.”

She searched my face for signs of dishonesty, and it was the one time I prayed my aunt didn’t know me as well as she did. She seemed to give in to whatever answer she had found when she asked, “What happened to those poor kids? How could anyone do such a thing?”

“Aunt Carissa, he was a suspect, but they let him go. I guess they found new evidence.”

She didn’t appear convinced by my explanation as she furiously scanned the paper before slamming it down to glare at me. “Why do I get the feeling you aren’t telling me everything?”

“What do you mean?” I asked as I fought to keep my gaze on her. If I looked away or let my voice change infinitesimally, my aunt would catch it. She was too observing.

“What is your involvement with this guy and don’t you dare lie to me. A hot guy doesn’t just show up and eat a person’s pancakes without having a reason.”

I struggled with an answer, but a story worth telling, much less believing, wouldn’t surface. Damn the newspapers and damn Keiran Masters.

“He, uh, asked me out once, and I said no. He showed up because he was pretty persistent about it, but that’s over now.”

She eyed me warily before peering down at the paper again, scanning it once more before shaking her head with a look of sadness etched across her features. “It’s so tragic. Lake, I want you to promise me you will be careful. I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you. After your mother died—” She paused mid-sentence and her eyes widened in horror. “Oh, Lake, honey. I’m sorry. I know this isn’t what you want to hear yet but—”

“Aunt Carissa, not now,” I urged but it sounded more like a desperate plea.

“Lake, I did this for you. I know you think you don’t want to hear it, but you need to. You’re already eighteen and will be graduating in just a few months. I couldn’t send you off into the world without knowing what happened to them. I’m sorry I lied to you.”

“I know, Aunt Carissa. You don’t need to apologize again. I just need time to figure this all out.”

I couldn’t tell her there was nothing to figure out or that instead, I couldn’t bring myself to admit they were really dead. I couldn’t even promise to try.


My room held a quality that wasn’t there when I left this morning, and when my eyes landed on my brooding teenage tormentor leaning against the wall, I understood why.

“It occurred to me the little stunt you pulled today was not a one-time deal or a brief lapse in judgment.”

Remembering his earlier threat, I quickly spun around to leave, but he was across the room with his hand over my mouth before I could cross the threshold. He pulled my arms back to rest at the small of my back. After I was restrained to his satisfaction, he quickly loosened his grip as if he were afraid of hurting me. I laughed despite my current position.

B.B. Reid's books