Enamor (Hearts of Stone #1)

"I don't kiss and tell."

She rolls her eyes. "What a gentleman."

"My turn."

She sits up with a little more enthusiasm. Already, there's color returning to her face. I can tell her enjoyment is distracting her from feeling sick.

I don't think my next statement through. "I've never made a sex tape."

Stupid. That was a waste of a turn. I expect her to roll her eyes again, or maybe call me a liar. To my surprise, her eyes widen just slightly and the color in her face drains. I think she's going to be sick. But then, she brings the bottle of water up to her mouth and swallows.

"Wait. Seriously?" I can't keep the disbelief out of my tone. "You made a sex tape?"

There's no amusement on her face and when she talks again, there's considerably less energy in her tone, as though she's no longer enjoying the game. "It's my turn to ask a question."

I open my mouth to protest, not wanting to drop such a scandalous subject. Until I realize the sickened expression on her face has nothing to do with her not feeling well. It's all to do with her admission. That piece of information isn't one she meant to part with. I feel a stab of guilt at having forced her to.

She clears her throat. "I've never had a one-night stand."

I chug a few mouthfuls of rum. "Now you're just trying to get me drunk."

She shakes her head at my show. "You're going to feel that in a minute."

"I'm feeling it right now." I get to my feet and make a show out of swaying slightly. "Does this mean you've won?"

"Not until I've wiped the floor with you." Her half-hearted smile tells me she doesn't want our game to end just yet. If I leave, she will be left alone for the rest of the weekend.

The fact that she wants me around, even after what I did, makes my chest swell with satisfaction.

"Fine. My turn," I say, sitting back down to think of my next question.

She's only willing to let me glean information from the game and not directly. I think on it for a few seconds. The word heartbroken keeps slipping into my thoughts. That's the only word I could use to describe the vibe I got from her last night. And her saying she's never been in love just makes me more curious about it.

"I've never been heartbroken," I say.

She hesitates before taking a long sip of water. When she finishes, she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand and avoids my eyes, taking the time to smooth out the blanket over her lap.

I thought so. But..."You said you've never been in love."

"You don't have to be in love to get your heart broken."

I think of what my father did. Of what my mother did. And I nod. "True," I admit, before taking a long swig of rum.

Her expression falls just a hair, realizing what I'm also admitting. And when her eyes meet mine, there's a struggle there between her wanting me to elaborate, wanting me to share, and not wanting to pry.

I get the sense she has secrets she's dying to relieve herself of, but she's still hesitant to trust me. I have to give a little to get a little.

"I know a lot about heartbreak," I say, my head already light from the alcohol. "Mine cracked in two when my father died."

The silence that follows is awkward and I realize I don't care. I might be half drunk already. Julia looks down at her hands. She starts to say something, only to stop herself, then utters, "I'm so sorry."

"Well," I start, getting up and feeling the floor shift a little under my feet, "now that I've thoroughly killed the mood, I'm going to go to bed."

I've taken maybe three steps when her voice reaches me, soft and almost timid. "You don't have to go."

"I don't have to, or you don't want me to?" The familiar combative sparks shoots across her eyes, as I knew it would. Though I enjoy seeing her reaction, I'm instantly worried she will take back her words just out of pride. So, I backpedal. "Fine. I'll stay. Move over."


Before she can concede, I'm wedging myself onto the bed beside her, and though she makes a noise of protest, she slides over a few feet to allow me room on the mattress. She's under the covers from the waist down and I'm lying on top of them. Nothing about this should feel remotely sexual, I remind myself. But I'm not sure I know how to be around her without being aware of how much I want her. Tonight needs to be different.

Heartbroken. The word repeats in my head. And somehow, that word is enough for me to remember she isn't as put together as she seems. She has cracks in her and I'm not even sure where those cracks are. If I lift her the wrong way, she might fall apart in my hands. And that, that's pretty damn scary.

We sit side by side, no parts of our bodies touching, staring ahead at the painting of a beach on the wall.

"I wasn't kidding about tasering your nuts."

I laugh. "I know. My hands are staying right here, on my lap."

"And I know you realize you have no chance in hell of getting into my pants."

"Shorts," I correct. "Tiny shorts..." That could slide off really easily if the circumstances were different.

"You just saw me puking my brains out an hour ago. You're gross."

"I didn't actually see you. But it seems we get along better when you're sick, so you can't blame me for soaking up this moment."

She laughs before she can stop herself. "I need to be half dead just to be able to put up with you."

"Ouch," I say, turning my face to find her looking at me. "Am I that bad?"

"You know what?" She pauses, all the while holding my gaze for a beat that seems much longer than just a second. "I'm not sure. I wish you were, it would make everything simple."


"If you could just stick to being an asshole, I could stick to hating you. Simple."

There's an inherent innocence behind her words. A curiosity that gives me hope.

"I'm going to tell you something that you're not going to believe," I say. "You're not really my type."

She tilts her head forward in a movement that's probably meant to convey her incredulity, but really it just brings her face a centimeter closer to mine. I hold still, even though I get an irresistible urge to kiss her, sick or not.

"Is this part of your rouse? Soothing the prey into thinking it's no longer being stalked?"

"What I mean is, lately I prefer women who are into what I'm into. Just having a good time, nothing else. You don't seem like you're just looking for a good time. You seem like you'd want something more."

My words seem to offend her though her reaction is subtle, running her tongue over her teeth. "You're wrong. I'm not looking for anything at all."

"Here's the thing. We obviously have to see each other all the time, live together, have friends in common. Why don't we try being friends?"

"Friends?" I can hear the sarcasm in her tone. "You had your hands all over me."

"Yeah. That was pretty nice."

A smile tugs my lips. She slaps my arm.

"My point is, I don't let friends put their hands down my pants."

"Are you saying you want to be more than friends?" Even as I voice it, I can tell it's the wrong thing to say.

Veronica Larsen's books