Dragos Goes to Washington (A Story of the Elder Races)

As he surveyed the area, the guards returned to make sure they had carried everything in. One of the guards, a tall, young handsome male, offered his hand to Pia with a smile.

Violent jealousy shot through Dragos’s body. Moving fast, he rounded the front of the vehicle and bared his teeth to hiss at the other male before Pia had a chance to grasp the outstretched fingers.

The guard recoiled, turning pale, and Pia’s expression stilled as her gaze turned sharp and wary. She paused, one slender, sandaled foot already on the pavement.

Dragos drew in a deep breath and fought for calm. He said quietly to the guard, “Go into the house.”

Bowing his head, the guard fled, leaving him and Pia to regard each other.

Finally he said, “You don’t have to say anything. I know that was excessive.”

“Are you all right?” she asked.

Was he? She had asked the question in all seriousness, so he pondered that. “I think so. Just—be careful not to get too close to any other males right now. I’m too much in touch with the mating frenzy.”

“I understand,” she said quietly. “Perhaps we should have considered things more carefully and put off trying to get pregnant until after this week was over.”

“We made an emotional decision. There’s nothing wrong with that. We’ll make it work. I’ll talk to Bayne, so he can warn the staff, and I’ll be on guard when we’re in public.” He bent slightly to extend his hand to her. “Welcome to one of your homes, Lady Cuelebre.”

The concept that she was part owner of the magnificent mansion clearly startled her, as her eyes widened even further, but she swallowed down whatever she might have said and placed her hand in his.

As he supported Pia’s exit out of the Cadillac and straightened, he swept the scene once more.

Then Dragos Cuelebre, Lord of the Wyr, escorted his mate and wife into his Washington abode.

Chapter Four

Once inside the elegant foyer, Pia told Eva, “I want to see everything.”

Dragos tightened his hold on her fingers. “You need to eat.”

“Ten minutes,” she said. “I want the quick tour. I’ll be right back.”

Her eyes were sparkling and the color was back in her cheeks, so he reluctantly let her go. As the two women jogged up the marble staircase, Bayne appeared, strolling down the hallway.

As the sentinel on duty for the week, Bayne was in charge of all the security details. Instead of wearing his usual jeans, T-shirts and boots, which was the standard attire for all the sentinels at home in New York, the gryphon wore a dark gray suit, with a black shirt and tie. The outfit emphasized his large, tall build and short, tawny hair.

Dragos ran a critical eye down the other man’s figure. The excellent cut of the suit hid his weapons well. Bayne would be an acceptable addition at any except the most formal functions, and for those, he had brought a black tux.

As the other man reached him, Bayne gave him a nod in greeting. “One of my guards wanted me to apologize to you on his behalf,” the sentinel said, tucking his hands into the pockets of his tailored slacks. “Rather profusely, I might add. So, he’s really, really sorry. What’d he do?”

Dragos blew out a breath through his nostrils in an inaudible growl. It was going to be a long damn week. “He almost took Pia’s hand to help her out of the car, and I snapped at him.”

“I see.” Bayne’s tone was neutral.

He shot the other man a look from under lowered brows. “Pia can get out of a fucking car by herself. She doesn’t need males tripping over themselves to touch her. And in any case, I’ll be the one to escort her. At all times. You hear?”

Eyebrows raised, Bayne pursed his lips and nodded. “Yeah, I hear you. I also sense there may be some, ah, underlying tension?”

Dragos strode for the dining room, and the other man fell into step beside him. Telepathically, he said, Keep this confidential. We’re trying to get pregnant, and yes, it’s brought back the mating frenzy. So, make sure everyone is warned.

Thea Harrison's books