Dragonsworn (Dark-Hunter #28)

“The queen found the only set of chains that could hold a truly feral beast. She captured the heart of their leader. Took him deep into her lair, warmed him with her fire, and made it so that he never wanted to leave her side ever again.”

Those words melted her as she understood the underlying meaning and what he was saying not just about the Charonte, but about himself. “And is the dragon tamed?”

“Never, my lady Daimon. Like a Charonte, you can never tame so savage a beast. Only make him crave the fire where you are more than the cold where he used to live.”

Her father laughed. “I would be angry over this, but I can’t help thinking that having our own dragon can’t possibly be a bad thing.”

Falcyn scoffed at her father’s words. “Unless you piss me off, Stryker, I wouldn’t advise doing that.”


“Then do we have an accord?”

Stryker dropped his gaze to Medea. “So long as you treat my daughter with all due regard and like the queen she is, we will have no problems, you and I.”

“Then we will never have a problem.”

“Except for the god who is still out to end us.” Medea scowled as she met Falcyn’s gaze. “This isn’t over. Apollo’s not finished with us, as the strykyn proved. You’ve saved my parents. But we still have a traitor to find.”

Falcyn shook his head at her, then glanced over to Davyn. “Chicken Little?”

“Always. She can’t help herself.”

And he still had his son to free. Somehow.

Overwhelmed and losing hope by the second, Falcyn sighed. “I need to see to my sister. Make sure she’s all right with the others.”

Medea stepped forward. “I’ll come with you.”

“You sure?”

She nodded. “Just don’t let me burst into flames.”

“I’ll do my best on that, as it would ruin my best day, and I’m sure it wouldn’t make yours, either.” He held his hand out for her. The moment he felt her touch, a strange flutter went through his chest. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever get used to having such tender feelings for someone else. To having a living weakness.

Honestly? He didn’t like it. It was hard to know that she was an easy means to his destruction. That alone made him want to push her away and deny her. He hated the feeling of vulnerability she wrought.

She narrowed her gaze at him. “You okay?”

No. He had a new, profound respect for her as he realized just how much strength she possessed. The fact that she’d been able to survive without her child and husband …

His only solace over the centuries had come from the fact that he hadn’t known Maddor. His son had been a concept for him. Not a reality. He hadn’t held him or known Maddor at all.

Not the way he knew Medea.

Now …

She was a part of him.

The best part.

And the thought of something happening to her was crippling.

“How did you survive after Evander?”

Her eyes turned dark and haunted. “One breath at a time. Some days, that was all I could manage to get through.”

That was a sobering thought he didn’t want to even contemplate. Terrified beyond rational thought, he pulled her into his arms, and teleported her to his home. “I will never let you go, Medea.”

“I’m counting on that, dragonfly.”

Taking her hand, he led it to his lips and kissed her palm, then stepped back so that she could inspect his island home.

Medea gasped at the beauty that was Falcyn’s “lair.” No wonder he’d been so defensive when she’d accused him of living in a cave. This was absolutely breathtaking. Open and airy, it was technically a cavern.

Just a very large, spacious one with an ocean view that took her breath. The enchanted walls were crystal clear, so that he could look out, but not be seen by anyone else. Their transparency made them shimmer and sparkle from the daylight that burned her eyes, yet not her skin.

“How long have you lived here?”

“Forever and a day.” He winked at her.

Shaking her head at his humor, she turned a small circle to survey everything. Outside the cavern, the landscape held ancient ruins of some Greek city and temple. Inside, it was a bit cramped by the number of dragons. She could see why he’d balked a bit about having them here.

Still, without them, it would have to be lonely. Such a large space with no company …

Yeah, that wouldn’t make her happy.

But then she’d never really been alone. She’d always had her mother and then her husband.

Unlike Falcyn. Never had she been forced to live by herself. Family had always been a part of her life.

His sister came over to them. “Like the new decorations? Wall-to-wall dragon?”

“Ha ha. I hate you so much.” Yet there was a light in his eyes that said he appreciated his sister’s teasing.

And Xyn knew it, too. “Ah, you’re not fooling anyone. I know you missed me.”

Falcyn made a disgruntled face at her.

Medea pressed her lips together to keep from laughing. It was so strange to see this side of him. He was so protective with his brothers. Protective with her and Xyn as well, but they saw the much less serious part of him. While he could be flippant and sarcastic with Blaise and Urian, it was a different kind of humor than the more vulnerable one he showed the two of them. He was softer and kinder to the women in his life.

“So what do you plan to do with all of these beasts, Xyn? I’m not planning to let them move in, you know. Definitely not comfortable with them here.”

“Why not? It’s rather cozy.” Xyn smiled.

Falcyn let out a sound of supreme disgust. “You know why. And don’t start on me. As the old saying goes, door’s in the wall.”

“Oh relax, you old mangy beast. They’re not planning to stay, anyway. We’re just messing with you.”

His relief was tangible.

Xyn met Medea’s gaze and shook her head. “How do you put up with him?”

“I think he’s hilarious.”

She blew a raspberry. “This one’s a keeper, brother. You better not let her go.”

Before he could comment, the light dimmed near them.

Medea braced herself for another battle, then relaxed as she saw Shadow manifesting near Xyn. Yet for the life of her, she couldn’t imagine why he was here, given the condition he’d been in when last they’d seen him. She would have thought he’d have been out of commission for a while.

At least laid up for a month or more.

But apparently, nothing kept the being down for very long.

Inclining his head to them, he approached Xyn and spoke to her, letting them know that he must have been assisting her for a bit now. “I’ve found a few more homes.”

Falcyn let out an audible sigh. “Shadow … you’re my man.”

Shadow let out a nervous laugh. “Since when?”

“Since I saved your ass. How are you feeling?”

“Like I had the hell beat out of me … And you’re welcome.”

Crossing his arms over his chest, Falcyn’s expression said those words chafed him. Yet the gleam in his eyes betrayed his amusement. “How has Varian failed to gut you all these centuries?”

“Not from lack of effort on his part, I assure you. I’m just quicker than he is.”

Falcyn shook his head. “Anyway, I’m glad to see you back on your feet.”

“Glad to be back on my feet. Especially without Varian hovering over me like some great hairy mother. And I heard you made friends with little brother, Lombrey.”