Dragon's Desire (Dragon Shifter's Mates #3)

The other introductions went pretty much the same way. A cryptic remark, a once-over, a mild show of respect. The feline kin were definitely a lot different from the other shifters I’d met. I didn’t get hostile vibes from any of them, but really, it was hard to tell who might have been simply unaffected and who outright dismissive.

“Are they always like this?” I murmured to Marco when we stopped by one of the tables for a moment alone. “Or are they insulting you—or me—or someone?”

He chuckled. “Princess, this is about as enthusiastic for leadership as my kin ever get. I’m actually impressed.” His head turned, and he sighed. “Well, I was. Prepare yourself.”

For what? I wanted to ask, but the problem he’d seen coming was already on us.

“Well then,” purred the lynx shifter who’d sidled up at my right. I couldn’t tell whether the flecks of silver in his tawny hair were part of his animal’s coloring or a reflection of age, but if he was any more than thirty-five, he wore the years well. He gave me a sly grin as he considered me. “Aren’t you the loveliest shifter I’ve ever seen walk in that door. No offense meant to my alpha.”

He winked at Marco, who smiled indulgently. “None taken, Silvan. I know exactly how lovely I am without you buttering me up.”

“Perhaps while you’re busy with your duties, I could take this treasure on a tour of the estate.” Silvan’s attention came back to me. His voice practically dripped with flirtation. “There are so many things I could show you.”

I’d bet there were. I clamped my jaw, not sure whether I was more likely to laugh or sputter in indignation. Was he seriously propositioning me right in front of my mate?

Marco didn’t seem to care—but then, Marco made a habit of appearing not to care about anything. And maybe this guy thought he could get away with the flirtation because his alpha wasn’t fully my mate yet.

Any good humor I’d been feeling about the encounter died. I gave the lynx shifter a firm stare. “I appreciate the offer, but I know Marco will look after me just fine.” I tucked my hand around Marco’s elbow at the same time. My jaguar shifter didn’t say anything, but I felt a tremor of pleased energy travel through his posture.

Silvan seemed unfazed. “Well, if you should change your mind, I’m sure you can find me.” He sauntered off.

“Wow,” I said. “That was... something.”

“I should probably warn you that you’re likely to get at least three similar offers before the day is over,” Marco said. His smile turned crooked.

A murmur rose up near the doorway at the far end of the ballroom. I glanced over, and my gaze caught in a shock of neon pink hair. My heart leapt.


I dashed across the room, suddenly glad I wasn’t dressed up, because I could move a heck of a lot faster in sneakers than heels. My best friend squealed when she saw me. We threw our arms around each other, me being careful not to squeeze her too hard with my newfound dragon strength. Not that Kylie was any lightweight. She was small, yeah, but full of wiry toughness.

When I let her go, she looked around the room, her eyes sparkling. “This is freaking amazing, Ren. And I thought Marco’s place in New York was posh. So this is, like, the capital of cat shifters?”

I grinned. “Something like that. I can’t believe you’re here! How long can you stay?”

“I’m supposed to be back at work on Tuesday, but I can always call in. I haven’t used any sick days yet. Oh my God! I’m going to get to see you be a dragon.” She grasped my hands, and we spun around in an excited little dance. “Where are those hunks of yours, anyway?”

I looked up and realized we’d become the center of attention. The shifters all around the room were staring at me and my bestie—well, mostly at my bestie. One woman’s nostril’s flared.

“Why has a human been allowed into our estate?” she demanded.

I stepped closer to Kylie automatically, my hackles rising. Marco strode over with an air of authority I’d rarely seen him emit. But then, this was the first time I’d seen him among so many of his kin.

“The human is your dragon shifter’s ally,” he said, pitching his voice loud enough for the whole room to hear. “And you will treat her with the same respect you would a dragon. Any arguments?” He offered a sharp smile.

Several heads turned away. The other stares lowered. The woman who’d complained muttered something, and Marco said, in a soft, clear voice, “What was that, Livia?”

Her lips pressed flat, her face paling slightly. “Nothing, sir.”

Marco didn’t look convinced, but he let it slide. “A surprise visit, but a welcome one,” he said to Kylie as he joined us.

Kylie’s expression had gone a bit tight. “It’s not going to be a big deal that I’m here, is it? Everyone seemed so chill in the other shifter village, I didn’t think they’d get upset.”

“They’ll get over it. We felines are very adaptable.” The smile he gave her was a lot warmer than the one he’d offered the crowd.

“Come on,” I said, grabbing Kylie’s arm. “You’ve got to be hungry. They’ve got everything to eat here.” I kept my tone chipper even though my heart was thudding. Alice caught my eye from across the room, and I nodded. I was definitely going to want her to have my best friend’s back around this bunch.

We’d only made it partway to the tables when a new voice boomed across the room. “Alpha! If you even deserve that title.”

Bristling, I pivoted on my feet. A hulking tiger shifter was stalking toward Marco, his head high and eyes lit with menace. The guy must have had at least half a foot and fifty pounds on my jaguar shifter.

A prickle ran over my skin as my body instinctively readied to shift. I held myself back. It wasn’t going to help Marco’s case if his mate fought his battles for him.

“Julius,” Marco said blandly. “What are you nattering about now?”

The tiger shifter came to a halt a few feet from his alpha and scowled. “I say you’re not strong enough to lead us all. I say a real alpha would have consummated his bond with the dragon, not stepped aside while other kin’s leaders did, leaving all of us still waiting. I say I could crush you with one blow of my paws.”

My skin went cold. The other shifters had fallen completely silent, even more still than when Kylie had arrived. Marco folded his arms over his chest and cocked his head. “Is that a formal challenge, or just bluster?”

“Consider yourself challenged,” Julius growled. “Tonight, unless you’re going to try to weasel your way out of it.”

“No weaseling necessary,” Marco said lightly. “I’ll be happy to settle this tonight. May the best kin win.”

Chapter 14


Kylie looped her arm around mine as an attendant led us down the hall to our rooms. She pitched her voice low. “So... this whole challenge thing. What exactly does that mean for Marco?”

I swallowed hard. My pulse hadn’t stopped racing since the tiger shifter had swaggered out of the ballroom. I wished I had a better idea what the challenge had meant myself.

Eva Chase's books