Dragon Soul (Dragon Falls, #3)

“No. Not since Jian.” Cool air hit my naked flesh, making me shiver… until his hands cupped my breasts, instantly making them feel like they were on fire.

“I’ll do my best to live up to such an honor,” he murmured, his hands and mouth making me wild.

“I have no doubt you’ll do just that. I think… oh yes, do the other, please… I think we’d better go into my room just in case Mrs. P comes back early. I wouldn’t want to shock her.”

He murmured an agreement into my chest, still kissing and nibbling and licking as I backed us up into my room, nudging the door closed behind us.

I bit the tendon on his neck, licking the spot afterward as I unbuttoned his shirt, peeling it off to expose his chest.

Goddess above, it was a gorgeous chest. He had lovely soft chest hair that emphasized the swells of muscle, and a long line that led down into the waistband of his pants. I stroked one pectoral, the memories of the dream mingling with reality until I couldn’t differentiate between the two.

“You’re on fire,” he said, sucking my earlobe at the same time he slid off my cotton shorts.

“Only for you,” I answered, working on his belt.

“I meant that literally,” he said, pulling back to give me a smile filled with pure heat.

I looked down. Around my feet, a ring of fire had formed. “Eek. Um. Should I be worried?”

“No. It can’t hurt you.”

I tamped out a bit of fire that was meandering toward Rowan. “I can make fire?”

He tipped me backward, his cheeks rubbing against my breasts, the sensation making my toes curl in ecstasy. “Dragons can, yes. I guess this means their mates have that ability, as well. From what I understand, it’s a reaction to strong emotions. Are you feeling strong emotions, Sophea?”

“That’s an understatement,” I said, whimpering when he molested first one breast, then the other. My hands were still working on his belt, and finally got it free from the buckle, and the button on his waistband undone.

“Tell me what you want,” he said, cupping my breast.

“You?” I said, hoping he wasn’t going to make me catalog my every desire, because at that moment, I had a metric butt-ton of them.

That must have been the answer he was looking for, because he scooped me up and carried me to the bed. “That’s ironic, because I happen to want you very badly. Impossibly so, as a matter of fact.”

“Did you have a dream, too?” I asked, trying to arrange myself on the bed so I looked like a goddess about to receive her lover rather than a rumpled tourist with unsexy underwear and jet lag.

He paused as he was about to undo his zipper. “Why do you keep mentioning a dream?”

“Ignore my mouth. It says unimportant things,” I said, donning a come-hither pose.

He dropped his pants, then quickly removed his underwear and crawled across the bed toward me.

“You changed out of your boots,” I said by way of conversation, suddenly feeling shy. What did I know about Rowan, really, other than the fact that I wanted him more than anything I could think of?

He paused as he loomed over me, glancing toward the floor where he’d slipped out of a pair of brogues. “Yes, I did. Sophea?”


His eyes were guarded. “Did I misread your signals? Do you not wish for me to be here?”

“Not in the least. I really do want to be with you, Rowan. I want to make love to you. I want you to make love to me. I’m just… it’s been a long time since I was with a man, and the first few minutes are always kind of awkward, don’t you think? I mean, in the dream, you were just there, naked, kissing my breasts and touching me, and holy hells, your penis was Mr. Hello, I’ll Be Your Penis for the Night. Oh, goddess, I’m babbling, aren’t I?”

He laughed and pulled me up to him, one hand moving down to my thigh at the same time he leaned forward and kissed me. The dull heat inside me roared to life at the touch of his hand and mouth. “I like it when you babble. It’s been some time for me, as well, but I don’t see anything embarrassing here. All I see is a seductive woman who makes me insane with desire, one who has silky skin, glorious hair, and breasts that could make a sinner repent. Would you mind if I continued what we started in the other room?”

“You have my fullest cooperation,” I said with a little giggle that turned into a gasp when he pulled off my underwear and bent over my personal bits, a wicked grin lighting up his eyes.

They weren’t gold, though. They were a cloudy green.

“I’ll hold you to that. Now, let’s see if you like this.”

His head dipped down and I damn near came off the bed.

“Yes!” I shrieked. “Yes, I like that. A whole lot. Do it again, please.”

He did it again, and when I came close to going over the edge into an orgasm, he stopped.

“You are… that was… mmrowr,” I purred, wanting to crawl up his body, and touch and taste him, all the while having him do the same things to me.

Katie MacAlister's books