Disillusioned (Swept Away, #2)

“You cannot repeat this to anyone. You’re the only one I trust.”

“What’s going on, Uncle Larry?” I’d slipped into calling him uncle again, even though I no longer considered him family.

“Bianca, I’ve been set up.”

“Sure.” I sighed. “Larry, your lies aren’t going to work now. I know you told David about me wanting the shares.”

“Listen to me, Bianca. I admit I’ve made mistakes.” He paused. “Please, Officer, may I have a few more minutes?” He sounded worried. “Listen to me carefully, Bianca. I can’t talk long. I’m in jail. I’ve been set up for tax evasion, fraud, and insider information.”

“Insider information?” I asked, surprised. “What insider information?”

“You cannot let the merger go through,” he said quickly. “You have to stop the merger.”

“What are you talking about? Why?”

“The Bradley Inc. merger,” he shouted. “He fooled us. I don’t know how I missed it, but you have to ensure it’s stopped. You have the shares. I took care of it. They’re in your name. Go to my house. Go and see my wife. She’ll give you the papers. You need to stop it before it’s too late.”

“What’s going on? Who fooled you? Was it Maxwell? Who is Maxwell, Larry? Tell me, who is Maxwell?”

“That’s it, Mr. Renee,” a voice said in the background. “The call is done.”

“Bianca, listen to me! Do not trust Jakob Bradley—and you need to stop that merger. If it goes through, it’s all over. It will all be for nothing.”

“What will have been for nothing?”

The phone went dead. I looked at the phone in my hands and glanced up guiltily as Jakob came out of his bathroom, hair wet and slick.

“You okay?” He looked at the phone in my hand. “Phone call?”

“Larry called me,” I said slowly, staring at Jakob’s perfectly chiseled body.

“What did he say?” Jakob rushed over to me, his eyes wide. I stared at the towel around his waist, distracted by the image he made, half-naked and wet as he sat next to me on the bed. “What did he say, Bianca?” His dark eyelashes were moist and his blue eyes were vivid and alert. “Are you okay?” He massaged my shoulders and moved closer to me. I could feel the heat radiating off him.

“He said he was set up,” I said finally, not wanting to say anything else. Why had Larry told me I couldn’t trust Jakob? Was Jakob looking out for me now or was he trying to set me up?

“Did he ask for your help?”

“He asked me to try and find out what’s going on.” I nodded. I wasn’t going to tell Jakob everything, just in case. Immediately, I felt remorse and guilt. Was I really going to take Larry’s word and stop trusting Jakob?

“Is he joking?” Jakob snarled. “Why would you help him after what he’s done?”

“I guess he had no one else to call.”

“He should call his wife or David.”

“Yeah.” I nodded, then sat back casually, letting my body fall back into Jakob’s. “Do you think I should try and stop the merger now? Do you think I should show my paperwork and see if I can get my rightful shares of the company?”

“No.” He shook his head. “I don’t.”

“Jakob”—I stared at him intently—“Larry told me not to trust you.”

“I see.” He studied my face. “And you believed him?”

“No.” I paused. “For a split second, yes.” I sighed. “For a split second I was confused, but I trust you, Jakob. I would never take Larry’s word over yours. I trust you.”

“I’m glad.” His hands caressed my face as he gazed into my eyes. “Larry’s still playing his games, isn’t he?”

“He wants me to go see his wife. She might have more information for us.”

“Then we shall go and see his wife.” He pulled me toward him hard. “But not until we take care of some unfinished business.”

“Oh?” I gasped as I felt his hardness against my stomach.

His hands cupped my breasts and he squeezed them together. His lips fell to the side of my neck and he kissed me softly. “I love your smell.” He breathed me in, his fingers squeezing my breasts.

“Jakob?” I moaned as his right hand slipped down and made its way into my panties.

“Yes?” His fingers rubbed me gently and I moaned again, slightly louder this time.

“Why do you think Larry asked me to help him?”

“He’s trying to play you again.” Jakob bit my earlobe. “But we’re not dumb, we already know his game.” His left hand pulled my top up and he pushed me down on the bed. “He can rot in hell for all I care.” He kissed me on the forehead, then the nose, then the lips, and made his way down the valley between my breasts before sucking on my right nipple.

“You just showered.” I groaned as my back arched involuntarily.