Dirty Rogue: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

It shouldn’t be surprising that Saintland wants to know everything there is to know about her. It’s only a matter of time before they dig up her name, and she becomes a pawn in the media…

One way or another, the palace is going to have to get ahead of this. Even as I contemplate our options, I wave the thought away dismissively. By the time my father realizes it’s in his best interests to at the very least welcome her to the country in an official capacity, it might be too late.

The problem now, I think as I make my way back to my own rooms and away from the prying eyes of my father’s staff, is that this news will be available within minutes. Saintland might be a goddamn monarchy, but we believe strongly in freedom of the press…even if they breached our standing agreement to cover the “story.” And if it’s on the news, Jessica will hear about it…

Phillip meets me at the door to my rooms, already in a tizzy.

“Your highness,” he says, jumping up from his desk near my fireplace and rushing toward me. “Your highness, I’m sorry to be the one to tell you, but…”

“Let me guess. The little incident in the courtyard is on the gossip sites already, soon to be covered on the live networks.”

His face flushes. “Yes, Prince Alexander.”

That bastard father of mine works fast. These things must have been much easier to spin in the days before the Internet.

I take a seat on my sofa, covering my eyes with my hands. My father and brother are infuriating, but our disagreements have never been dragged through the public square this badly before. As the adrenaline seeps from my body, I feel a flash of guilt over losing control like that. I should never have manhandled my brother. I usually can exercise or fuck my frustrations away, but every comment about Jessica makes my blood boil.

They just can’t speak about the woman I love the way they do.

And I do love her. I can’t deny it to myself anymore, not after I shouted it into Marcus’s face in the garden while I had him pinned to the wall. I love her.

“What do you suggest I do now, Phillip?”

Phillip’s mouth drops open. I’m usually the one telling him how I’ll respond to a given situation, thank you very much, so I’m sure my statement shocked him.

Silence reigns for a moment.

“Well,” says Phillip, finding his footing again. “You have another interview scheduled for this afternoon, and then after that you’re to take part in a photo session with some local schoolchildren who have been building a float for the Summer Festival parade. In my opinion, it would be best for you to attend those as you normally would. If you stick to your schedule, there’s a possibility the palace will be able to spin this as a petty disagreement between brothers and not a scandal worthy of attention.”

“Then that’s the plan,” I say, standing up and smoothing down my jacket. “But I also need you to arrange some things to be sent to my lady’s suite at the Northern Crown. This is going to be a goddamned stressful day for her.”

I’ll give Phillip this: he is a master at carrying out the intricate plans I come up with.

Over the course of the afternoon and early evening, he arranges to send a series of gifts to Jessica at the Northern Crown, beginning with a delicate diamond bracelet and ending with a handwritten note from me: You are not to blame for any of this. I will see you this evening. Be ready. I will be very disappointed if you’re clothed when I arrive.

When I arrive at and open the door to her suite just past nine o’clock, she’s standing in the center of the living room, stark naked. She’s so gorgeous, it makes my heart skip a beat.

“Hello, your highness,” she says, trying bravely to give me a sultry grin, but I can see that today’s news has taken its toll.

I’m by her side in seconds, running my hand sensually over her bare shoulders and trailing them down to her hands. She raises her arms and drapes them loosely around my neck, looking up at me, her eyes searching my face for a reaction.

“Didn’t you read my note?” I murmur in her ear, nipping at her earlobe with my teeth.

“Yes, but Alec, it might be better if I—.”

I told my hands around her waist and pull her close to me, possessively and unapologetically. “Don’t you dare suggest to me that you return to the United States.”

“I’m coming between you and your family.” Her voice is threaded with genuine worry.

“You’re doing no such thing. My family is choosing to be stubborn. I’ll deal with them tomorrow, once we’ve all had a chance to cool off. For now…” Her entire body responds as I put one hand at the base of her neck and run one finger down her spine. Her nipples stand out pointedly from her breasts as a shiver overtakes her. “For now, I think we should occupy ourselves with other activities.”

“Yes,” she breathes out, warm breath tickling my ear.

“Would you like to be fucked, my hot little vixen?”

“Please.” Her answer is almost a whimper.

“How hard?”

“As hard as you can.”

“Your wish is my command.”

Chapter 23
