Dirty Ride (Wind Dragons MC, #3.5)

“Tomorrow,” he says, his tone demanding no argument. “And this pasta is amazing, thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” I say, happy to be appreciated. It’s something I never really experienced in my last relationship. I remember once I made a simple dinner for Darren, some toasted sandwiches, and he threw it on the ground in a fit of rage and said it was shit. It actually makes me feel weak to think about everything I put up with. But then I remind myself I got out, and there’s no point looking back.

“Do you want to go out for dinner tonight? There’s a place I want to take you that does the best ribs in the city.”

I nod. “If you’re feeling up to it.”

He flashes me a look that says he’s clearly done with my fussing. “Oh, don’t you worry, I’m feeling up to it all right.”

I try to hide my amusement and fail, my lips twitching and him catching it.


“Yeah?” I reply, looking down at my plate.

“I love you.”

I lift my head up, my eyes wide.


“I love you,” he repeats, so simply, as easy as taking another breath. “I just wanted you to know.”

He continues to eat while I sit in stunned silence.

He loves me?

So soon?

Is it too soon?

Yes, it’s definitely too soon. What am I supposed to say?

Do I love him?

I think it’s more of a leaning toward loving him. Is that an answer? I don’t think he’d appreciate me saying that, but I’m pretty sure he’s waiting for an answer right now while I’m thinking this.

“Stop overthinking,” he says, now watching me. “And don’t say anything; I don’t expect you to.”

“Okay,” I reply, drawing the word out, feeling relieved that I don’t have to explain what I’m feeling. I still don’t understand it.

He continues on as if he hadn’t just told me something that changed my world.


A COUPLE of weeks later, when my phone vibrates with a text, I smile, thinking it’s Ardan, but it’s not.

Found you.

It’s him. It’s Darren.


To think I was hoping he’d let it go, that he’d let me move on, was stupid. I should have known better. Nothing in life comes easy for me; I always have to fight for it, to push through, to survive, and this is no exception. I need to tell Ardan the whole story with Darren, because if something goes down, he needs to know the background. At the same time, I don’t want to pull him into my mess, and I don’t want him to think I’m asking him to use his contacts, even though I know he’d have some. This might drag him and the Wind Dragons down, and that’s the last thing I want. What if something happens and Ardan or his men end up in prison—or worse? How could I live with that?

I’m still lost in my own world when Ardan comes over later that night, and right away he senses something is wrong.

“What happened?” he asks, scanning my apartment as if to check for signs of disaster.

“I got a message today,” I tell him, shifting on my feet. “I don’t know what to do. I always try to solve my problems by myself, but—”

“But now you have me to solve your problems,” he says, cutting me off and lifting my chin in his hand. “It’s not an imposition. I’d be fuckin’ pissed if you had some shit going down that I didn’t know anything about.”

“I know, I just didn’t want you to have to deal with it,” I admit, biting the inside of my lip.

“Am I fucking you?” he asks, eyes narrowed and jaw tight.


“Am I fucking you? Am I here at your place every other night?” he says, looking angrier than I’ve ever seen him.

“Yes,” I admit hesitantly, making his grip on my chin tighten.

“Are you mine?” he asks, leaning his face closer to mine, as if daring me to disagree.

“Yes, I am,” I say with more conviction this time. “I’m yours.”

“Yes, you are,” he says, his eyes softening. “You’re mine, and so are your problems. Whatever it is, I can handle it. Now tell me.”

I show him the text.

When he looks at me, waiting for an explanation, I say, “My ex. He’s the reason I moved away, because he won’t leave me alone. He tries to follow me wherever I go, makes threats, and does anything he can to make my life harder.”

How much do I divulge here? If I tell him everything, could my baggage scare even Ardan away?

“And now he’s found you here?” Ardan asks, a menacing look flashing on his face.

“Yeah, I guess so,” I say in a small voice.

“Darlin’, you have nothing to worry about,” he soothes, pulling me against his body and kissing the top of my head. “Give me his name, and I’ll take care of the rest.”

“You shouldn’t have to do this for me,” I say against his chest. “I can’t ask you to.”

“You’re not asking—I’m offering,” he says simply. “I’m not going to let this fucker mess with you. You’re not alone anymore, Valentina, and he can’t do this. You have me standing in front of you now, protecting you from anything that tries to hurt you. Think of me as your own human bulletproof vest.”

I slap his arm. “That’s not even funny.”

I hear the smile in his voice when he says, “C’mon, it’s kind of funny.”