Death's Mistress (Sister of Darkness: The Nicci Chronicles #1)

“Utros took the bulk of the imperial army, nine hundred thousand of Kurgan’s best soldiers, on a campaign to conquer the powerful city of Ildakar. And he simply vanished—along with the entire army.

“It’s generally believed that they deserted, all nine hundred thousand of them. Maybe they even joined the forces of Ildakar. Suddenly finding himself without his army, Emperor Kurgan was weak and utterly lost. Then he discovered evidence of Empress Majel’s affair with Utros, and in his rage at this betrayal, Kurgan stripped her naked and chained her spread-eagled in the center of the city square. He forced his people to watch as he used an obsidian dagger to peel away her beautiful face in narrow ribbons of flesh, leaving her eyeballs intact so she could watch as he skinned the rest of her body, strip by strip. He finally gouged out her eyes and made sure she was still alive before upending urns of ravenous, flesh-eating beetles onto the raw, bloody meat that remained of her body.”

Bannon looked queasy. Nicci gave a grim nod, imagining that Jagang could well have done something similar. “Emperors tend to be … excessive,” she said.

The wizard continued, “Iron Fang did that to strike terror into the hearts of his people, but he only appalled them, for they had loved Empress Majel. His people were so disgusted and outraged that they rose up and overthrew Emperor Kurgan. He had no army to defend him and only a handful of imperial guards, many of whom were just as outraged at the crime they had witnessed. The people killed Kurgan and dragged his body through the streets until all the flesh was ripped off his bones. They hung his corpse by the ankles from a high tower of the palace until jackdaws picked the skeleton clean.”

“That is what should happen to tyrants,” Nicci said. “Jagang himself was buried unmarked in a mass grave.”

Nathan strolled onward, smiling. “And, of course, the citizens chose another emperor, who was just as ruthless, just as oppressive. Some people simply don’t learn.”


The foothills rose up from the river valley to form a mountain range, and according to the information they had been told, beyond those mountains would be a broad, fertile valley with another line of even higher mountains beyond. And then they would find Kol Adair.

Nathan thought the journey would be quite a challenge. He corrected himself: quite an adventure. During his sedentary centuries in the Palace of the Prophets, he had waited for exactly this, although he had not foreseen losing his gift along the way.

Leaving the rigidly straight imperial road, which headed north, the three travelers wound their way into hills covered with aspens. The forest was eerily beautiful, with tall, smooth trunks of green-gray bark and rippling leaves that whispered and rustled in the breeze. They walked on a carpet of mellow, sweet-smelling fallen leaves.

By late afternoon, Nathan found an open spot near a creek and suggested they set up camp. Bannon went off to hunt rabbits for their supper, but came back with only some swollen crabapples and an armful of cattails, whose pulp, he said, could be cooked up into a filling, if bland, mash. They added smoked fish from their packs, given to them by the people of Renda Bay. Later, Nicci drifted off to sleep while Nathan recounted more obscure and barbaric tales from history. At least Bannon was interested.

The next day they continued into the rolling hills, following a path that was wide enough for a horse, although they had not seen a village in days. Nathan consulted his notes. “There should be another town up ahead. Lockridge, according to the map.” He frowned as he looked from side to side, still trying to get his bearings. “At least, as best I can tell. We should easily reach it by nightfall.”

“I’m happy just to travel with you as my companions,” Bannon said, “for as long as you’ll let me.”

Nathan wondered how many days, months, or even years it would take them to find Kol Adair, but once they reached that mysterious place—whether it was a mountain, or a city, or some magical wellspring—he would become whole again. In the meantime, he felt empty and unsettled. Although he was perfectly competent without his gift, a decent swordsman and a true adventurer, the magic was part of him, and he did not like the idea that his own Han was a restless, rebellious force.

Alas, the farther they got from Renda Bay, the less reliable Thaddeus’s sketchy map proved to be. “I’m sure the townspeople ahead will be able to help us out,” Nathan said aloud.

When they reached an elbow in the ridge and walked out onto a cleared outcropping that sported only a single gnarled bristlecone among the rocks, Nathan paused to take a look around him, taking advantage of the exposed view to get his bearings.

Bannon pointed to a higher ridge several miles away, a large granite peak that stood above the other hills like a citadel. “There’s a kind of tower over there. What do you suppose that is?”

“Another cairn?” Nicci asked.

“No, no. This is much larger. A great tower, I think.”

Nathan shaded his brow. The midmorning sun was in his eyes, blocking details, but he could make out a stone watchtower topped with partially crumbled crenellations. “Yes, yes, you’re right, my boy. But I see no movement, no people.” He squinted harder. “It looks empty.”

“That would be a good place to erect a watchtower,” Nicci said. “A sentinel outpost.”

Nathan turned in a slow circle, looking at the ridges, the trees, the unfolding landscape. “Yes, that’s the highest point all around. From there, a person could see for quite some distance.” He began to grow excited as an idea occurred to him. “I could get over there and come back to the main road in a few hours. Getting a perspective on the land ahead would definitely be worth the detour.”

Nicci shrugged. “If you feel it is necessary, Wizard, I will accompany you.”

Nathan felt strangely defensive as he turned to her. Since he had lost his gift, she clearly felt she needed to be his protector, his minder. “It is not necessary for us all to go on such a side trip. With or without magic, Nathan Rahl is not a child who needs a nanny.” He sniffed. “Leave it to me. I’ll make my way over there, get the lay of the land, and update my map while you two keep following the path. Once you reach that town ahead, I trust you to find lodgings and make arrangements for a meal. I’ll certainly be hungry by the time I rejoin you.”

Bannon beamed as he stepped up. “I’ll come along with you, Nathan. You might need Sturdy and me to protect against any dangers. Besides, I’ll keep you company. You can tell me more stories.”

Terry Goodkind's books