Dare Me

I nod. This is nothing unusual. “I assumed you’d be returning upon delivery of your plane. I’d have to look into the work order to see when that is expected, but as with most aircraft, it’ll more than likely be three to four months.”

“I have an important party to attend in a couple of weeks in Washington DC. I’d like Ms. Phillips to accompany me as my guest.”

My heart stills. Sergio Perez wants my Saige to accompany him to a party. “I’m not sure how I can assist you with that.” I chuckle, knowing there is no way in hell Saige would ever agree to that or that I’d let her agree to that.

His voice deepens and all sense of friendliness has disappeared. “This is where I need you, Mr. Hamilton. It appears I have fifty-two million dollars that says you’ll help me secure this date.”

I punch the air in front of me and I can feel my blood pressure rise before I rub the back of my neck and try to remain calm.

“I’ve left Ms. Phillips two voice messages, but she appears to be too occupied to return my calls.”

I snap at him bitterly. “She’s been out of the office, unwell for a few days this week. Upon her return, I’ll ask that she contacts you right away.” I can hear my back teeth grind together as I clench my jaw tightly.

“Very well,” he says with a chuckle. “I look forward to hearing from her and continuing my business with Jackson-Hamilton Aviation, Mr. Hamilton.” I can hear his low laugh as he disconnects the call without a farewell.

Thankfully, I hear the dial tone because the slew of curse words that fly from my mouth is anything but professional, and I don’t respond well to threats.

“Everything okay?” Saige’s voice pulls me from my murderous thoughts. She rubs her eyes with the palms of her hands, her hair wild from her nap.

I rake my hands over my face and sigh deeply. “I just got off the phone with Sergio Perez,” I say, pushing myself away from my office desk.

Saige leans against the doorjamb and her eyebrows furrow. “Okaaaayyy,” she drawls.

“He’s interested in securing something very important to me.” I stare at Saige as she stands innocently in my doorway.

“He wants your plane?” She asks, her eyebrows shooting up.

I turn and look out the window at the gray sky. “No. Something more important than my plane.”

She frowns, confused. “Holt, you have nothing more valuable than your plane. This house would be next, but I highly doubt Sergio Perez is moving to Chicago and wants your house,” she snickers. She’s clueless that she is what he wants.

I shake my head. “Not my house. He wants you.”

“Me?” Her voice shoots up an octave and her eyes flutter with fear.

“Yes. He wants you to accompany him to a party, and he wants me to make it happen. He basically threatened to pull his business if it doesn’t happen.”

Saige blinks, thinking it through. She steps into the office and walks over to the desk. “Then I’ll go to the stupid party. It’s one night. He drops millions with you every year, Holt. I can manage that asshole for one night.” She places her hand on my shoulder and gives it a gentle squeeze. “I’d do that for you—for Jackson-Hamilton.”

I scoff. “It’s not happening. I don’t trust him. And while I find it noble that you’d be willing to sacrifice your personal time to attend a party with Mr. Perez, I’m not comfortable allowing that.”

She rolls her eyes at me. I hate when she does that. “Holt—”

I give a firm shake of my head. “Not open for discussion, Saige. He’s dangerous.”

“He’s dangerous in his country. Here . . . not so much.” I can still see the fear in her eyes, even though she’s pretending it’s not a big deal. I can see she hates him.

“Still not happening,” I bark at her.

“Fine.” Her shoulders slouch in defeat.

I take a deep breath and exhale it slowly. “But you are going to have to call him.”

“I planned to call him tomorrow when I get back to the office. I checked my voicemail and he’s called twice.”

I give her a pointed look. “Just keep it professional.”

“I will. I always do.” She looks at me pointedly. “But I still don’t see the big deal—”


“Fine . . . fine.” She turns around and struts away, throwing her hands in the air in frustration.


Holt and I quietly arrive at the office together, each of us going our separate ways once we get here. Traffic was a bitch, and we got here just after Rowan’s cutoff time for coffee, so I’m not surprised to find him waiting for me in my cube with two cups in hand and an annoyed look on his face.

“Morning, sunshine,” he says sarcastically as I toss my purse on my desk and slide my laptop into the docking station.

“Morning, Ro. Sorry I was late. Traffic.”

He leans in and whispers loudly, “Don’t blame traffic. You were getting a piece of that fine ass this morning, weren’t you?” I smile and shake my head at him when he narrows his eyes. “Don’t lie to me, Saige. You had the best mind-blowing morning sex of your life, didn’t you?” He grins like a thirteen-year-old boy, his annoyance long forgotten.

“I didn’t,” I whisper back and wink at him. I’ll keep him guessing.

Rebecca Shea's books