Dangerously Fierce (The Broken Riders Book 3)

She glanced in his direction and he nodded enthusiastically at the man next to him, trying not to seem like he was watching her. Unfortunately, the sailor launched into an entirely new story, encouraged by Alexei’s supposed interest. Great, this one had something to do with inappropriate tattoos. Please, gods, let there not be pictures.

It wasn’t as though there was anything wrong with Bethany not wanting to jump back into bed with him, although it made him worry a little that their encounter hadn’t been as wonderful for her as it had been for him. After all, she knew he was just passing through, and she wasn’t the kind of woman who went for casual relationships.

Unless she just didn’t want to be with him in particular. Not that he wanted to be with her. He didn’t do relationships at all, casual or otherwise, his attachment to his brothers and the Baba Yagas aside. Of course, he also didn’t brood over women, and look at him now. What the hell was wrong with him?

Bethany brought him over another beer, nodding at the guy next to him, who had pulled up his shirt to show off a tattoo of…what the devil was that, anyway? A mermaid and a dolphin? Alexei grimaced, pretty sure that the act depicted in the tattoo was not only physically impossible but unlikely to be considered desirable by either party.

Unlike the adorable redhead currently winking at him, who was absurdly desirable on multiple levels.

“Put that away, John,” she was saying to the sailor. “And if you drop your trousers to show him the other one, I’m calling your wife.”

“How do you know what he’s got under his trousers?” Alexei asked, curious (but not at all jealous, because he’d never been jealous a day in his life).

She rolled her eyes at him. “Not that way, you big oaf. Everyone in town knows what he’s got tattooed on his left butt cheek. The tattoo artist who did it was so proud, he has a photo up on the wall in his shop.” She gave a mock shudder. “Believe me, you don’t want to know. You’ll never sleep again.”

Bethany turned to John. “Speaking of which, you need to go home and sleep it off, buddy. I’ve called you a taxi. You can come get your car tomorrow.” She held out one hand and he dropped a set of keys into it meekly and staggered off in the direction of the door.

Bethany sighed, resting her elbows on the bar and her chin in her hands. “It was nice of you to let John blither on at you. I know he can be kind of annoying, but today’s the anniversary of his mother’s death, and he always gets drunk and tells ridiculous stories. You were kind to listen to him.”

“I am not kind,” Alexei growled, out of sorts for reasons he couldn’t quite put his finger on. Probably just tired of waiting for Beka to come back so they could solve this damned kraken problem and he could get back on the road.

Bethany blinked at him. “Well, you’re grumpy tonight. And you’re not fooling me, either. You’re kind to my father, and you’re kind to Lulu. Once or twice you’ve even been kind to me. Probably accidentally.”

Alexei opened his mouth to apologize when a deep, gravelly voice said, “I’ll bet lots of men are kind to you, pretty lady.”

A strange-looking guy slid onto the barstool vacated by John. He had an odd haircut, with a one side of his head shaved a third of the way up, and the remaining hair combed up and over, so it fell in one straight gray sheet down to his chin on the other side. He had a tangled salt and pepper beard, a hooked nose, cold gray eyes, and wore gold hoops in both ears. Something about him seemed familiar, but Alexei was sure he’d remember having met someone so distinctive, so perhaps he’d simply seen the guy in the bar on a previous occasion.

Bethany ignored the compliment, although she raised an eyebrow in unspoken commentary in Alexei’s direction. “Hi, I’m Bethany. What can I get you?”

The man gave Alexei a sideways glance, then stared rudely at a spot well below Bethany’s face. “How about a whiskey, neat, and a night with you?”

“How about a whiskey and you stop ogling my boobs?” she countered. “Any particular brand you prefer?”

“Yours will do quite nicely,” the man said with a smirk. “As for the whiskey, I am not particular.”

Bethany seemed to be dealing with this asshole with her usual patient forbearance, but Alexei had had enough.

“You don’t seem to be too particular about your manners, either,” He said, swinging around to face the man. “I’m going to have to ask you to stop being so rude to the lady. She’s a friend of mine.”

“It’s fine, Alexei,” Bethany said. “I think the gentleman would be happier drinking in some other bar, that’s all.”

The man reached over and grabbed her arm. “The gentleman is quite happy right where he is, thank you, darling. Although we might have a more enjoyable evening if you would tell your large ugly friend to go elsewhere so we can get to know each other better in peace.”

A red cloud seemed to descend over Alexei’s vision. “Remove your hand,” he said through gritted teeth. “Or I will remove it for you. Possibly permanently.”

Alarm crossed Bethany’s face. “Alexei, don’t.”

But it was too late. The stranger gave him a grin that glinted gold at one edge. “I will enjoy seeing you try,” he said, and let go of Bethany to stand up. “Shall we have at it?”

“Oh, yes, why don’t we?” Alexei stood up too, so the two of them were almost toe to toe. The man was larger than he’d thought - almost as tall as Alexei himself, although not quite as broad in the shoulders. Of course, he was a Human, so he wouldn’t have nearly the strength and endurance. Alexei might be a former Rider now, but his father was the god Jarilo and his mother had been the daughter of the legendary warrior Svyatogor, whose name meant Sacred Mountain because he was so large - no normal man could match him.

“Alexei,” Bethany said warningly. “Not again.”

Crack. The stranger struck Alexei so hard, it flung him across the room and into the wall.

Alexei straightened, shaking his head. Son of a bitch. That actually hurt. He roared as he raced back over and swept the man off his feet, barreling him a few yards before throwing him down on the ground with a thud.

The man bounced back up, seeming unshaken. He aimed another roundhouse punch at Alexei’s head, but this time Alexei was expecting it and ducked under the blow. He plowed into the man again, ramming his shoulder into the stranger’s gut and making him grunt as all the air left his lungs. They shot forward another couple of yards before the man dug in his booted feet and they screeched to a halt.

“Open the door!” Alexei yelled to one of the regulars who was sitting next to it. The guy stopped staring and jumped up with alacrity, suddenly figuring out what Alexei was doing.

A meaty fist connected with the side of his head, but Alexei just shook it off, although his ears rang a little from the impact. He took one step back to gather himself and then hit the man with all his strength. The stranger flew out the door and landed in the parking lot on his ass.