DONOVAN (Gray Wolf Security, #1)

He turned and carried me to the bed, controlling the fall so that he didn’t land too roughly on top of me. But the weight of his body was reassuring, just the same. I slid my hands under his shirt, drawing it up over the heavy muscles I could feel rippling just under the skin as he tugged at my dress, trying to get it out of his way. His shirt disappeared as he broke out kiss and sat up a little, exposing once again those washboard abs that made my fingers itch to touch. And his chest… Those pecs were as well defined as any I’d seen at boot camp. I sat up too, lifted my arms so he could pull my dress over my head. His eyes moved over my new bra, and I was actually happy I’d spent the money, happy that his eyes looked like those of a hungry animal who’d just set his sights on the perfect prey.

He pressed his lips to my throat, and I rolled my head back, gave him access to everything he wanted. My nipples strained, needing his touch. He tugged at the clasp between my heaving breasts, tugged until it finally came free and the cups loosened. And then his hand was sliding underneath, the heat of his touch, the pressure on my nipple, drawing a moan from the depths of my throat. And then his mouth… Oh, my God! If I thought he knew what to do with a simple kiss… He was quite the expert with that tongue in other places, too.

I lay back against the pillows again, my fingers buried in his hair as he took his time nibbling and tasting and… There were no words for the things he was doing to me. I forgot where I was. I forgot why I was there. I just wanted his touch, wanted to feel him everywhere.

He made his way slowly down my body, every nerve in my body coming alive as he tugged at my panties and pulled them slowly down the length of my legs. I don’t know what made my head spin more, the feel of his fingers caressing my body gently, or the look in his eye as he took in every inch of my naked flesh.

I’d never felt adored. I’d heard that phrase before, seen it in erotic stories that were my secret shame. But I’d never understood it until tonight, until I saw it in his eyes. The way he looked at me, the way his eyes caressed me more gently than his hands… I knew what it meant. And I knew I would never forget the way it felt.

And then he blew me away again as he lifted a foot to his mouth, kissing the very bottom before moving over my ankle, along my calf, taking his time behind my knee, working his way slowly up the length of me. I knew where he was headed, knew what he planned for me. My clit stood on end, waiting for the moment he would finally pay attention to it, something deep in my belly aching for the moment he would turn his attention to that, too. My body had never known such pleasure before, but it seemed to understand the potential of what lay ahead, and it anticipated it with such eagerness that I no longer had control over what would or would not happen next.

I had to bite down hard on my lip to keep from crying out. I was vaguely aware that we could still hear his family out on the back deck. If we could hear them, they could hear us. But that thought was like a foreign idea, something I knew I should be worried about, but couldn’t quite grasp. And then he was twirling my clit around behind his front teeth, and I was gone. All thought was just gone. All I was aware of was the tingle of pleasure that continuously rushed up and down the length of my spine.

I sat up a little, pressed him closer to me with a hand against the back of his head. He pulled back to catch his breath, and I caught the smile of satisfaction on his lips. And then… Oh, hell! Why had I never known how good this could be?

A moment later, he was pushing me back against the mattress, his hand working between our bodies to get his slacks out of the way. I reached down to help him, my legs shamelessly spread as wide as I could get them. And then his hardness was in my hands, his head teasing my lips as I pulled him close to me. His lips brushed mine, the taste of my need an aphrodisiac that couldn’t have pushed me any further than I’d already gone. I cried out as his head pushed inside of me, as he thrust and the length of him filled me quickly and completely. I buried my hands against the hardness of his ass, tugging him tighter against me as I moved, as I positioned him perfectly against me, inside of me. He groaned as he waited, as we waited together for our hearts to catch up with our bodies. And then he began to move in a slow, rolling thrust that touched everything and more, and filled my body with such pleasure that I thought I might lose my sense of reality, disappear into that moment and live there for the rest of my life.

I’ve been with men before. Two men, actually. Short-lived romances that hadn’t lasted longer than they should have. But neither had been anything like this. It was like comparing Shakespeare to a play composed and acted by precocious children. There was no comparison. That had been a physical release. This was so much more. It was on a whole different level. I didn’t want it to stop. I was connected to Lucien in a way I’d never connected with anyone else. It was indescribable. It was perfection.

Glenna Sinclair's books