DONOVAN (Gray Wolf Security, #1)

“Why? He knows where he’s going.”

Before she could shoot another look in his direction, I touched her jaw with my knuckles and tugged her chin toward me. Her lips parted just slightly, her eyes going almost crossed as she tried to focus on me. And then our lips touched, just the lightest brush. I pulled back to catch her reaction, but her eyes were closed and her lips were still parted. I took that as permission to move in for a deeper kiss and didn’t see any reason to let her down. I pressed my lips to hers as my hand moved slowly up over her knee, my fingers brushing the soft cotton of the hem of her dress.

She didn’t touch me. In fact, she brushed my hand back down onto her knee even as she turned in to me. She kept her hands in her lap, kept her lips softly parted, but not opening to me as I tried to deepen the kiss. I wanted to taste her, but she was responding to me like a child kissing her grandmother.

I pulled back, and she glanced down at her lap, her expression unreadable. I looked over my shoulder and caught Jacob watching us in the rearview mirror as we pulled to stop at a red light.

“He’s watching,” I whispered softly against her ear.

She immediately lifted a hand to my jaw, her fingers cool, her palm damp against my cheek. But she drew me down to her, and when our lips touched again, she responded a little more readily, her full lips parting enough for me to steal a little taste of the wonders that were hidden within.

I wondered where she’d had her first kiss, how many times she’d been kissed thoroughly, as a woman should be. I wondered when she’d last felt the touch of a man, when she’d last wanted someone so desperately that she was willing to do something crazy, like making out in the back of a car being driven by her lover’s brother. I wondered if she was spontaneous in her desires or if she was the type who wanted to know the when, the where, and the how of everything she did.

There was a lot I wondered about her, not the least of which was what she had hidden under this simple dress and whether I was going to get to find out anytime soon. If there was one thing Jacob was right about in his teasing, I rarely had trouble getting what I wanted. And tonight, this beautiful creature was exactly what I wanted.

I slid my hand over her hip and drew her closer to my side, stealing a little feel of her ass as she turned in to me just enough to allow me that little bit of access. She reached back and tugged my hand away, but I think her actions backfired just slightly because she dropped my hand back on her knee, inches away from the bottom edge of her skirt. I slid my hand under the material quite easily, impressed by the strength I could feel in the muscles of her thigh, by the curves that were created as much by intense exercise as by the nature of her sex.

She tried to move my hand again, but this time I wasn’t going to be so easily deterred. I pulled back, breaking our kiss, aware of the anger flashing in her eyes. But I just smiled, moving close to nibble at a tender piece of flesh made vulnerable by the way she was holding her head. She smelled of roses and vanilla, of all the lovely things about spring. And she tasted like freshly scrubbed skin, like a woman who knew how to care for herself.

She pressed her fingers into my hair and tugged, trying to get me to back off her throat. I did, but I captured her lips again with a determination that caught her by surprise. She opened to me, allowed me to invade her, to explore all those hidden treats that hid inside of her. She even responded a little, her tongue doing this brief dance with mine that only made me want more. I gripped her upper thigh and tugged her even tighter against me, aware of the quickening of her breath as her breasts were forced against my chest. I was also aware of her hardened nipples, of the arousal she couldn’t hide. And that made me more determined than ever to coax her into offering me all the delights she had to offer.

Unfortunately, my house was closer to the bar than I would have liked. I felt the car slow and pause at the security gate, heard the guard call a greeting to Jacob. And, just a few moments later, the familiar sound of the garage door opening.

“I think we’re at your house,” Adrienne said as she twisted away from my touch.

I watched her tug her skirt back down her thighs, even caught Jacob trying to steal a peek. I smiled softly, pleased with the direction the evening was taking.

I just hoped things would continue this optimistically.

Chapter 2


Glenna Sinclair's books