"I know," she sighed. "It's my only character flaw."
"Your only character flaw?" he laughed as he dribbled the oil between her shoulder blades and down her back.
"Well, one of them, perhaps my biggest," she admitted with a squeal as the oil hit her skin.
"Miss McKay, I would need a tablet to list your character flaws," he informed her, as he trailed oil over her bottom.
"Really, and just what's so wrong with me?" she demanded indignantly, her head popping up.
"You're, stubborn, opinionated, and extremely sassy."
"Please, go on," she drawled. "I'm sure that's only a footnote to the book you could write regarding my inadequacies."
"I never said you were inadequate," he replied as he began to massage her shoulders. "In fact, in many ways you're damn near perfect," he admitted. "For instance, I love the way you smell."
"That's just perfume," she snorted before letting a sigh of pleasure escape.
"No, it's not. You have your own unique scent, and taste for the matter."
"Jasper," she groaned in mortification, sinking deeper into the bed.
"It's true, and you're intelligent, perhaps too intelligent for your own good, as in too big for your own britches," he continued, moving down her spine with his strong fingers. "Your skin is perhaps the softest I've ever stroked, your hair lights up a room, and I even love your little nose, which is slightly turned up by the way, most likely from poking it where it doesn't belong."
"Mmm," she moaned. "Anything else?"
"Yes." Leaning down to kiss her shoulder blade, he continued. "You have the perfect ass for spanking," he said, cupping both cheeks in one large hand, "and I have a feeling you'll give me plenty of reasons to do so."
"That's not an attribute," she informed him, nearly purring.
"Depends on how you look at it." Chuckling, he moved to her thighs and worked the muscles there. "On one hand, you're anything but compliant. You have some very foolish and dangerous notions. On the other hand, I'm convinced that with proper guidance and correction you'll make the perfect wife."
"Mmm, maybe someday," she murmured, wiggling in delight.
"Someday?" he asked curiously.
"When I conclude my business, I'll think about it," she said, arching her body into his hand. "Oh, this is lovely. I could go right to sleep," she sighed.
"I don't think so." Jasper coiled the string of beads in the small of her back and poured oil on them, gently rolling them around until they were well coated. "Bottom up now sweetheart," he instructed, sliding his hand under her tummy and lifting. Clem protested with a groan until his hand moved lower and cupped her. Pushing her shoulders down with his upper hand, he moved her languid body into the position he required.
"Perfect," he said with approval.
Clem snorted softly as he patted her bottom.
"A moment ago you were listing my flaws," she sniffed.
"Funny, I can't think of any now," he said grinning. He sought out and found her clit easily; delighted to feel it was protruding and slippery. Another long finger lay nestled between her bottom cheeks. They both began to move at once, one circling her clit, the other circling her anus.
"What the…" Clem cried.
"Shh, just relax, sweetheart," he encouraged, his voice soothing her. Patience, patience, patience, he chanted in his mind. Her inexperience and youth gave him the advantage. She didn't know society deemed she wasn't supposed to like this. It was something he particularly enjoyed and he wouldn't mess it up.
The hand cupping her mons stayed busy, slowly stroking her until he felt her bottom hole unclench as she sighed. He made his move quickly, and was in to his second knuckle before she could resist. Suddenly, Jasper was very thankful he'd already found release earlier or he was convinced her would have spent all over her side as her warm, tight bottom convulsed around his finger, gripping fiercely. He watched the muscles in her thighs quiver, much like a filly waiting to be mounted. She threw her head back, her long, drawn out 'ah…' mingling with his groan of satisfaction.
"Easy baby," he murmured as he began to ease his well-oiled finger in and out of her.
"Are you trying to drive me mad?" she demanded breathlessly.
"Yes, my darling. Completely and irrevocably mad," he whispered as he gently pinched her clit. She was rocking back against his finger, driving him deeper, yet anxious to keep his other hand where she needed it. Turning her head, she looked at him. Her brown eyes were darker, a staggering combination of fear, wonder and lust.
"Trust me?" he whispered, his heart in his throat.