No, he wouldn’t, but he also wasn’t sure what his plans were yet. “I just got back into town and already you’re trying to drag me into something. I came back for a fresh start, not to get involved in some kind of conspiracy theory. I mean, come on, so far, other than letting humans in on the secret, your evidence is pretty slim. I mean, if the High Council is backing it…” Caleb shrugged.
“That doesn’t mean jack shit, and you know it. You don’t think it’s kind of fishy that here’s a medical lab, screwing with shifter DNA, and suddenly we’re getting messed-up reports of giant lizards running amok?” Paranoia was a shifter’s best friend.
“It could still be a coincidence.” Said even if Caleb didn’t believe it. “Have you talked to anyone else about it?”
“Like who? Most folks in town are in Bittech’s back pocket, and those that aren’t ain’t interested in rocking the boat.”
Didn’t that sound familiar? Not so long ago, Caleb had been part of a group that knew something was fishy with their military unit. Everyone seemed to know something hinky was going on, and yet, they did nothing about it. And once they confirmed what was happening, it was too late.
I am not sitting back and watching anymore. I will take control of my destiny and like fuck am I letting anyone use me or the people I know.
“If I’m understanding you correctly, you think they’re doing more than research. You think they’re experimenting.” Making monsters.
Wes shrugged. “Damned if I know. Maybe I am just being a paranoid freak. Maybe they’re looking for a cure to the swamp fever. Or some kind of hair growth product for humans that they’ll sell for a fortune in the marketplace.”
“I still don’t get why you’re telling me. Of all the people to trust…” Caleb spread his hands. “Excuse me if I’m still a touch skeptical.”
The other man leaned forward and fixed him with a gaze, his mien serious. “Be skeptical, but be vigilant. Be informed, because what if I’m right? What if this is the start of something that could hurt us all?”
“Don’t tell me you’ve gone heroic?” The swamp would freeze over the day a Mercer turned into a knight for fairness, morality, and justice.
A moue twisted Wes’s lips. “Perish the fucking thought. This decision to figure out what the hell is happening is totally selfish because, if shit hits the fan, then my life might get difficult. I’d rather spend my life doing an easy job, going home to drink beer and banging pretty girls than constantly looking over my shoulder waiting for a silver bullet because someone outed us to the world.”
A valid fear they all shared. Since as far back as Caleb could remember, the anxiety of the humans finding out they existed was huge. No one seemed to doubt that the revelation of their secret would result in humans loading up on silver ammo and blood-thirsty outrage.
Yeah, that didn’t put a lot of faith in mankind. However, to test the theory, they’d have to admit werewolves and other creatures lived among them. No one was willing to risk possibly starting a genocide.
Which meant that, if Wes was on to something, then Caleb couldn’t walk away.
“What do you want me to do?” Caleb asked.
“First off, I want someone other than me to know.”
“Worried about getting taken out?”
“I don’t plan on rolling belly up in the bayou yet, but it never hurts to have someone else in on the secret. Second, start watching.”
“Watching what?”
“Bittech. The town. Anything really. I’m going to hire you so you can move around the institute legitimately. Something weird is going on, something that has my gator senses tingling. We’ve got to find out what’s happening and put a stop to it.”
“Sounds easy enough so long as we have the understanding that this does not mean we’re friends.”
Dark brows drew together as Wes frowned. “Never. Once this is over, we shall return to status quo.”
Excellent. Caleb did so have fun screwing with Wes. He’d learned some awesome pranks in the military.
“So are you in?” Wes asked.
“I’m in. Boss.” Caleb couldn’t hide the smirk as he said it.
“Actually, you will address me as Mr. Mercer.” Even bigger smirk volleyed back.
The things Caleb had to do… Funny thing was, a job working for Wes while investigating the gator’s gut feeling had an uplifting effect. I’m employed. Which was good for his new family. And he had a mystery to solve, which made him want to hum the theme from Scooby Doo—and eat a giant sandwich.
Damn that stupid pill he took to calm his nerves and halt any panic attacks. It totally fucked with his thought processes—and made him hungry, just like a certain weed he smoked in high school.
“When do I start?”
“Tonight. But not as a company man. I want us to do a sweep of the bayou by town.”
“What’s the swamp got to do with the stuff happening at the lab?” His eyes widened. “Are we looking for bodies?” I hope not. Nothing worse than coming across a corpse and having his croc go yum. Shudder.
“Looking for some of the missing folks is part of the reason. The other is that whatever screwed with Melanie is still out there. After dusk, I’ll start from my place on the west side and move toward you.”