Coup De Grace

Her eyelids lowered slightly and I smiled.

“Not sure about the asking part yet…It’s just a formality. I only expect one answer, and one answer only,” I informed her.

Her eyes narrowed. “Is this what I have to look forward to for the rest of my life? Bossiness?”

I grinned.

“Yeah, that’s what you have to look forward to. Plus loving all night long. Babysitting whenever you need it. A hug when you want it. Kisses in the middle of the night. Gas in your tank. Your groceries brought into the house. Pants put into the hamper. Steaks cooked on the grill,” I listed out my attributes, purposefully making them sound really enticing.

She narrowed her eyes. “It’s not babysitting if it’s your own kids,” she countered.

I snorted. “Whatever you say, darling mine.”

“As long as you know that, I’ll marry you.”

I laughed and rolled with her once again, pushing my cock into her and grinding my hips against her.

“I’ll remember that.”

“You bet you will, big boy.”

Chapter 20

For fox sake.

-Coffee Cup


“Alright,” Memphis said, laying on the lounge next to me. “How did we all end up in this predicament?”

I laughed.

There was no other recourse.

Seven women were in attendance with me today, and all but one were pregnant.

Georgia, Memphis, Lennox, Mercy, and Blake were all in different stages of pregnancy.

Although, I was on my first pregnancy while the rest of them were on their second.

Seemed the men of Kilgore SWAT liked to keep their women barefoot and pregnant.

Fighting crime during the day and making babies at night.

I laughed and rolled over onto my side to face Memphis and the other ladies.

Today we were having a spa day.

I was getting married in less than four hours, and the SWAT ladies were having a pamper day while the men did some fishing.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said, running my hand over my belly.

Two months had passed since Doctor Stan Jones had been formally charged for killing fifteen officers, their wives, and three of those officers’ children.

“You know exactly what she’s talking about, hoe,” Georgia said, stretching and wiggling her toes.

I smiled.

Yeah, I did.

“Guess maybe one of us needs to learn control,” I surmised, sighing in appreciation when the man at my feet rubbed a particularly good spot on the heel of my foot.

“Hey, I noticed that Dr. Jones name was scraped off the paint at the door this morning when I went to my appointment,” Reese said before she took a drink of her Dr. Pepper. All eyes turned to hers, and her eyes widened in alarm. “I’m not pregnant! It was just my yearly pap, I swear!”

When all eyes stayed on her, she held up two fingers. “Scout’s honor.”

“Scout’s honor is three fingers, not two,” I replied helpfully.

“Well, whatever it is, I just had my yearly. I got my tubes tied after the little hellion arrived,” Reese promised solemnly.

That was the truth.

Her son was a little hellion. Just like his daddy, that boy was.

“Yeah, they took his name off of everything,” Memphis said. “Printed new business cards. Changed the signs out front. Painted over the wall with his face on it. Updated the website. Anything with ‘Jones’ on it was probably burned.”

I didn’t doubt that.

After Dr. Jones was killed, they found evidence linking him to nearly every crime scene in his house. The clothes that he wore. The gun that he used. Hell, even the dog that he took with him.

He sure was arrogant, but in the end, justice was served for those officers, their wives, and the children.

Lani Lynn Vale's books