Coup De Grace

“What’s in the past is in the past. Let’s look forward from now on. You, me, and this baby,” I told him.

He squeezed me a little tighter, and I felt the now familiar flutter in my belly signaling our unborn child’s movement.

“I love you,” he said, looking up at me with his heart in his eyes.

I leaned down and smashed my lips against his.

Our tongues dueled as he thrust his tongue into my mouth. His tongue slid along mine as his hands moved up my back, burrowing under the loose shirt I’d stolen from him.

The one I wore to every doctor appointment because I liked to think that he was there with me.

“You’re wearing my shirt,” he said against my mouth.

I leaned my forehead down to his.

“Yeah,” I said simply.

“It’s a little big on you,” he surmised.

I laughed.

“Yeah, you could say that,” I agreed.

It was big.

Really big.

I’d tied it into a knot at my waist, at least making it somewhat flattering.

I didn’t really care what I looked like, though.

It was all for sentimentality.

And by the look in Michael’s eyes, he knew why I wore it, too.

“You ready to get this shit over with?” He asked quietly.

I nodded.

“Michael,” I hesitated. “There are some good doctors in this office. I’ve seen a doctor and a nurse practitioner so far, and my regular doctor, well he’s a sweetheart. His name is Doctor Mead. Him and his wife are the creators of this practice. Even Memphis works here.”

His eyes widened.

“Does Downy know Memphis works here?” I asked carefully. “The place that y’all are investigating?”

He shook his head. “Nobody knows. But he’ll know within ten minutes of me leaving the office. And I’m taking Memphis with me until they’ve discussed it.”

I snorted.

“Yeah right,” I laughed. “She won’t go with you.”

“We’ll see about that,” he muttered, tugging me along to the elevator.

Thank God.

I didn’t think I could do those stairs again.

Even if I was only going down them.


“Michael!” Memphis said, clapping excitedly. “You’re here!”

Michael grinned at Memphis, his face lighting up with pleasure.

“Yeah, I’m here,” he nodded.

“Well, how’d the appointment go?” Memphis asked, patting the table.

I handed Michael my purse, and he tossed it onto the chair. Something I could’ve done.

“I had a coke in there,” I muttered darkly.

He winked. “You shouldn’t be drinking coke. That’s what the doctor just said.”

“Michael, you’re not my doctor. Dr. Mead is. He hasn’t said a word about my caffeine intake,” I growled.

He was insufferable!

He’d been going on and on, contradicting the nurse practitioner about damn near every piece of advice she’d given in the hour and a half we’d been here.

Not one single thing had happened, thank God.

But Michael must’ve been trying to provoke the woman.

Whatever his reason, he’d done it.

I could see the usually sweet tempered woman losing her cool before my eyes, so I’d put a stop to the questions and smiled apologetically at her before I’d left.

“Well, I am a doctor. There’s no reason you can’t listen to my directions,” he said sarcastically.

I shrugged and hopped up onto the table, leaning back and exposing my belly.

“Michael, today we’re doing a scan to make sure the baby is growing alright. Come stand right here,” she said, indicating a spot near my head. “You’ll be able to see this screen or that one.”

She pointed at the large flat screen on the wall, and Michael took them both in before he looked down at me.

“Does he know what you’re having?” Memphis asked happily, squirting a generous amount of lube on my belly before she started to run the wand over my belly.

I looked at the screen where the black and white grainy picture filled it.

“Yeah, he knows,” I informed her. “He still wants a boy.”

Memphis laughed.

Lani Lynn Vale's books