Coup De Grace

Now here I was, blowing off study time so I could go on a date with a man I never thought I’d have a chance with again.

“Good, you’re back!” Lennox cooed, rubbing her hands together in excitement. “There was a lot of excitement here an hour or so ago. Cops were everywhere, and then there was this man, Michael, I don’t know if you’ve met him but he has brown hair and blue eyes. He was yelling at someone about his truck being stolen. Then he forced the security guy to go through the camera feed, but the feed was down because the security guard spilled coffee on the hardware last week and completely fried the whole system.”

I blushed. “Did they find out who stole the car?” I asked innocently.

Lennox shook her head. “No. They didn’t, or at least we didn’t see who it was. They ran out of here like their asses were on fire earlier when they got some call about a BOLO, which I later learned was a ‘be on the lookout’, and we haven’t heard anything since.”


That would’ve been bad to have the hospital know what I’d done.

I was already on shaky ground as it was!

“Well, that sucks,” I managed to say lightly while squirting a large dollop of antibacterial soap into my hands. “You heard why I had to leave?”

Lennox nodded and we both looked to where Joslin was standing across the room.

She was with a new intern that I’d never met before, leaning into him and patting his arm while fake laughing.

God that woman was such a hoe!

And I still hadn’t forgiven Michael for touching her earlier.

I didn’t give a shit if that was the only way to get her unsettled. He needed to find a different way.

“I wonder what her problem is? She usually only reserves that kind of treatment for the women who try to steal her thunder,” Lennox wondered.

“That’s ‘cause Joslin is a show hound that likes to have all the attention on her,” Melissa, one of my favorite nurses, snarled as she threw down a chart on the counter next to my hand.

“I’m dating Michael,” I told Lennox by way of explanation, completely ignoring Melissa’s pissed off mutterings.

Then a fountain of understanding welled in Lennox’s eyes.

“Well, that’s going to be interesting for you,” she managed to say.

“You can say that again. That woman needs the stick that’s lodged up her ass removed,” Melissa grumbled. “She just told Bryan that I was flirting with a patient, and that I needed to learn to be more professional. Motherfucker, but I was just telling him he had cute kids! I didn’t say he had a cute cock or anything!”

We both looked at her in surprise at her outburst.

“That woman needs to go,” I muttered. “Surely there are enough people around that can complain about her to someone she hasn’t fucked.”

The three of us fell into a fit of giggles at the thought.

There probably wasn’t a single man…or married man for that matter…in the entire hospital that she hadn’t had some of. Which was the entire problem. For all of us.

Chapter 8

You touch my tats, I touch your tits.



Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang.

The sound of my Glock echoing off the cavernous walls of the gun range made me feel at peace.

Almost as good as I felt when I had Nikki wrapped in my arms, in fact.

Shooting was a peaceful feeling.

One that let me shut my mind down and just have fun.

I had to log so many hours in the gun range a month anyway, so it worked out well that I loved doing it.

What I didn’t love was the man at my back whining about the dirt he was getting on his clothes.

“I didn’t tell you to come,” I grumbled to my brother.

“No, but you didn’t react like I thought you would at dinner when we told you. I expected anger and you gave us nothing. Then left. I just wanted to make sure you were okay with this,” Dean said stubbornly.

Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang.

Placing the gun on the table in front of me, I took the magazine I’d just ejected from the gun and started to reload it.

Lani Lynn Vale's books