Coup De Grace

Then I was on the road and two minutes from where I’d decided to park my newest acquisition when the red and blue lights lit up my mirror.

“Son of a bitch!” I said, cursing myself and my stupidity. “You’re always doing this, Nikki. Always with the bad decisions.”

To make matters worse, it was my stinkin’ brother behind the wheel of the cruiser that was pulling me over.

His surprise was as great as mine when he saw me behind the wheel.

It took him a few minutes to speak, but when he did, it wasn’t nice.

Not that that was unusual for Nico.

He was a major dick sometimes.

“You are one stupid bitch,” he sighed.

I took the nearest thing to me that I could reach and threw it at him, which happened to be a water bottle half filled with Gatorade.

He easily caught it and glared.

“You do know, right, that half the force is now looking for his truck?” He asked with a raised brow.

I shrugged. “I was mad.”

He blinked. “You were mad…so you thought it’d be a good idea to steal a man’s truck?”

“I didn’t steal it. I borrowed it,” I said stubbornly.

He just shook his head. “Get out.”


“Yes,” he said through clenched teeth.

“Make me!” I countered.

I was sitting in the back of Nico’s police car when Michael pulled up twenty minutes later.

Nico was leaning against the hood, tired of hearing me yell at him, and I was mad.

I’d probably be fired, too.

I knew I wouldn’t be arrested for ‘borrowing’ Michael’s truck, but Nico was an ass and put me back here because he wanted to, not because he had to.

Michael dropped out of another cruiser that pulled up nose to nose with Michael’s truck, and got out.

That’s when I closed my eyes and got comfortable.

Leaning my back against the door, I crossed my arms over my chest and stretched my legs, with my forbidden colored shoes, across the seat.

I was trying not to think about what I would find on my clothes if I had a black light.

The inside of this cruiser was disgusting, and if this never happened again, it’d be great.

It even smelled bad.

Tapping on the window across from me had my eyes snapping open, and then shutting just as quickly.

The door opened and Michael’s deep, sexy voice said, “Get out.”

I shook my head and closed my eyes. “Nope, sorry. Can’t. My brother’s the arresting officer. I’ll have to deal with him from now on.”

Michael’s eyes narrowed. “I’m not going to say it again, Nikki.”

“And what are you going to do if I don’t listen? Sit there and stare at me? Yeah. No,” I said, closing my eyes once again.

Then my ass was sliding across the seat by way of Michael’s massive hand wrapped around my ankle.

I screamed, turning over onto my belly as he got my legs out of the car, and then latching onto the door as I was pulled all the way out.

Michael’s hands went to my hips as he pulled harder, and my grip on the door started to give.

“Let me go, you big douche bag!” I yelled. “Help!”

We were on a deserted street in the middle of downtown, so the fact that I was yelling ‘help’ when there was no one around was quite comical, and apparently Michael thought so.

He laughed. The bastard.

“Let me go! I hate you!” I yelled, starting to kick when he tossed me over his shoulder.

He smacked my ass, and I screeched.

“You bastard!” I snarled.

“You already said that,” he said laughingly, walking past my brother and the other officer who brought him, which happened to be James.

My brother’s mouth twitched as I passed, and the bottle he’d handed back to me as he shoved me into the car sounded like a great thing to throw at him again had I had it.

Except Michael had made me lose it with his caveman tendencies.

When he got to the passenger door to his truck, he unlocked it with the keys in his hand and yanked the door open forcefully before depositing me unceremoniously on the seat.

I gasped in surprise, and then glared at the closed door that had just slammed in my face.

Lani Lynn Vale's books