Coup De Grace

So I did.

“I was asked if I wanted to, and since I’d never witnessed one before, I thought ‘sure, why not.’ Well, the why not became a ‘what the hell have I done’ pretty fuckin’ quickly. I’d heard about abortions during one of the many lectures. Knew the basics of it. So I go in there, and there’s this woman already on the table with her legs high and wide in the air.” I cleared my throat. “She was asleep, and it was then I realized that the baby they were doing the abortion on was a viable fetus, but the mother just didn’t want her.”

“I watched as they hooked the vacuum up, maneuvered the small hose up her vagina, and started to suck away.” I coughed. “Instantly, there was blood, and that’s about when I turned around and refused to watch anymore. I’d just witnessed a child murdered right in front of my eyes.”

“God,” she breathed, a sob catching in her throat.

“That was the first tattoo I got,” I said, grabbing her hand with my own and moving it to rest over my heart. “That’s when I met Peek.”

She moved away, placing distance that I didn’t want between us, between us, and held out her hand. “Show me your Peek.”

And that’s what I did.

Hopping off the truck’s tailgate, I made my way inside, hand in hand, with Nikki.

The first person to greet us at the front counter was Alison, the woman that’d been working the front desk for as long as I could remember.

She was also Peek’s old lady.

Peek was a member of an unofficial motorcycle club, and one of the grumpiest men in the entire world.

Yet, he respected a man who could speak his language. And Peek’s language was the art of tattoos, and I had a lot of tattoos.

“Mikey!” Alison said happily. “You ready to get that blank spot on your back filled in?”

Before I could answer, Nikki spoke up.

“Actually, he’s bringing me here to get my first tattoo!” Nikki said excitedly, as if we’d actually planned for that to happen.

When I went to say something, she placed her hand over my mouth and shook her head.

“Really? Mikey’s never brought anyone here before! I’m so excited to meet you! You’re Nikki, right?” Alison asked with a happy laugh.

Nikki turned curious eyes to me before returning her attention to Alison.

“Yeah, I’m Nikki. I hope you’ve heard good things,” she said honestly.

I knew I should stop this before it went any further, but I decided to let it be. What was said was said, and I didn’t have anything to hide.

Nikki would find out soon enough what I’d done even without Alison’s help.

Alison smiled. “Oh yeah. Michael told us all about you when Peek was doing the piece on his back.”

Nikki blinked and turned to me, but Alison didn’t notice. She was too busy going on and on about all that I’d said that night a year and a half ago.

The night I’d been drunk out of my mind.

“What’d you do?” She asked warily.

I shrugged and turned around, giving her my back.

“Right above my belt,” I told her.

Slowly I felt my shirt lifted, and then she gasped.

I knew what she saw.

It was kind of hard to miss.

“You have my name tattooed on your ass!” She squealed.

I snorted and turned around, giving her a dry look.

“It’s on my waist, not my ass. I don’t have anything on my ass. I can always get one if you want,” I offered suggestively.

She wiggled her fingers at me.

“Turn back around,” she said. “I wasn’t done looking.”

I did as I was told, and felt her tracing the letters of her name that was inked into my flesh with her fingers.

“Why?” She asked softly.

I shrugged.

“Seemed like a good idea at the time,” I said lamely.

She laughed, making my heart soar.

Lani Lynn Vale's books