Country Nights

“I won’t argue with that.”

I glance around the room, painted in a sunny shade of yellow, and stop when I spot a small photo of her father, Rodney. While I’ll never get to meet the man who helped shape this beautiful woman into the resilient creature she is today, I hope I’m able to give him a sense of peace in knowing his daughter will forever be loved and cared for.

“Molly’s dropping dinner off tonight,” I say.

“That’s four nights in a row. How does she find the time?” Leighton chuckles. “I need to take notes from her. She’s got this mom thing down pat.”

“So do you,” I say, admiring how good motherhood looks on her. She’s glowing and she hasn’t stopped since the day we found out we were expecting. “You’re a natural. You make this look easy.”

“Stop kissing up to me and just kiss me already.”

Resting my hand gently along her delicate jaw, I trace her bottom lip with my thumb before pressing a tender kiss against her mouth.

“I love you,” I whisper.

“I love you more.”


Ramblings On Country Nights

Growing up, I’d spend spring break plus two weeks every summer with my grandparents on their farm outside of Winner, South Dakota. Some of my most cherished memories are from those days: going on cattle drives, exploring abandoned homesteads, checking the cows, feeding the bucket calves, helping my grandmother in her garden, playing with the farm dogs, etc. The list goes on and on.

While many “cowboy” or “western” romances are set in the deep south or places like Texas or Wyoming, I opted to place mine in South Dakota because that’s what I know. And when I think of farms and cowboys, big blue skies and wide-open spaces, that’s the first thing that comes to mind.

This book, in many ways, was a love letter to my childhood. I tried to incorporate as many little details as I possibly could in hopes that it would keep my memories alive and make the setting feel as authentic as possible.

For example, my grandparents had a little white bunk house outside of their barn where their hired men (usually strapping, college-aged guys :)) would often stay in the summer. It wasn’t anything luxurious and when it wasn’t in use, my cousins and I would get a kick out of “camping out” in the bunkhouse (which never lasted very long because … bugs and no AC). We also had tire swings that hung from a giant tree in front of the house, went fishing in the creek, and attended sale barn auctions. Going into town was always a big deal, and it was an even bigger deal with Grandpa, who would treat us to lunch at a local diner or buy us a candy bar and soda just ‘cause.

All around my grandparents’ farm were old houses, long-since abandoned, and growing up my favorite thing to do out there was to explore them with my grandma. We’d oftentimes find old shoes, greeting cards, articles of clothing, prescription bottles, and sometimes even toys. One of the places we used to explore was an old gas station/library called the Keyapaha Store (pronounced kee-pa-ha, which I was always told meant “turtle”). There was also a “Peja Place,” a “Welch Place,” a “Snyder Place,” and a “Quick Place.”

One summer, my grandparents had a hired man by the name of Guy Fasthorse. I can’t tell you what he looked like because it was a lifetime ago and I was very young, but I never forgot his name.

But I digress.

While River McCray and Leighton Hart’s story is pure fiction, the setting is rooted deep in my childhood memories, and I sincerely hope you enjoyed this authentic little piece of my heart.



PS - I’ve included a few extras for you!

1. Dream cast for COUNTRY NIGHTS.

2. 25 random things about me (just for funsies).

3. A two-chapter preview of DARK PROMISES (tentatively releasing in late 2017)!

4. A bonus FULL-LENGTH second-chance/country romance (NEVER IS A PROMISE)! A $3.99 value!

Dream Cast

River – Dermot Mulroney (a younger version :))

Leighton– Rose Byrne

Grant – Alex Pettyfer

Seth – Scott Eastwood

Molly – Julia Jones

Guy – Viggo Mortensen

Aubrey – Nicola Peltz

Renee – Diane Lane

Jackson – Liam Hemsworth

25 Things About Me

I’m deaf in my left ear, and my parents had no idea until I was three.

If I couldn’t be a writer, I’d probably pursue a career in interior design or makeup art. I live to create!

I’m a Leo, though I feel more like a Cancer most of the time. (Proud homebody!)

My favorite band is The Weepies, followed closely by Iron and Wine.

Thunderstorms are my favorite kind of weather.

I’ve watched SNL religiously for the last 20 years.

I’m a total introvert. I could go weeks without human interaction and not even notice.

I’ve been obsessed with names since I was 13. Imagine my dismay when my husband refused to give me free reign when it came to naming our three children.

I’m related to T-boz from TLC by marriage. I met her once at a family reunion. She’s the sweetest!

A psychic medium claimed my deceased grandfather told her I was going to be having twins … two weeks before I even knew I was pregnant … with twins.

I literally cannot go to sleep at night until I’ve perused Ask Reddit. My favorites threads are the creepy/scary/freaky questions and the glitch-in-the-matrix posts.

I love discussing a good conspiracy theory.

My favorite movies are: My Best Friend’s Wedding, Interstellar, This Is 40, Lawless, The Others, and Magnolia.

I’m a first-born, so I’m bossy, responsible, and ambitious.

Organizing relaxes me. The Container Store is life.

I could eat Mexican food 24/7/365.

My celebrity crushes are Tom Hardy and Joseph Gordon Levitt.

I’m a pineapple-on-pizza kind of girl.

I’ve known my best friend since first grade. We are complete opposites when it comes to most things, but I wouldn’t trade her for the world.

I’m terrible at small talk, sewing, and cooking most kinds of meat.

I’ll never say no to a round of mini golf. And I almost always win. ;-p

I love, love, love classic board games! Monopoly, Sorry, Life, Clue, etc. And old school NES!

My favorite adult beverages are margaritas and sangrias.

I changed my major several times in college: Fashion Design and Apparel Merchandising, Psychology, Human Development and Family Studies, and finally Liberal Studies so I could graduate! My electives were mostly writing classes.

If I could have any super power, it would be time travel. I’d give anything to be able to experience life from other perspectives and to live through certain major historic moments.

Preview of Dark Promises

Chapter One


“Smile through it, darling.” My mother’s signature adage echoes in my mind as I bite my lip to keep from crying. The polished marble floor of Rhett’s master bath chills the bottoms of my feet. He’s pounding on the other side of the door, and I want to be anywhere but here.

Winter Renshaw's books