Country Nights

The sharp sting of his teeth tearing at the flesh of my left breast sends a zing of pain that radiates through my body. I struggle against him once more, my body writhing and pushing and squeezing, trying to close up as if that might make him less likely to take what he wants.

His fingers press deeper inside me, harder and faster. The hot tears that blind me fall away, streaking down my cheeks and leaving an itchy trail in their place. The scent of gasoline and motor oil mixes with Seth’s overpowering cologne. I’m going to be sick.

“Seth, stop,” I beg once more, feeling the rise of bile in my throat. “Don’t do this.”

“Shut that pretty fucking mouth of yours,” he growls into my ear, pulling his fingers from me and pressing the outline of his rock-hard cock against me. Every part of me recoils. “We’re only getting started. Going to be a long night if you keep this up.”

“You’re not going to get away with this,” I scream as his hand snakes beneath my top.

“Sweetheart, there’s not a single person in this town who’d believe a word of this.” Peeling the lace cup of my bra from my hot skin, he takes a nipple in his mouth before dragging his teeth over the tender skin.

A merciless bite makes everything fade to black for a brief moment, forcing me to lose my breath, and his fingers are still inside me, prodding faster and harder.

This isn’t about Seth wanting me. This is about Seth having control. This is about Seth avenging my rejection.

This man is an egomaniacal monster, relentless and determined to punish me.

My face is turned to the side so I don’t have to look into that maniacal gaze of his when my left hand brushes against the cool metal of the door knob.

Seth’s body is still pressed against mine, pinning me close, but if this door is unlocked and opens to the inside, he’ll lose his balance. We’ll both fall, but at least I’ll have a chance to get out of here.

His fingers work the button of my denim skirt, and he gives it a tug. “I want to see all of you, baby. Show me that hot little ass of yours. Tell me, have you ever been fucked in the ass or am I going to be doing the honors tonight?”

Turning toward him, I spit in his face, but it hardly fazes him. He simply leers at me before gripping my face so tight in his hands it feels as though my jaw is going to snap.

“Don’t give me a reason to hog tie you.” His eyes are menacing, their crystalline color turning stormy. “You’re too pretty to be hog tied, princess. And I want to look into those gorgeous eyes of yours as I fuck that tight little pussy.”

Glancing up at me with an intimidating smirk, he tugs my skirt again, only this time, I give the door knob a twist and brace myself when we both fall backwards.

The wind is knocked from my lungs upon impact, but I’ve never felt more energized. Adrenaline courses through my body, and I’m ready to make my move.

Seth lands on top of me, his elbow lodging beneath my ribcage and his face flat on the tile floor, but he’s caught off guard, and I manage to scramble out from beneath him.

“You fucking cunt!” Seth pulls himself to a standing position, dragging his wrist beneath his nose to catch the blood that’s beginning to drip.

Grabbing my bag off the garage floor, I sprint to my car, nothing but the sound of my heartbeat whooshing in my ear and Seth’s boots hitting the pavement behind me.

I manage to lock the doors before he gets to me, but it doesn’t stop him from pulling on the handle so hard I think it’s going to break. When he realizes he can’t get in, he pounds on the driver’s side window, yelling for me to roll it down.

Starting my car, I back out of his driveway, but he chases me, beating harder and harder on the glass with a clenched fist.

“You tell anyone about this,” he yells, a crazy look in his cold gaze, “and River’s going to be the one to suffer.”

I don’t know what he means, and I don’t stay around long enough to find out.

The drive home has been completely erased from my memory. One minute I was peeling out of Seth’s driveway and the next minute I’m careening into River’s.

My hands shake as I shift into park and remove the keys. Flipping down the visor, I inspect my décolletage, running my fingers around the red teeth marks and broken skin. When I muscle the courage to meet my own reflection in the mirror, I realize I’ve cried all my makeup off.

I don’t even remember crying.

Black mascara streaks spill down my face, dried and itchy, and my lips are red and puffy from his harsh kisses.

Reaching for the steering wheel, I tighten my grip, not wanting to get out quite yet.

I feel safe in here with the door locked, surrounded by steel and glass and protected from the outside world.

The twilight sky is painted in the most beautiful shades of ambers and pinks and blues, and the big white farmhouse is lit from within … the most serene thing I’ve ever seen.

I’ll feel safer if I go in, I think.

Into that old house.

With River.

Because he’s not dangerous … he’s the only thing I’ve got.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


The front door opens and closes with a low creak, and the soft padding of Leighton’s footsteps creak across the entry. She left for town hours ago, saying she was meeting a friend, but I thought she’d be home before dark.

Her dinner plate got cold, so I wrapped it up and placed it in the oven, thinking she’d be home any minute. But that was hours ago.

“Leighton?” I rise from my recliner, making my way to the middle of the house.

She stands at the bottom of the stairs, one hand on the banister and her back toward me. “Yeah?”

Her voice is shaky, and she won’t meet my gaze. Her hair is messy and her skirt crooked, and upon closer inspection, I notice the strap of her tank top is broken and falling down one shoulder.

“Everything all right?” I go to her, placing my arm on hers and turning her to face me. “Jesus Christ.”

Her eyes brim with tears and her face winces. She still can’t bring herself to look at me.

“You’re shaking.” I run my hands down her cold, bare arms before leaving to grab a blanket from a hall closet. Returning, I wrap her up, but I don’t hold her close. She doesn’t look like she’s in a mood to be touched right now. “What the hell happened to you?”

Her swollen lips part, and she’s about to say something, but she stops. Her breath trembles in her chest, uneven and barely there.

“Whoever did this to you,” I say, shoulders heaving, “I’m going to kill him. I’m going to fucking kill him.”

Her body trembles.

“Who was it, Leighton?” I ask.

Dragging the back of her hand across her damp cheek, she finally looks me in the eye. Taking a deep breath, she wipes away another tear before saying, “Your brother.”

“Seth?” I take a step back. “Seth did this to you?!”

She nods, biting her quivering bottom lip.

“Why were you with Seth?” I ask.

Winter Renshaw's books