Consolation Prize (Forbidden Men #9)

His tongue paused, pressing hard against my button, and then bam, he flicked it again, and that was it.

“Oh my God.” A current shimmered through me, almost hovering over my skin as if warning me I was about to be invaded completely, before holy fuck, I was.

I let go of the wall to shove my hand against my mouth to muffle the sound, and my gaze shifted to the door, hoping to God no one entered, while the rest of my body tried to transform into something else entirely. It was so fucking big, I fought it. I didn’t mean to, but shit…this could not be natural. Orgasms weren’t supposed to be earthquakes or hurricanes. Right? They were just little speed bumps of pleasure.

But whatever ripped through me was no speed bump, so I tensed and braced against it, biting deep into my knuckles until, sigh…it began to subside. Waves, like a tide sweeping back out into the ocean, lapped over me as the tsunami quelled.

I looked down just as Colton sat back on his heels and looked up. “You fought it again.”

I swallowed. “I couldn’t help it. That was just…it was too big. I don’t think anyone could survive the full intensity of an orgasm from you.”

A grin overtook his face as he pushed to his feet and gazed down into my eyes. “Challenge accepted. Let’s go back to your place now. I’m going to teach you the proper way to take on an orgasm.”


I swear, little aftershocks kept afflicting my pussy after Colton had walked me to my car. If I could’ve driven to my apartment with crossed legs, I would have. It was all just so bizarre. I felt completely sated and pretty much ready to nap a month away, and yet I was wired and giddy for more, knowing we were going to continue this in minutes.


I’d get to feel him inside me and finally wrap my legs around his hips as he spiked himself deep.

With another shudder, I pulled into the parking lot outside my building and jammed my fist against my stomach when his souped-up red pickup pulled in and stopped beside my Camry.

Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.

I closed my eyes and jumped when I heard his truck door slam. Then his footsteps echoed throughout the interior of my car as he walked around to my driver’s side. The door opened.

“Second thoughts?”

Opening my lashes, I glanced over and got a face full of the fly of his jeans. My first impulse was to undo the buckle of his belt, undo him and draw his cock into my mouth so…no. No second thoughts. I just couldn’t remember being this nervous or excited about sex in a long, long time. Maybe ever.

After snagging my purse and backpack, I climbed out and straightened before him, meeting his seeking gaze directly. Neither of us spoke, we just stared at each other as if we were waiting for the other to get cold feet.

Then I took his hand and said, “Come on.”

He followed me inside the building and down the hall. When we had to pause so I could dig my keys from my purse, he shifted in close behind me and kissed the back of my neck. I sighed and let my head fall forward, enjoying his lips. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pressed his hips against my butt so I could cradle the hardness of his erection between my cheeks.

His hand climbed up and claimed one of my breasts through my shirt, and I jerked, my fingers fumbling to fit the key into the lock of my door.

But when I finally got it slotted in, I realized it was already unlocked. “Huh.” I straightened, on alert. “That’s weird.”

“What?” Colton must’ve noticed the change in me because he dropped his hand from my chest.

“The door wasn’t locked.” I turned the handle and swung it open.

Behind me, Colton freaked. “Julianna, wait!” He gripped my waist to keep me from entering, but the sight on my couch was already making me gasp and stumble backward into him. “Holy shit!”

I lifted my hands to my eyes, immediately shading them and wishing I had some bleach to kill them.

Because someone’s bare ass had just fucking mooned me from my couch.

A scream followed, and then Sasha yelped, “Oh my God, Juli! What’re you doing home?”

Chad. I’d just seen Chad’s ass. Lovely. I was never going to be able to look him in the eyes again.

“What’re you doing home?” I demanded right back, peeking through my fingers enough to see that the couple had yanked a throw blanket over them and covered all the naked parts.

“We were skipping class so we could get nasty on the couch,” Chad answered bluntly, only for Sasha to slap his naked arm with a loud whack.

“What a coincidence,” Colton spoke up congenially from behind me. “That’s what we were doing. Please say you have some extra condoms? We got nothing.”

“Colton!” I hissed, whirling around to gape at him.