Consolation Prize (Forbidden Men #9)

When I gave him a death glare, letting him know he’d better double check my man or he was going to suffer, he sighed and pulled a pen flashlight from his front pocket.

But Colton winced and held up a hand, shaking his head. “I’m fine. Really. Just crashing after the adrenaline rush.”

His gaze turned beseechingly to me, so I nodded.

“Okay, we’ll go,” I said softly. Wrapping my arm around his waist, I sent the paramedic one last defiant glare and then led Colton away.

Once we were away from the hoopla of emergency vehicles with their flashing lights, he sighed and leaned more heavily against me. “I’m sorry. I just wanted to take you out to eat.”

“Oh, stop,” I chided. “You didn’t do anything wrong. You defended me and that kind of makes you my hero right now.”

“I don’t think he broke my nose.” He reached up to dab tenderly at the side of it. “But it hurts like a motherfucker. I’m going to down about half a bottle of painkillers when I get home.”

I looked up at him, worried anew. “Are you sure you don’t have a concussion?”

“I’m fine, baby doll.” He kissed my temple. “Just ready to go home.” Pausing, he sent me an uneasy glance. “Would I be a total dick if I went home now?”

My apartment building had just come into view and I could see where he’d parked his truck from here. My instinctive answer was to clutch him tighter and beg him to stay. I didn’t want him to leave…ever. Plus, I wanted to keep watch over him in case he really did have a concussion.

But I nodded and said, “Go home, baby. Get some sleep.”

He nodded, looking like he might fall asleep before he made it there. “I’ll see you to your door.”

But I resisted. “No. Your truck is right here. You don’t have to walk me all the way back inside and out again.”


“Colton.” My voice was stern. “You’re in pain. Go home.”

After a reluctant sigh, he nodded and closed his eyes briefly. “I’ll text when I get home to make sure you made it safely inside.”

I smiled and rolled my eyes, but said, “Okay, thank you,” because I wanted to make sure he made it home all right, too.

We paused at his driver’s side door and he hugged me, resting his cheek on the top of my head. “I know this probably won’t make you feel any better, but I don’t think everyone is like that drunk douche or those gossipy bitches at the restaurant. Most people weren’t bothered at all by us being together.”

I sighed and stroked his arm. “I know,” I answered, but yeah, it didn’t really make me feel any better. Not tonight anyway.

“I think putting up with a couple assholes is worth it, though,” he said quietly enough that I could barely hear him. “Because this is going somewhere,” he added before pulling away and opening his door.

I lifted my head and gaped at him as he climbed into his truck and started the engine. He finally glanced at me through the window and blew me a kiss. Then he backed out of his parking spot and drove off.

Still in a daze over his admission, I walked blindly to my apartment. After I unlocked my door and went inside, I touched my lips as if he’d physically kissed me goodbye with those words and I could still feel the impact of them on my mouth.

It was more than just sex for him too.

Oh my God, it was more than just sex for him too!

Even after the crappiness we’d experienced tonight, I wanted to laugh and dance and share my news with the world. Colton liked me for more than just sex.

Muffled voices came from the kitchen, so I started that way without thought. I wanted to celebrate with my besties.

Tyla was asking, “Where’s JuJu?” when I reached the opening.

“Probably with Colton again,” Sasha answered, just as Theo snorted.

“Are you fucking kidding me? She’s still seeing that white douchebag?”

I had opened my mouth to call a greeting, but closed it at his question, not wanting to deal with any more of that tonight. The two couples were gathered around the counter where three boxes of pizza from the corner store lay spread open as they hovered and ate.

Feeling extra and unneeded and not wanting to listen to Theo make any more cracks about Colton, I began to back away.

But Theo snorted. “Guess this proves white guys are resistant to the cold.”

I paused, frowning. Huh?

“Why’s that?” Chad asked, his mouth full of pepperoni and cheese.

Theo shrugged. “I mean, he’s gotta be. That or he’s fine with freezing his nuts off every time he sticks his dick in her ice cold, igloo pussy.”

As a part of me shut down to avoid feeling any kind of pain, Tyla gasped and walloped him on the arm. “Theodore Jamal Richmond! What the fucking hell?”

“Well, it’s true!” Theo cried, ducking and lifting his arm when Tyla went for his face next.

“That is not true at all.”

“Oh, shit.” Chad had finally noticed me in the doorway, his next bite of pizza frozen halfway to his mouth.

Sasha glanced over and gasped, slapping her hands over her mouth.