Confessions of a Bad Boy

“Jesus! How clueless do you think I am, Nate? Just because I goof around with you doesn’t mean I’m a complete clown.”

“You’re right, I’m sorry.”

Jessie smiles her forgiveness. “Besides, if you want to worry about coming across maturely, you might want to stop giving your boss’s wife the ‘eyes.’”

“I wasn’t giving her the eyes.”

“Ha! You definitely were. You were smoldering at her.”

“Smoldering? I wasn’t smoldering.”

“You do it every time you find someone attractive. You can’t help it.”

I stop dead in my tracks, and run a hand across my eyes in bemusement, before starting to walk again.

“What the hell does that even mean? I wouldn’t even know how to ‘smolder’!”

“Sure you do,” Jessie says, enjoying my confusion. “You lower your head a bit…narrow your eyes…press your lips together to get all those lines in your jaw working. Like this,” she says, casting her version of it in my direction.

“Whoa! I do not do that.”

Jessie’s laughing so much now she can barely get words out. “You do, Nate. It’s like you’re auditioning for a cologne ad. You’ve done that look for as long as I’ve known you.”

“Your room,” the porter says, interrupting politely as he gestures to the door.

After staring doubtingly at Jessie’s broad smile for another second I wave the conversation away and step through the door.

“Oh my God,” Jessie gasps.

The place is even nicer than our expectations. Light, wood-paneled walls and flooring, accented with the big white puffiness of the couch cushions and bed, all of it accented by the soft, pale gold sunlight that pours in from the large balcony alongside the room. All of it looks almost too perfect, too clean and wonderful to actually use.

“I guess this is what the hotel rooms in heaven look like.”

“I know, right?” Jessie says through an awe-struck smile.

“Will that be all?” the porter asks behind us.

“Oh, yes. Thank you very much,” Jessie replies. “Wait. What’s your name?”

A flash of surprise appears on the porter’s face.

“Me? Um…Jason.”

“I’m Tessa. This is Nate.”

The porter glances at me, then back at Jessie, before nodding awkwardly. I turn to look at Jessie, a weird sense of jealousy tightening my glare at the slightly lingering look between the two of them.

“Nice to meet you,” Jason says, forcing a feeble smile.

“You too,” Jessie says, as he turns away. She looks at me and notices my ever-so-slightly jealous gaze. “What?” she says, shrugging. “The guy wheeled our bags here, the least you can do is know his name.”

“I’m not complaining. I think it’s very cool.”

She moves across the room, and I completely forget about the interior decorating – no room in the world could distract me from a body like hers. The athleticism and sexiness of her movements, the pleasing way the fabric of her top stretches over her breasts. Somewhere inside of me a beast roars, a volcano rumbles. I feel a hunger that goes way deeper than the desire to bite and suck on her lips. My hands itch at the prospect of tracing the lines of her lower back, my body edgy with the need to press her tight against me.

“There’s only one bed,” I say, pretending that I’m not keenly focused on Jessie’s reaction.

“That’s cool,” she says, still gazing around the room like it’s a museum. “I can sleep on the couch.”

Before I can tell her I don’t mind sharing she walks out onto the balcony, the open air seeming to highlight every cock-pulling curve, every blood-warming movement of her body. She leans over the railing, her ass rolling backward, and I almost start panting. My imagination runs wild as I visualize myself moving towards her, towards it. Cupping her ass in my hands, pressing the unbearable sweetness of her rear against me, taking my time as I run my hands up her top and lean in to— “Oh my God, Nate! You have to check out this view! Nate? Are you okay?”

“Uh…yeah,” I mumble, as she reenters the room. “Just feeling a little hot.”

I slide off my jacket and toss it to the side as I go to my bag, forcing myself not to look at her.

“Really? I think it’s really nice and cool in here. Should I turn on the a/c?”

“Maybe I just need a drink.”

“I’m sure they have a well-stocked bar downstairs. Ooh! And fancy cocktails!”

Her excitement is contagious in a way that makes me wanna take her in my arms and give her something else to squeal about, so I force myself to look away. “I would think so.”

“Awesome. Let’s go before dinner. I’ll go take a shower now.”

Does she realize what she’s doing to me?

“Sure. I’ll take one after you.”

J. D. Hawkins's books