Confessions of a Bad Boy

I laugh so hard I nearly smack my head on the dash from doubling over.

“Really, Nate? How long are you planning to keep that lie up?”

Nate looks out of the windshield.

“Well, me and Tessa have been a happy couple for a few years now. No reason why it can’t go on for many more.” He looks at me and chuckles. “Tessa’s a good woman. She’s stuck by me through all the late nights and hard times.”

“Of course,” I smile. “Does she wear little plaid dresses and bake you apple pies too, this sexist archetype of yours?”

“It’s not an archetype. She’s just…old fashioned. But she also likes her independence.”

We both laugh a little more, until the good mood drains out of us and is replaced by the quiet emptiness of the end of this little adventure.

“Anyway, I should get going.” I hoist my purse onto my shoulder and reach for the door handle. “Thanks for the shake. And everything else.”

Nate nods. “Give me a call. I always miss hanging out with you when we finally do.”

“Yeah,” I smile. “Me too. Listen, don’t tell Kyle about…what happened. Please?”

“You know I won’t.”

“You’re the best. I really appreciate it, Nate.”

“It’s nothing. Just…try not to drive yourself into the dust. Your brother’s at least right about that.”

“Yeah. I know. As soon as I have another option, I’ll take it.”

“I know you will. See you, Jessie.”

“Bye, Nate.”

I slam his door shut and he waves as he eases his car around in a U-turn and drives way too fast back down the street. I don’t move for a few seconds, staring blankly as his car disappears over the horizon. A soft sensation of yearning suddenly blossoms inside of me, as if I already kind of miss him, as if something was left unsaid.

Then I remember that this is a man with a random woman’s underwear in his glovebox, and turn back home.



They say it’s the things you don’t do that you end up regretting. Now think about all the things you never do because you settled down, or God forbid, got married. All the places you never went, the people you never met, the dreams you never fulfilled… For what? So that you can be sure that when you go home, somebody’s waiting there for you? So that you don’t have to worry about dying alone?

I know what you’re all going to say. Don’t bother sending me the same comments. ‘It’s love, it’s companionship, it’s loyalty, you just don’t get it, Bad Boy.’ Right. So how’s that working out for you all, then? Have you seen the divorce rates lately? The truth is that I do get it. The alternative to settling down is actually living your life – and that’s fucking scary for a lot of people. That’s why most of you are watching this channel in the first place. It ain’t easy living like me, sleeping with beautiful women every night of the week, taking things one second at a time, searching for that one beautiful connection, then throwing it away the morning after – but I’ll tell you this: It’s pretty fucking awesome.

But everyone’s different, right? Every situation specific. Some of the emails you guys send me are so hopeless, like you’ve given up. Well, that’s why I’m going to answer some of them right now, during my weekly advice vlog…

As the elevator doors open I check my watch – only half an hour late. Big improvement. At this rate I might even ask for a raise soon. I step beside Chloe’s desk and lean against it, picking up a magazine she laid aside.

“You seem like you’re in a good mood this morning,” Chloe smirks. “Who was she?”

“‘She’ was a glass of Scottish malt and a good night’s sleep.” It’s not technically a lie, but it leaves out the adrenaline rush I always get after uploading the latest Bad Boy vlog.

Chloe eyes me over her thick-rimmed glasses.

“Right,” she says, returning her gaze to her computer screen. “And I didn’t binge-watch trashy reality TV shows until three in the morning.”

“You should have told me, we could have shared the bottle.”

Chloe shakes her head, but she smiles as she does so.

“And then one of us would have to look for another job. No thanks.”

“Do you really think all I do is sleep with women every night?”

Chloe pulls her glasses down a little and looks at me.

“No. Not always at night. Sometimes you sneak them in here during your lunchbreak.”

My smile drops like a stone.

“Don’t worry, Nate. Your secret’s safe with me. But you should be more careful. I think the cleaning lady is up to three lost earrings, a half-dozen fake nails, and a lace thong.”

I sigh and look over towards the office.

“I really should do something about these women leaving their underwear behind.”

“Anyway,” Chloe says, pushing her glasses back up her nose and checking her pad, “Will left a message. He wants to speak to you. Good news, it sounded like.”

“Great. Can you tell him to meet me at Blake’s, the bar near his place?”

“Can do. Oh, and the boss wants to see you in his office.”

J. D. Hawkins's books