Chosen One (Forever Evermore #6)

Lush, warm lips curved against mine, one husky demand. “Say it.”

I tilted my head back, pressing my lips firmly to his slightly smiling ones, and managed to stare down my nose at him, stating gruffly, “Please, my manipulative asshole.”

He chuckled quietly, the sound vibrating against my lips, his sweet hot breath fanning in a duel seductive touch. “Why, of course, my spirit bitch.” His eyes dipped down to my mouth, tone gravelly. “I’ve been dying to kiss you for weeks now.” Eyes flicked up to mine, a twinkle in his dilated dark eyes, grinning a bit, stating on a whisper, “I would have done it without the please.”

“Oh, you goddamn,” But, then I stopped griping. A soft moan taking its place as his lush lips pressed against mine, gentle and coaxing, our lips melding seamlessly. Fire erupted from the kindling flame inside me, and I groaned heavily, holding his curls tighter, stroking his lips fervently, needing him like I need air, but his touch stayed gentle, and I ordered against his lips, “More…”

“No,” he whispered, gliding his tongue softly into my mouth, touching mine on an easy slide, rubbing sensually, my core heating, producing a wet warmth between my thighs before his tongue retreated. He nibbled on my bottom lip, tugging gently. “Your doctor said no strenuous activity, so this is going to have to be,” an unhurried stroke of his tongue against mine, “slow,” a gentle brush of his lips, “and soft.”

I blinked my eyes open, staring up at him. “We don’t do slow and soft.” Hell, I had never done that with anyone.

He grinned against my mouth, his free hand cupping my cheek, his thumb rubbing gently on my jaw. “Yet.” He tilted his head, eyes closing slowly, curls brushing my cheeks as his lips continued stroking mine gently before opening them to speak against my slightly parted mouth. “Just because we haven’t before, doesn’t mean we can’t try, and if that’s what it takes to be with you, inside you, I’m sure as hell going to put forth the effort.”

Ever so gradually, I blinked. “If the alternative means I don’t get my badass wolf man, then I’m game to try.” I grinned when his wolf growled quietly, a contented sound. “Your wolf likes that, huh?”

His wolf huffed gently, but Cain stated on a quiet purr, “Regrettably, so does the man.”

His lids dipped closed as I chuckled quietly, glimpsing that banked hatred again, but his lips were so damn gentle against mine as I cupped his cheek, feeling his strong jaw move as he opened his mouth, sliding his tongue in to meet mine. Licking and curling and loving my mouth so skilfully I trembled under him, giving back as good as I got. Hopefully. Because he deserved a damn prize for his talented mouth that had me on fire for him, pressing my core against his massive, hard cock, rubbing slowly against him, not able to do more, feeling a slight twinge of pain in my stomach that eventually ebbed to barely recognizable the more my mind swirled in pure craving.

Groaning over me, the sound a deep rumble, he nibbled down my jaw, biting gently but firmly, grabbing my undulating hip, fingers digging into my soft flesh, his own body tight with need, and ordered gruffly, “None of that.” A gentle glide of his tongue where his teeth had been. “I’ll lose my control if you keep that up.”

“Lose it,” I mumbled on a groan as he sucked on my neck softly, then more forcefully. I blinked lethargically up to the ceiling, tugging on the hand he still held. “I won’t mind.”

“No.” His voice was half wolf, nibbling over my shoulder. “I’m not going to hurt you.” He released my hand, but his fingers slowly ran down the underside of my forearm, following the curve, gliding over my bicep, my shoulder…lower…I moaned heavily, arching a smidge into his light touch. One finger softly circled around my pebbled nipple, almost touching where I needed it, the barest of a ghost touch from his heat, my breasts heavy and swollen, wanting to be palmed and squeezed with a harder touch. He kissed and licked, the gentlest of brushes down the center of my chest, whispering, “Do you want me to touch you here?” His thumb, the barest of touches, flicked over my nipple, and I cried out in need, my head arching back, chest pumping in yearning. “Is that what you want, honey?”

“Yes,” I panted, running my hands over his shoulders, trying to push him where I wanted him. “God, yes.”

“You know what I want…”

There was no stopping it. “Please.”

“Mmm,” he peered up under hooded lids, his eyes glowing like mine, and licked his lips slowly, eyes on my mouth, then to my gaze, “I like that word on your lips almost as much as I like hearing you scream my name in pleasure.” His eyes dipped to my tortured nipple, and he purred, “And since I’m a greedy bastard, I believe I want both.” His thumb flicked my nipple again, a jolt of desire directly connected with my core, my hips rising with the motion, and I grunted, gritting my teeth, breathing harshly. Navy blue, shimmering eyes back to mine, and he purred a quiet order, “Both, honey. I want both.” He dipped his head; his mouth parted over my nipple, and breathed out a moist, hot breath just over my tender, aching flesh.

I sucked in a harsh breath, arching, crying in need, “Please, Cain!”

Groaning heavily, his wolf growling loudly, his teeth latched onto my nipple, biting just hard enough. I screamed, holding his head close as he palmed the underside of my breast, his soft lips suckling greedily, a fierce pull on my puckered nipple, even as his other palm slid behind my back, holding me steady, not allowing me to squirm under him. My hips still moved against him, though, in an uncontrollable need to be filled, and his wolf growled quietly as he released my nipple to suckle my neglected breast. He moaned quietly as I gripped his hair tighter, his tongue rubbing around my nipple in slow, steady strokes. “Fuck, I’ve missed you,” he panted heavily against my breast, his fingers slowly sliding down my stomach, uncannily, and carefully, missing my healing mark, to slip past my belly button, gliding farther down, my hips lifting for his touch. “These past weeks have been hell.”

“Mmm-hmm,” I murmured in a daze of sensual pleasure of pure need. “Your scent and heat have been driving me mad.”

“Good,” he muttered, fingers digging into my back, nibbling the soft vulnerable flesh on the side of my breast. “Because your sweet body has me hard every night knowing you’re right next to me, but I can’t touch you.” I trembled, crying out when his fingers gently parted my swollen flesh, dipping, running over my clit to my core.